Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

P posted this over in S&T:


These guys tolerated the work environment because of the amount they're paid. **** principle.
Serious question. What will boycotting do to change starlings views as a racist because that is what the issue is here ?
Millionaire athletes deserve to have some dignity as well, no one should feel they have to work for a person like this, and if these people are suppose to be role models when it comes to everything else this is a chance to show the world and the youth to stand up not only for themselves but what is right. Bring some character, and principle back to a society that seems to have lost it, and is filled with people with your mindset.

good post.
I listened to what Bo said on LeBatard's show earlier and all he had to do was drop the mic and walk away. He was dead on.
Bro...I'm not even gonna pretend I knew about all the stuff sterling was doing. My brother mentioned it to me earlier this year that the clippers owner was racist, never really thought anything of it( I hate the clippers anyways). But got damn, that bomani clip was wild, never knew dude was doing all that stuff, or even who he was. He's 100% right though. 100%
Sterling shouldn't be allowed to own a team.

Because, while players should be held accountable and not work for such a deplorable human being...at the end of the day, money talks, and we're all slaves to money.

So even, if he was spurned by all superstars, there would be role players willing to accept superstar money to fill his roster, and if not them, then d-leaguers would jump at the opportunity.

The only way for the league to avoid the ugly appearance of allowing a team owner to profit from the work of blacks, while openly calling them inferior is to remove ownership from said individual.
I was surprised that the NBA did nothing at all with that housing situation. Even the whole Elgin Baylor saga 
Let's just make this clear, the players and NBA knew what he was about and let it go. The reason the situation is what it is now is because it's now public and when I say public I mean "in the headlines". Any action taken place by the NBA is just to appease the public. They make their money, they don't care
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Let's just make this clear, the players and NBA knew what he was about and let it go. The reason the situation is what it is now is because it's now public and when I say public I mean "in the headlines". Any action taken place by the NBA is just to appease the public. They make their money, they don't care
True enough. Its business as usual.  But its actually good that it surfaced in such an open manner.  Now the league is forced to deal with it, and set a precedent for others in the NBA that prejudice will not be tolerated.  

This is a watershed moment for the league.  Are you going to take a hardline stance and say: we foster an inclusive environment where everyone is encouraged to become a part of our association and all human beings regardless of their particular contribution to the success of the league are treated with dignity, or hand him a slap on the wrist and virtually acquiesce to his bigotry.
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Everyone should take 12 min out if your time and listen to Bomani Jones spit the Gospel Truth about this whole thing.

100% spot on

Doc knew full well about Sterling's past. He even played for the Clippers. Dont get on your soapbox now Doc.

Like I said before, this is the steroid era all over again. EVERYONE turned a blind eye on this for so many years until the manure finally hit the fan. 
Bomani def hit it right on the nail, and I'm sure he'll be only one in media to place Sterling in that context. Props to him though for speaking the truth
Everyone should take 12 min out if your time and listen to Bomani Jones spit the Gospel Truth about this whole thing.

100% spot on

Doc knew full well about Sterling's past. He even played for the Clippers. Dont get on your soapbox now Doc.

Like I said before, this is the steroid era all over again. EVERYONE turned a blind eye on this for so many years until the manure finally hit the fan. 

Dudes were more worried about this scumbag getting"setup" by a chick than the real damage he has done in the past

I couldnt be happier to see this clown getting the attention he should've gotten years ago
At the end of the day I don't think anything is going to happen, owners aren't going to vote to oust this guy because doing such a thing makes them susceptible to being ousted themselves. They might come out and make public statements shunning Sterling but behind closed doors they aren't going to support an act that threatens their sovereignty as business owners.
At the end of the day I don't think anything is going to happen, owners aren't going to vote to oust this guy because doing such a thing makes them susceptible to being ousted themselves. They might come out and make public statements shunning Sterling but behind closed doors they aren't going to support an act that threatens their sovereignty as business owners.

He's gonna be suspended indefinitely and be forced to sell the team.

No stars are gonna play for him.
yeah, this has passed the point of no return.

something's going to happen. dude is dunzo.

and Barkley on point again :nthat:
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so his punishment will be selling a team that he spent 13 million on for close to a bill? the bucks were just sold for 550 million. What value do you think the clippers will bring? so at the end of the day sterling will make a ton of money off of this. and not for nothing i doubt he is the only racist in the league, and that goes for blacks too. the detroit pistons said if larry bird was a black guy he'd be 'just another black player'. And he is going to turn around and sue this thot for blackmail.
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