Look what this dude's girlfriend did to him (pics)

And they say there should never be a reason to hit a woman.

Rare that a woman poses a threat to a man, in this situation she does and the man has every right to put the threat down....more than anything I just think logical thinking goes our the window when you find yourself with your lip in two and with all rights, that woman is lucky.
Dude looked like a ralph lauren model...

Now he look like an extra from a horror movie.

Since when did plates start having razor blades attached to the ends?
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Rare that a woman poses a threat to a man, in this situation she does and the man has every right to put the threat down....more than anything I just think logical thinking goes our the window when you find yourself with your lip in two and with all rights, that woman is lucky.

I honestly think it would work if you did it as a reflex, but not to the point you kill her. Your reflex would still have to be less severe though, sadly. Like a one hitter quitter.
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He should of beat her and went to jail. Free medical care
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