Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

As for the total destruction of Metroplois thing, I'd have to give Snyder and his team the benefit of the doubt. It might be a reach but all the stuff might have already been pre-determined as some sort of a plot device for the sequel. Again, I might just be looking too much into it but that's how I see it from my perspective.

And on Supes not even caring... this is still an origin movie. Dude is still trying to find his way into being a real hero. Some mistakes here and there. Similar to Bats in Begins. I say he gets a pass from me.
is there a reason why superman didnt get a full set of kryptonian armor from his dad? at the start of the movie it shows his dad wearing the same superman one piece (without the cape) before getting into his battle armor to fight zod and later in the movie we see that zod has the same style of one piece on under his armor, so why does superman only get a cape attached to his underware rather than a full set or armor
Simply a plothole -at the end of the day Supes has to be in his "traditional" costume, I suppose they could have made up some excuse like Kryptonians have to earn their armour through battle and that Kal-El hadn't proven himself yet so he only gets the base-layer, or maybe the armor was in another part of the ship, but yeah it wasn't really explained very well, you just have to take it with a pinch of suspension of disbelief. It was really just a way to introduce the suit more than anything, and in context with the rest of the film it worked well enough, more so than if Ma Kent had made it for him.

As soon as I saw the "Fate of your planet" trailer I knew Faora was going to be one of the highlights of the film, of course the fighting/SFX definitely helped and made her badass, but she still did a good job with her facial acting and the little dialogue she had -Antje Traue definitely a name to look out for in the future.
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is there a reason why superman didnt get a full set of kryptonian armor from his dad? at the start of the movie it shows his dad wearing the same superman one piece (without the cape) before getting into his battle armor to fight zod and later in the movie we see that zod has the same style of one piece on under his armor, so why does superman only get a cape attached to his underware rather than a full set or armor

Simply a plothole -at the end of the day Supes has to be in his "traditional" costume, I suppose they could have made up some excuse like Kryptonians have to earn their armour through battle and that Kal-El hadn't proven himself yet so he only gets the base-layer, or maybe the armor was in another part of the ship, but yeah it wasn't really explained very well, you just have to take it with a pinch of suspension of disbelief. It was really just a way to introduce the suit more than anything, and in context with the rest of the film it worked well enough, more so than if Ma Kent had made it for him.

I think since JorEl knows how strong Superman will be on Earth, he did say he will be a God to them (Earthlings), maybe he felt he didn't need the armor since he is already going to be invulnerable?
I think the destruction was really just the production team sitting down and saying "well, what would really happen if two super-powered beings went all out in a built up, urban area?" ...there's going to be an obscene amount of damage. At the end of the day, two Kryptonians slugging it out in a major city would basically be the equivalent as two normal humans having a massive scrap in Lego Land 

Edit: Yeah good point RFX, hadn't thought of that.
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As for the total destruction of Metroplois thing, I'd have to give Snyder and his team the benefit of the doubt. It might be a reach but all the stuff might have already been pre-determined as some sort of a plot device for the sequel. Again, I might just be looking too much into it but that's how I see it from my perspective.

And on Supes not even caring... this is still an origin movie. Dude is still trying to find his way into being a real hero. Some mistakes here and there. Similar to Bats in Begins. I say he gets a pass from me.

Agree. Kal/Clark just became Superman and has spent is entire life up to that point confused on what to do with himself while constantly being bullied and pushed around.

Now if it was Superman like 5-10 years after becoming Supes, I would understand the argument.
I don't buy the Superman is a rookie line of thinking. I think that's a piss poor, cop out excuse to explain the destruction.

That is probably the best excuse the writers/creative team/producers have at this point. If they play it right, they can probably spin this into why Superman needs the Justice League - to prevent this kind of loss of life/destruction from ever happening again.
Loved it Faora was AMAZING
- no kryptonite
- Superman threw more than one punch
- no Luthor
-no glasses till the end
- we see a fleshed out krypton.
They basically got rid of everything I complained about for the last 3 films. I do feel like the film was underacted greatly almost like DC & WB took everyone aside and said not to over do it because they need this succeed. Lois.Perry. coloniel. and zod all should've came with it. Standouts were crowe & faora. Zod def should have been written deeper especially his ideals, i almost felt like Zod and Faora should've switched some of their lines. But its an origin movie which means the 2nd one will be the best. No origin movie will ever be "the greatest" because we know that story so well...its what they do after that makes it great.
Spiderman 2. X2. The dark knight were amazing.. so much
that their predecessor's did suck!
I don't buy the Superman is a rookie line of thinking. I think that's a piss poor, cop out excuse to explain the destruction.

That is probably the best excuse the writers/creative team/producers have at this point. If they play it right, they can probably spin this into why Superman needs the Justice League - to prevent this kind of loss of life/destruction from ever happening again.

I'm not understanding how you wanted him to stop the loss of life/destruction? He actual took the time to rescue a guy in Smallville from dying. The rest of the time he was getting pummeled by Faora/NamEk or being targeted by the military.

Metropolis was already damn near in ruin by the time the fight with Zod occurred. Zod told him in that pre-fight speech that he would make him watch as he killed the humans 1 by 1 for taking his soul reason for living. I'm not seeing what you wanted him to do? By that point Zod already knew that his weakness was he valued human life so its not like Supes could have ran away and drew Zod away from there. Two beings of that magnitude fighting are bound to do that type of damage. There were always collateral deaths in the comics you just never saw them.
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I don't buy the Superman is a rookie line of thinking. I think that's a piss poor, cop out excuse to explain the destruction.

That is probably the best excuse the writers/creative team/producers have at this point. If they play it right, they can probably spin this into why Superman needs the Justice League - to prevent this kind of loss of life/destruction from ever happening again.

Why not buy the rookie thing though? He is a rookie after all. He was more human rather than a kryptonian at that point. He was unsure of himself, his heritage, his powers... everything.

I do agree on your second point. It's definitely going to be a plot device for any sequel/JL spinoff.
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Buddha, in one post can you just sum up what you think is wrong about the movie/why you think other movies are better? I'd like to be a bit more active in the conversation but some of the posts have side-tracked past the initial arguments and I'd rather not try to reorganize them myself. This way you can take a firm stance and maybe we can have a bit of back and forth. You also actually saw the movie, so it's not like you're a brick wall in this case. Thanks.
We were just talking about the kill scene not the entire movie. I was agreeing with some ppl talking about how Supes killed Zod and said this
just saw the was good but i thought it would be better.

did he really kill the guy by just snapping his neck? :smh:

Why not? They are of the same strength, it can even be argued that Superman is stronger just being exposed to the yellow sun his whole life.

In the comic book Kingdom Come, though not canon, Superman has absorbed so much yellow sun that kryptonite had no more effect on him.
It's not so much all of those details and info. It's just that they were slamming each other through buildings for 30+ minutes and getting hit with eye lasers, brushing off missile and other attacks but a very human kill move did the job.

I can see why ppl would want something more than that. Most ppl aren't simply aware that Supes was probably holding back given how much more yellow sun he's absorbed.
and this:
It's still a neck snap though, minus the shockwave a human can do that to another human and be just as ruthless. I don't think it was that busy, they kinda really slowed things down so you could understand Zod is going to kill these humans that can't escape a corner and Supes having him in that headlock, I guess struggling to move Zod's head as the laser vision gets closer to them was forced to do kill (even though Superman fans probably had a bunch of ways out of that scenario that didn't need killing).

Then I noticed ppl kept saying about ppl wanting it to be more ruthless and violent as if the ppl that were agreeing it was unsatisfying or said it was anti-climactic wanted it to be that. Mind you I only brought up the word ruthless cuz of who I quoted. I late on say whether it was ruthless or not isn't a factor for ppl that were unsatisfied cuz it's still a neck snap. Neck snaps can be ruthless and unsatisfying. I asked why those words kept being brought up (and I pretty clearly meant in this thread not in other forums but maybe I should've been more clear) cuz it wasn't like ppl in this thread were saying they liked the kill scene because it was ruthless and violent. Then dude starts telling me about how these "others" feel and apparently it's his friends and ppl from other forums. Not at all addressing what was going on in the thread which is why I asked in the first place. My fault though I should've been clear I was talking about this thread and why the words kept being brought up.

As for my views on the movie:
MOS was cool. So finally getting my thoughts in a post:

The action is truly it's saving grace. 1st half with all the story wasn't good for me as executed but had interesting ideas. I found myself thinking I could've watched a movie just about Russel Crowe on a dying alien planet riding dragons and what not as it started completely forgetting this is about Superman.

The flashback scenes went a bit too many but they served their purpose. If it wasn't for Crowe as Jor-El I would've had a paragraph of hate for the Johnathan Kent in this movie. Terrible values instilled in this dude. Had to wash my mind out with an ep of Smallville. That death scene wasn't touching and that "maybe" answer was atrocious. The genetically engineered slant made it hard for me to fully see Zod as villain though, son was just made that way. Like that's a whole topic movies have already revolved around specifically and even more so since it falls under nature vs. nurture. Overall, I didn't care for much of the story aspects in this. Supes being lost in life, why Zod's ppl came back. That 1st hr and a half was just me preparing for the action.

Boy did they deliver. By the time they stopped the world engines from terraforming the planet I was like damn they done ****** up Metropolis more than the Avengers messed up NYC. Plus the killing of so many ppl didn't even have me mad, I kinda felt it was a good thing and did kind of make it more realistic. None of that Supes saves the day with like 1 fatality. This was some real destruction. Plus this is after they ****** up Smallville :lol: Somebody else said in the MOS thread but that whole fight scene reminded me of the one in Thor but better, just like Metropolis stuff was better than the alien invasion in Avengers. So I'm thinking Supes is gonna snap Zod's neck and be out. Nah, that fight scene was dope. I aint see something like that since Norton's Hulk killed the Abomination in Harlem and that's what the fight was similar to but better.

Action wise, I can at least say WB/DC saw what Marvel did, learned from it after their **** ups, and finally managed to produce something better in that category. So for me the movie was pretty good. The supporting cast was forgettable (Fishburne aint need to be in this), at best I can say it was cool to see Detective Stabler go out like that, not sure if Jenny/Jimmy Olsen even showed up in this like I heard rumored, the easter eggs sucked, etc. I feel all of those extreme critical reviews are going too far. This wasn't perfect or even really great but it was nowhere near trash especially with where we're at superhero movie wise. When you hear stuff like Superman kills or Lois knows his id right away and other stuff eyebrows will be raised but when I saw it I didn't care about all the death, him killing in that situation, or little ticks a comic fan would be livid about. If anything if they had cut out some of stuff earlier this would be even better and right around SM2. So I'd def put this above Begins, IM, and Raimi's Spidey. Overall in superhero films, it's up there but I'll wait awhile and see how I feel about the movie in retrospect and then grade it's replay value and my desire to even want to watch it again (which is even more important).

Oh and I'd bang both of Kal-El's/Clark's moms :evil: :smokin
I could only really add that story really didn't grab me nor did most of the supporting cast. Everything else I've been talking about in this thread were just certain parts of the movie or speculation involving other superheroes.
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Watched it today. Really dug it. Didnt like the actor playing General Zod. Should've got someone better to play him.
Great movie 9/10.

Looking in hindsight the trailers gave too much of the movie away. :smh:
I don't buy the Superman is a rookie line of thinking. I think that's a piss poor, cop out excuse to explain the destruction.

That is probably the best excuse the writers/creative team/producers have at this point. If they play it right, they can probably spin this into why Superman needs the Justice League - to prevent this kind of loss of life/destruction from ever happening again.

Why not buy the rookie thing though? He is a rookie after all. He was more human rather than a kryptonian at that point. He was unsure of himself, his heritage, his powers... everything.

I do agree on your second point. It's definitely going to be a plot device for any sequel/JL spinoff.

At one point, even Faora mentioned that he was "weak and unsure of himself" before promptly laying the beat down :lol:
It was the first time Clark was facing off against other super strength beings. Plus he had to go where the action was which was the heavily populated Metropolis. He didn't pick an isolated area beforehand and have a chance to lure his enemies there. If only a few cars and a building or two were destroyed then people would complain about that also. Stuff is going to get destroyed when you have to stop a spaceship and powerful enemies.
I meant he didn't have much experience since he first fought Faora and that huge guy then Zod for a little bit before their encounter in the city.
is there a reason why superman didnt get a full set of kryptonian armor from his dad? at the start of the movie it shows his dad wearing the same superman one piece (without the cape) before getting into his battle armor to fight zod and later in the movie we see that zod has the same style of one piece on under his armor, so why does superman only get a cape attached to his underware rather than a full set or armor

Simply a plothole -at the end of the day Supes has to be in his "traditional" costume, I suppose they could have made up some excuse like Kryptonians have to earn their armour through battle and that Kal-El hadn't proven himself yet so he only gets the base-layer, or maybe the armor was in another part of the ship, but yeah it wasn't really explained very well, you just have to take it with a pinch of suspension of disbelief. It was really just a way to introduce the suit more than anything, and in context with the rest of the film it worked well enough, more so than if Ma Kent had made it for him.

I think since JorEl knows how strong Superman will be on Earth, he did say he will be a God to them (Earthlings), maybe he felt he didn't need the armor since he is already going to be invulnerable?

Ditto this. Even Zod preferred to fight without the armor at the end. I'm sure the armor only slowed him down and restricted his range of motion... there wasn't a need for it anymore once he realized his power on earth.
Watched it today. Really dug it. Didnt like the actor playing General Zod. Should've got someone better to play him.
Great movie 9/10.

Looking in hindsight the trailers gave too much of the movie away. :smh:

this thread gave too much away, i should've stayed my *** outta here. they made a million trailers and it was all on here :lol:

got no problems with the way zod dies...just bring back faora for next film :pimp: i wanna see her fine *** hit people with that

body was never ready :smh:


For you & the other Antje Traue/Faora-Ul fans...

i wanna throw her on her back and divide germany again...
Great video with screen writer Max Landis (Chronicle) expressing his opinions on MOS. Glad to see someone of his ilk not afraid to share his thoughts intelligently (whether I agree or not).
While I agree with some of Landis' points. Something about his face or demeanor would take every ounce of strength in me not to throw scalding hot coffee in his face for no reason just out of the blue.
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