
Feb 6, 2011
Food for thought.
Maher's invocation of the "Kansas thesis" refers to the work of Thomas Frank, who recently published a new book (Pity the Billionaire).
The most ironic part of that clip is the guy with no teeth, he would never in his life vote democrat, but he uses food stamps to survive, a democratic ideal and initiative. 
Bill Maher is making the best "current event" news program in the world, and has for some time.
Mom dukes showed this to me the other day because she watches bill Maher a lot. 
I really could not believe this is real life...
All I could think when watching that was 'thank god I dont live in Mississippi.' Ignorance is beyond rampant down there
i did enjoy the guy who responded to the question of "why is mississippi the most conservative and poorest state?"
i also didn't particularly enjoy maher patronizing our citizens no matter how uneducated, poor, or ignorant they are. Reflects poorly on all of us.
" I deserve food stamps"

"I dont believe in Obama cares" but a lot of people in Mississippi need health care.

Some people need to look at the bigger picture. The bigger picture as in life

Good looking for posting that.
I could watch those Mississippians get interviewed all day.
I can't help but enjoy their crazy viewpoints, no matter how backwards they may be.

....let me just say that ive been living in mississippi since 2004. and that video was by no means a stretch of what it and people really do look like and how they feel down here.

....and i really was looking for the bias too.
Lol would love to venture there and see this for myself. Not that I don't believe it but it would be hilarious to see first hand.
I wonder which is worse, the people in this video or those of you who act like all Mississippians act like this
White people from Middle America are prolly the worst people on this entire planet.

These people have been abandoned economically and politically and coerced into thinking that minorities are the reason why their problems are so prevalent. You feel bad for them that they play into the notion that being white and believing in god will somehow bounce them out of poverty. This is something that those in political power and the Corporate elites have been geniuses at.
Interesting video. I've read it before in other articles, the brillantcy of the republican party is that they've tricked the poor of America to vote against their own social well being. Selling them this idea that any moment now they're gonna make it big and when that time comes you don't want the government all over your money, when in fact the democratic ideals would be most benefical to these people.
i rarely watch his show, but maher's show is always on point with engaging discussions. this post is much appreciated, because these i find myself asking the exact same thing. people look for progress, yet refuse to accept the method to go about achieving it. and thats been the main problem with this country, too many in this country have this conservative mindset (republicans pretty much) and they hold the country back. but they refuse to accept that as a truth, hence why so many of these politicians are voted into office yet can't tell the difference between abortion and plan B.

pelosi went around mississippi asking simple questions, and made every1 look bad. she didn't even reason or argue a point. she just asked questions. and you still got a perfect sense of the general conservative mindset. and its sad. lack of education along with strong conservative religious beliefs and rampant racism is what is driving this country down the tube.

maher's video shines light on the narrow mindedness of many people in the country...not everyone, but many. and until this is addressed, we will continue to have a dysfunctional gov't that can't decide on how to fix home, and structures its foreign and economic policies so that it benefits the few elite, and leaves the rest under the bus.

Originally Posted by Coogi Sweaters

White people from Middle America are prolly the worst people on this entire planet.
These people have been abandoned economically and politically and coerced into thinking that minorities are the reason why their problems are so prevalent. You feel bad for them that they play into the notion that being white and believing in god will somehow bounce them out of poverty. This is something that those in political power and the Corporate elites have been geniuses at.

not that i agreed with the statement anyways, but thats a real interesting argument.
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