LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Marvin Candle is Miles pops...I'm callin it...
so its clear that all them that returned to do research was once on the island
so they went back in time? and from how he said "again" they will jump sometime soon................i have a feeling my head will be hurtin soon
Damn, So island history is repeating itself...

So does Ben not being on the island alter history? Does the purge still happen?
lol Anorxorcist, perfect ,gif for the stitution, i have a feeling this season is going to be like that movie Vanilla Sky, i was lost during that entire movietill the end lol
i have the feeling that lock is going to change the future, and stop boone from climbing up to that plane
Yeah I see a headache coming on after the second flash. I wish they went all the way back to the Pirate ship that'd be interesting...
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