Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

Zack Snyder On MAN OF STEEL 2 Progress

On the sequel – which we hear the studio has not only greenlit, but that Snyder has already got the setting and villain mapped out!
Snyder: "I’m going to be a hundred percent honest with you, I haven’t yet gotten to speak to the studio about all these awesome details (because I’ve been overseas on the junket). So my hope is, when I get home I can sit down with everyone and it’ll be like ‘Okay, so what are we going to do?.. we need to do something…”’

One of the questions they have to immediately address in a sequel:
Snyder: “We almost destroyed the world last time, now what!?’

Does ”Man of Steel” lead to ”Justice League”?
I really wanted to expand the DC Universe and I really wanted to make sure, in Superman’s world, that all that is a possibility.

Addressing a couple of fan complaints…
People have been like ‘there’s no kryptonite in the movie!’ and ‘there’s no Lex Luthor in the movie!’, and by no means am I saying those things don’t exist, I’m just saying he didn’t run into them here [this time].

On the film’s ”Smallville” references (look closely for homages to the characters of Chloe and Whitney)
Ya know, [TVs Smallville is] in the Superman mythology now. I was interested in that kind of homage to the mythology. I feel it’s not so much about paying more homage to the series, it’s just in the vernacular of Superman now.
Story going around today is that a split scene frame shot of Christopher Reeve was inserted into the movie


A breakdown of the images says otherwise, though...
I saw this on Tuesday..

I must say this was the best movie of the year for me thus far..I was really impressed..the beginning was a little slow but the action scenes were top notch and I really enjoyed the actor who played Superman and General Zod..

It was really a good storyline and I look forward to another Man of Steel movie..
People seem so obsessed with a Justice League movie. If they want to do movies for some of the major characters first then it'll be awhile. So far they have this and that garbage GL movie with a garbage Green Lantern. Maybe they'll want movies for 2 more characters.
People seem so obsessed with a Justice League movie. If they want to do movies for some of the major characters first then it'll be awhile. So far they have this and that garbage GL movie with a garbage Green Lantern. Maybe they'll want movies for 2 more characters.

I hope there's a Justice League movie in the next 5 years. Warner Brothers needs to make a Flash, Wonderwoman movie before a JL movie. Reboot Batman without Bale. Maybe even a good Green Lantern movie.
Then they can make Justice League and basically stand head to head with Marvel movies. Cant just keep making Batman & SUperman movies.
Just watched it :smokin

So much better than Marvel's typical corny @#$ garbage. I mean all comic book based movies have some corniness to them, but Marvel films take it to the next level with that kiddie crap. I feel like people only like those movies because of the characters they liked in their childhoods.

For example, TDKR had so many unbelievable scenes, but the overall atmosphere and feeling you get from the film>>>>>>>>>>something like the Avengers. Were we supposed to be afraid of Loki? The same thing happened with this film. There were imperfections, but I was still hooked the entire time.

And man, I need to go extra hard in the gym after watching this :smh: :lol:
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This movie was buns

4/10 will not watch again.

It was such a bad made up 'reality' that they tried to sell. Everything on the movie seems so fast paced and it's extremely predictable. Everything goes according to plan, that doesn't make a good movie! A film should ought to have some twist, some level of unpredictability to keep the viewer guessing or at least more intrigued. This film does none of that. Oh super man has to turn himself in, oh he did just that? how was that not predictable. Oh super man has to save the planet now? an dhe does it without any troubles? Oh, how did I not see that one coming. Gee, I figured with the reboot and all they'd have a better team to write these things up. I honestly don't know why they made it like it, but I wasn't digging it at all. Truly a disappointing film that had the potential. So many plotholes and the film moved so fast too.

Yea nah, I'll keep my money.

inb4 it's a comic, i'ts supposed to be fake
inb4 film is all fiction and doesn't try to re-adapt real life troubles as closely as possible as it can be executed
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Beat the enemy w/o trouble? People have been complaining that Metropolis was leveled in the film to stop the villain.

Predictability? Well everyone knows Supermans origins but really, where it was taken was fresh and new. And you knew that Supes was going to kill Zod? You saw that coming? Because that really is probably the last thing most expected to see.

If all went according to plan, then Metropolis wouldn't be demolished, no humans died and Zod would simply be in the phantom zone instead of dead.
This movie was buns

4/10 will not watch again.

It was such a bad made up 'reality' that they tried to sell. Everything on the movie seems so fast paced and it's extremely predictable. Everything goes according to plan, that doesn't make a good movie! A film should ought to have some twist, some level of unpredictability to keep the viewer guessing or at least more intrigued. This film does none of that. Oh super man has to turn himself in, oh he did just that? how was that not predictable. Oh super man has to save the planet now? an dhe does it without any troubles? Oh, how did I not see that one coming. Gee, I figured with the reboot and all they'd have a better team to write these things up. I honestly don't know why they made it like it, but I wasn't digging it at all. Truly a disappointing film that had the potential. So many plotholes and the film moved so fast too.

Yea nah, I'll keep my money.

inb4 it's a comic, i'ts supposed to be fake
inb4 film is all fiction and doesn't try to re-adapt real life troubles as closely as possible as it can be executed

You must have watched some other movie, you clearly didn't watch MOS.

With ease. :lol: Dude spent an hour of the movie getting beat up by a girl. :lol:

Did Dark Knight and/or Avengers get this much blind hatred when they came out?
TDK is way better than this though.

Avengers got hate a week later. You got dudes who can't help but hate on it while they're praising this movie :lol:

MTTK has his opinion, some of it valid.
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BOX OFFICE: Analysts Now Predict A $650 - $700M Final Worldwide Total For MAN OF STEEL

According to numerous box office analysts, Man of Steel - which passed $500 million during its third week of release - looks set to ultimately gross upwards of $650 million worldwide. Some even believe that it could approach $700 million, but that depends on how well it continues to perform against some very stiff competition which includes the likes of Monsters University and Pacific Rim. Anyway, to put these numbers into perspective for you, here are a selection of worldwide grosses for similar comic book movies. The Amazing Spider-Man took over $752 million worldwide last year, Batman Begins would earn only $374 million (although its sequels did end up making upwards of $1 billion each) and similarly patriotic superhero Captain America: The First Avenger took a total of $386 million in his big screen debut. Oh, and the last Superman movie - Superman Returns - surprising earned $391 million. As you can see, a sequel for Man of Steel is as good as guaranteed, while it wouldn't be TOO much of a surprise for that movie to follow in the footsteps of the last two instalments of The Dark Knight Trilogy by making over $1 billion.
Why is the Hot Toys Superman so pudgy? Joker, TDK, IronMan, etc... all look great with Hot Toys but this Superman looks like Cavill went on a buffet binge after the movie wrapped or something. I really hope this isn't the approved final product yet.
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