
not that i agreed with the statement anyways, but thats a real interesting argument.

Not that I want to get into some heavy debate but why are these people so blindly and admittedly racist then? They were just born that way?

Racism is learned and conditioned in this country and has been from the very beginning by those in power. These people hang onto a hope that "the south shall rise again" which really means "whites back on top of the uppity negros and latinos and muslims etc".
They have been brainwashed into thinking that they arent apart of the same America that the people they criticize live in. They align themselves with Mitt Romney's, Santorums even though they are as far away from them as they are to being astronauts.

They've got those poor whites duped into voting against their own interests and will continue to do so as long as they can stay in power and collect checks from corporate interests.
 Thinking they're better people just cause they dont use welfare.
I find it funny how Mississippi is the one of the most conservative states in the U.S. and yet MS is the top of the list of states that receive the most Federal money.
They would rather die blind ,dumb,sick and white than live in a system arran by a black man how nobly stupid
Originally Posted by Coogi Sweaters

not that i agreed with the statement anyways, but thats a real interesting argument.

Not that I want to get into some heavy debate but why are these people so blindly and admittedly racist then? They were just born that way?

Racism is learned and conditioned in this country and has been from the very beginning by those in power. These people hang onto a hope that "the south shall rise again" which really means "whites back on top of the uppity negros and latinos and muslims etc".
They have been brainwashed into thinking that they arent apart of the same America that the people they criticize live in. They align themselves with Mitt Romney's, Santorums even though they are as far away from them as they are to being astronauts.

They've got those poor whites duped into voting against their own interests and will continue to do so as long as they can stay in power and collect checks from corporate interests.

that sounded confusing i meant the statement about white middle america being the worst, i don't agree with it. i just found your response to that interesting and had a lot of truth to it
Originally Posted by thacamel

I wonder which is worse, the people in this video or those of you who act like all Mississippians act like this

The people in the video.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

I find it funny how Mississippi is the one of the most conservative states in the U.S. and yet MS is the top of the list of states that receive the most Federal money.
That's pretty much the entire South.  
  Alabama is currently in a huge budget crisis b/c federal funds that they've relied on for the past few years are no longer available.  Yet I see Confederate flags flying and "NObama" bumper stickers everywhere I go.  Not to mention the very politicians who welcome the federal dollars do their best to paint Obama as the reason for the state's woes.  The level of hypocrisy and irony from the right wing down here is unparalleled, IMO. 
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