Fam for the record I go to the gym and wear form fitting clothes most of the time. Unfortunately most people don't. You really want to see a fat dude rocking one of these?

I wasn't trying to call you out personally, but you're right, alot of the complaints I saw on the Warriors facebook post were the same ones who wear those dress sized NFL jerseys to cover themselves up. It's hilarious how jerseys by the same companies fit different overseas...European/Asian Nike medium shirts fit like American youth XL shirts in the torso :lol:
I didn't want to pass too much judgement, until I saw them on the court. After seeing that pic with Klay + Jack + Barnes, these uni's look fugly. I don't like the fact that they are different shades of yellow either.

Who knows, I might learn to like it?
klay's shot selection 
Warriors are in DEEP trouble loosing 5 in a row. They don't look like a team in the last 5 games, thompson look like ****. Too many TO's not rebounding, looking lethargic. Like they have stopped playing with the intensity they had before. The all star game could not come at a better time.
obviously, w's werent as good as they were when they started, but they arent as bad as they looked recently
if bogut isnt healthy, he shouldnt be on the floor
I keep telling myself that we are a good team.....that Bogut still isnt up to speed....that Jack is one of if not the most important player on this team.....that we are just in a funk.

I dont know.

The Warriors have trained and conditioned me to expect the worst. As good as we were playing in the beginning of the season, and as much as I was thoroughly enjoying it, in the front of my mind I was waiting the other shoe to drop. Any bit of success is always clouded with the expectation of failure in the near future.

I really hope this is just a bad streak and we will be ok.

The life of a Warriors fan. :smh:
Looking at those jerseys again, it looks terrible.

Looks like pajamas or something and a tee-shirt for up top.
They had the jerseys and shorts on display in the team store last night :x they look even worse up close
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I just hope that these sleeved jerseys dont catch on and they are in the same category as the synthetic basketball.

I also hope that when we finally move to San Francisco, we can get rid of the jerseys we currently have and design something better. I still think that having Golden State AND Warriors on the front of the jersey is ******ed and unnecessary.
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