Legit Check: Lebron 9 South Beach - worried

Jul 29, 2012
Hey everyone, so I have been lusting after the Lebron 9 PS Elite South Beaches for a while. Lucky for me, my girl bought them for me on craigslist for some decent coin. The buyer seemed really legit and had a proof of purchase receipt, original box, etc. The shoe looks completely legit with all of the insane amount of details (special laces, etc.) and no else can see any defects, etc.

However, I just started wearing them out and I noticed my white sock had a little bit of teal dye on it from the soles. I don't know if this is normal or if it might be from some countefeits. Can someone confirm if that's ever happened to them and also if my shoes look legit?

This is causing me a lot of worry given how expensive they were. Thanks for any help.
it's legit, based on the shape and carbon fiber looks. there is one very good lebron 9 miami vice counterfeit but easily can be spotted at the lockdown tab (the fake one has darker pink colour on it)

if u want to make sure take a good pic of it and post it and also the box will be helpful

based on second pic i'm pretty sure that's a legit one. nice PU btw
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Thanks for the response. I'm not sure what you mean by the lock down tab but I took some more pics (plus the box). I noticed the pink tab (lockdown tab?) Are slightly different color pink, don't know if that is by design. Let me know what you think.
definitely a legit pair. like winzzzz said, it all comes down to the quality of the carbon fiber. if its suspect, then theyre probably fake. here you have a 100 percent legit pair
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