Look what this dude's girlfriend did to him (pics)

damn! I How did she not get arrested after this?  I feel sorry for dude.  I want to ask him what caused her to do this to him in the first place. 
Damn got bruh looking like a walking dead zombie.
That's fugged up.

Choke that ***! (garden tool)
He's an idiot if he doesn't sue or press charges against her.

We're all witness to her abuse. If his claim of never putting a hand on her are true, then evidence for her claims will be nonexistent (no police reports/medical bills/etc), meaning her threats are hollow. Courts can't do ishh without evidence.

So yeah, again, he's an idiot he he doesn't press charges.


Wow.. No charges?!?! Not enough evidence?!? Chicks call the police all the time and get dudes arrested because they have a black eye. I would have put hands on her.
I have a buddy who had an ex punch him in the face WHILE he was driving and she was in the passenger seat. He said he made her get out and walk home from where ever they were and they broke up soon after. But this happened to him a few times where she got physical with him and he did nothing.
Crazy :smh:. I'd do whatever I can to make sure some charges stick. However, I'm sure she has shown signs of crazy before. He didn't drop her *** in enough time.
yo i woulda have threw the ****** stove at that bish. i mean looking at the pic gets me mad


she should have been touched. or call the female goons in to do some work
Bruh that's real ****** to the maximum
That broad foul man

But what did he do to get a plate thrown at him?

Doesn't matter what he did.

How did she not go to jail when all it takes is a tiny scratch / mark on a girls arm for a guy to get arrested
Unfortunately police don't look at female/male domestic violence in the same vain
I don't advocate violence to women but she would have been singing "r.i.p" or some Marshall mathers"bish ima kill you"
:lol: @ no one even asking why she threw the plate.
But is there a reason to throw a plate at someone's face????
And this is why men don't come out and say anything when their girl hits them because it makes a dude look weak
Granted we don't have all the info and stories always have three sides but this dudes face is split my dude
If this was a woman and a man threw a plate at her face, would we still be asking "Why he throw the plate tho?" NO! That man would be in jail on the spot and this would probably make headlines considering the damage to her face. These double standards in society make me sick. 
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If this was a woman and a man threw a plate at her face, would we still be asking "Why he throw the plate tho?" NO! That man would be in jail on the spot and this would probably make headlines considering the damage to her face. These double standards in society make me sick. 

women can pretty much get away with murder if it means up against a big bad MALE
back in the days my uncle slapped his ex girl with a plate it broke (didnt do this damage tho) and was locked up immediately
how is there not enough evidence?? the pics are there. the bills are there. get a better lawyer and sue for all shes worth.

disrepectful :smh:

no ***** i ever smash would ever get away with something like this
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