Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Why not do something that would actually hurt him.... Like force him to sell the team at the price he originally paid for it... and donate the remaining $700 million to charity...

Because they can't do that, that's absurd to even remotely suggest. They don't have the legal authority to impose such a thing.

You're not thinking practically.
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Why not do something that would actually hurt him.... Like force him to sell the team at the price he originally paid for it... and donate the remaining $700 million to charity...
Force someone to donate 700 million dollars...how in the world would this be legal?
Why not do something that would actually hurt him.... Like force him to sell the team at the price he originally paid for it... and donate the remaining $700 million to charity...

How exactly do you pull this off legally?

I'm sure there are plenty of rules in the NBA and other sports bylaws that goes against common law...

I know it's the cool thing to do to have the last word, but sometimes you have to accept when you're being unreasonable and just stop.
Why not do something that would actually hurt him.... Like force him to sell the team at the price he originally paid for it... and donate the remaining $700 million to charity...
How exactly do you pull this off legally?
I'm sure there are plenty of rules in the NBA and other sports bylaws that goes against law...
Why in the world are you sure of that?

That would be incredibly insane for someone to make a multimillion/billion dollar investment and sign a contract where they could have it taken from them if they say something immoral. They would protect themselves from that.
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No? So you're telling me that a football game is 60 minutes worth of laws being broken :wink:

What laws are being broken? They're all there consensually. 0]

Yo pass that spliff man I gotta try me some of what you're smoking right now.

What's next? You're going to tell me that MMA fighters are breaking the law too?
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No? So you're telling me that a football game is 60 minutes worth of laws being broken :wink:

What laws are being broken? They're all there consensually. 0]

Yo pass that spliff man I gotta try me some of what you're smoking right now.

Just because someone gives consent doesn't mean its "legal" for the record.

I didn't come here to argue... I respect all your opinions, I'm just saying Sterling won... whether you guys believe it or not.
what else could they have done?

-Suspend the playoffs.
-Players should refuse to play until Sterling sells the team to minority owners.
-Investigate and interview each NBA owner and their top executives for racism and discriminatory practices.
-Give back every cent to the fans that purchased a ticket, NBA league pass, cable tv, NBA gear, etc, this season.
-NBA should also boycott companies like Nike, Adidas, etc whom uses child labor

This would make it a good day but... wait a minute.. what am I talking about?

yea...what the hell are you talking about...lol
Just because someone gives consent doesn't mean its "legal" for the record.

I didn't come here to argue... I respect all your opinions, I'm just saying Sterling won... whether you guys believe it or not.


it's all sanctioned sir. nothing illegal about football hits, MMA, boxing etc....

you're being absurd sir. at this point I'm not sure if you're just trolling.

I've heard a lot of convoluted arguments, but this one takes the cake.
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No? So you're telling me that a football game is 60 minutes worth of laws being broken

What laws are being broken? They're all there consensually.

Yo pass that spliff man I gotta try me some of what you're smoking right now.

Just because someone gives consent doesn't mean its "legal" for the record.

I didn't come here to argue... I respect all your opinions, I'm just saying Sterling won... whether you guys believe it or not.
How...he's been publically shamed, lost sponsorships, banned from being associated at all with a team he owns, and might be forced to sell when he doesn't want to.

In what way did he win?
Yes. Money aside, I know the power that he lost must be pissing him off. Life was so simple until this happened. Money will fill the void for sure but there is no way he is going to enjoy life like he once did. Dude wears a scarlet letter now.
No? So you're telling me that a football game is 60 minutes worth of laws being broken :wink:

What laws are being broken? They're all there consensually. 0]

Yo pass that spliff man I gotta try me some of what you're smoking right now.

Just because someone gives consent doesn't mean its "legal" for the record.

I didn't come here to argue... I respect all your opinions, I'm just saying Sterling won... whether you guys believe it or not.

How...he's been publically shamed, lost sponsorships, banned from being associated at all with a team he owns, and might be forced to sell when he doesn't want to.

In what way did he win?

He was given more Power to commit more heinous acts that no minorities outside of Los Angeles or the NBA even care about until Saturday morning.

If you thought he owned too much property in Los Angeles before this, wait until he receives that $800 million dollar check from the league.

He won.
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and on the subject of black jews vs white.... i posted this in the s&t but a mod deleted it soon after

:wow: This is what I'm trying to get at but having some trouble explaining it! This is apart of what me and my brother was talking about. @DLee23 @JuliusFWrek

There is also another video where a Jewish man says similar stuff to what Sterling was saying according to my brother. He's been trying to get me to watch it but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

He says in the other video this Jewish guy says a lot of similar stuff, like how the black vs white Jews are sworn enemies and this secret culture or whatever and how it always was and will always be this way. Some real episodic stuff.

I think it goes a lot deeper than we know. I will try to post the other video later on tonight.
Sterling did not win.

He will forever be known as a racist even years n years after his death.
Exactly. To the locals, we know what kind of a person he is. Friends who worked for his firm used to say how frugal he is. They bounced after they got some experience. This is now on a national scale or even global. Prior to this, no one outside of LA really know the type of person he is.

:lol: y'all just can't ignore laws like that
I listened to Hov's 99 Problems though.

The Clippers' potential to produce profits is huge. By cutting Sterling out now and pay him the face value of the team, it unallows him to ride out on the gravy train. The team is now very marketable and I've believed all home games have been sold out for the last two seasons. Potential is definitely more than $700M that the team is worth.
what else could they have done?

-Suspend the playoffs.
-Players should refuse to play until Sterling sells the team to minority owners.
-Investigate and interview each NBA owner and their top executives for racism and discriminatory practices.
-Give back every cent to the fans that purchased a ticket, NBA league pass, cable tv, NBA gear, etc, this season.
-NBA should also boycott companies like Nike, Adidas, etc whom uses child labor

This would make it a good day but... wait a minute.. what am I talking about?
Why not do something that would actually hurt him.... Like force him to sell the team at the price he originally paid for it... and donate the remaining $700 million to charity...
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