Low Wage Mc Donalds Worker Beats Woman In Front Of Her Own Child - Bystanders do NOTHING

All I see is a regular YouTube fight. Granted it was wrong to do it in front of her kid but its nothing we don't see on the regular. I haven't read through the thread yet but o don't wanna be the guy but yea. And the whole low wage worker **** was... Yea nvm
I think it's funny that some folks are surprised when others catch a beat down because of something that was said. I think a lot of people never learned that their mouth can get them in just as much trouble as laying their hands on someone. In no way am I justifying the workers actions but to keep it simple "talking **** can get you hit."
Yea it's crazy. We don't know the situation entirely, but to side with the woman getting beaten privy to the allegations made and confirmed by the woman beaten is a bit interesting......

The low wage part, interesting but entirely not surprising. Getting beat up in front of the child? So....

Some guys said they'd 2 piece the McD's worker if they were there.....isn't that worse than the girl laying hands on another person who spread rumors about them jeaopordizing their job? Putting your hands on a woman in which you have no insight into what has actually transpired between the two? :smh:

Would you guys accept a male disrespecting your mother or girl right in front of you? How much or what could they get away with saying? And when your mother or girl wants you to do something about the situation, what do you tell them?

And for the record, I don't condone nor condemn the situation because I don't know what went on entirely. Would it be preferred if they were able to talk it out? No doubt. Would have been even better if they were getting along laughing instead of spreading rumors and tearing each other down to begin with (although it may have been one-sided). Another great thing would have been if the lady could have taken her beaten and accepted the L. Receive what you put out. Natural law.

I don't condone kids witnessing their parents on the receiving end of violence either. But my kids witness their parents beaten down by the judge, police, drugs, societal quarantining of them, lack of resources, education, etc. so my compassion for seeing a kid witness his mom beat down due to her verbal maliciousness isn't may be quite lacking. Excuse me.
Man, this really shouldn't be about race.  Same **** happens between races and the biggest thing here was that the son had to witness it and obviously knew to try to defend her, plus the attacker said "You better get your son before I kick him in the ******* face too."  That was what was terrible.

I don't condone violence or think that it's justified to react like that but we don't know exactly what caused it, the telling her boss about an affair or whatever wasn't likely the whole story.  What made it really disgusting was the son being there, no kid should have to witness that regardless of what you think of the parent.  It's not necessarily other people's jobs to step in on a fight unless it really looks like someone is about to get killed (yeah, one punch can kill anyone but I'm talking about intent) but you'd like to think that someone would have the decency to keep the kid from seeing that.

I can't say I'm surprised NT lost sight of that and focused on the same old ******** though.
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I don't condone kids witnessing their parents on the receiving end of violence either. But my kids witness their parents beaten down by the judge, police, drugs, societal quarantining of them, lack of resources, education, etc. so my compassion for seeing a kid witness his mom beat down due to her verbal maliciousness isn't may be quite lacking. Excuse me.

do you actually have a child/children? gotjz gotjz
My dude must have had the worst childhood ever. Kids shouldn't be watching their mom get slapped up.
They need to make it so that the people recording this stuff and not doing anything are punished too
I forgot this is NT where more than half the dudes come from war battle fields so beating someone half to death is completely normal and fine. My fault........... :smh:
The sound of the child screaming and trying to help his mother is very upsetting

...but *** whoopins that bad usually don't happen over regular "gossip". They could've handled it like adults but as an adult you gotta know to pick your battles. Now ol girl has a broke schnoz and McDonalds girl will have to deal with the law. All for what? My heart goes out to the child but the 2 women are stupid
I forgot this is NT where more than half the dudes come from war battle fields so beating someone half to death is completely normal and fine. My fault........... :smh:

She got beat half to death? [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
This is the nail to the coffin to the pathetic low wage scum's chance of having a decent life. This ***** is going to suffer from the consequences of her actions her whole life.
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I honestly don't see the big deal.

And people saying they just "words" :rolleyes

We go to war over words.

People need to learn that "words" are probably the most powerful weapon we got.
Take away the kid and this is your average %%% whooping for running your mouth, and somewhere in the world right now someone's getting dropped for being out of line.
Im sayin. And we talking about girl punches here. And nobody being near death from female punches
You would have thought they were Tyson haymakers based on these comments.

If you've never been in a fight then I don't know what to tell you. If that makes you a better person than me so be it.
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This thread makes me wonder how NT would react if the races of the two women were switched. 
Y'all are right. Normal everyday stuff for you guys. Be bout dat life like Hannah Montana says y'all.
I don't think anyone is saying it's wrong to beat someone up for talking a ton of trash. But I'd never go fight someone with kids present (or parents). That's all people are saying. There is a time and place and that was neither.
I don't think anyone is saying it's wrong to beat someone up for talking a ton of trash. But I'd never go fight someone with kids present (or parents). That's all people are saying. There is a time and place and that was neither.

Spot on.

If a person runs their mouth and gets hands put on them its hard to feel sorry for the person who get beat up because they were running their mouth.

However like I stated before, street justice and street rules don't hold up in a court room when your facing assault charges.

Try telling a judge who has control over what your sentencing will be that "so and so was spreading rumors about me so I beat her up in front of her child" and see how he responds.
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