Mens Hygiene.. what are you using? so fresh and so cleannn cleannn..

I bought some cbd oil containing kush bath bombs. It;s legal in all 50 states. Looking forward to trying one, but I actually got them for this woman I know who has seizures.

African black soap- you can get it in stores I'd recommend Dr Bronners for the body wash or Dudu Osum for bars, shea moisture brand makes both too but I get mine off eBay. Handmade, incrediblly abrasive, I love using on my face after a shave. Scrapes all the dead skin off

Andis T Outliner and Wahl 5 Star for shaving, Gilette fusion for head and balls

Pure cornstach powder (no talc) or Johnson/Johnson's with the lavender top on the naughty bits and fat folds in the summer is a must down south

I prefer Axe deodorant

Chamuel men face moisturizer (google it, go the site, then go to facebook and the targeted offer should show up in your feed to get it for 99 cents)

Liberty grooming co beard balm, same as above, get it dumb cheap via facebook

Use the old fashion cocoa butter that's kind of oily because I am dark and get that real ashy that all lotions can't ef with
Whats going on NT, I'm trying to start a regime to clear up these stubborn acne scars, any tips for the new year?

Since spring is approaching and the weather is about to get warmer, what are you guys using for keeping your pelvic region dry and funk-free?

Some in here have vouched for a product called FreshBalls. Any of you guys use a powder instead?

gylolic acid, or any AHA to exfoliate and shed desd skin cells and some hydroquinone cream to fade da marks.

I suggest a person find a good dermatologist before trying those things. Just to learn about the different strengths and get a feel of how long you should use before you get results.

BTW: lactic acid > glycolic
I've been using Old Spice Swagger body wash and deodorant. I normally use bar soap, Dove Men's care, or regular Dove. What pisses me off is that the Old Spice over powers the expensive *** cologne I wear, which defeats the purpose. I am going to get some odorless deodorant. Also it's really weird when I woman smells your armpit. At least that's when I knew it was the Old Spice and not the damn Chanel Blue.

I've also been using Palmer's Coconut milk shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer. It smells good and doesn't have a bunch of **** that is going to make me bald in the future, so that's cool. Also, shae butter and oatmeal St. Ives lotion. Always invest in good lotion, mutha****as.

Ohh yeah, I also put tea tree oil in my shampoo and body wash, good for the skin and scalp. Prevents dandruff and dry skin. I used to use astringent a lot on my face, but I stopped doing that and just rinse my face with hot water and the shower and I haven't had any acne in years. Neutrogena soap works well for me if I really feel like my face is oily and I want to get it feeling less oily, but I also bought one of those micro dermal abrasion things and I have it every now and thing when I feel like I need to exfoliate.

Damn, I feel like Patrick Bateman.
I just use a regular shampoo and conditioner. Saves me from having two kinds of shampoo and extra stuff just to wash it. I bought Art Naturals argan oil shampoo and conditioner on Amazon and been using that and it's been solid.
What's a good beard shampoo?

I just use a regular shampoo and conditioner. Saves me from having two kinds of shampoo and extra stuff just to wash it. I bought Art Naturals argan oil shampoo and conditioner on Amazon and been using that and it's been solid.

Zeus Brand beard shampoo and conditioner have been real good to me. I use the vanilla rum flavor.

I actually heard that you shouldn't be using the same shampoo and conditioner that you use on your hair for your beard since it dries it out too much.

Bevel shave system for the head and face
Black soap for the face and back
Witch hazel spray for the face then apply 10% benzoyl peroxide.
Dove soap for the body
Any kind of body lotion my wife keeps stocked works
For the face I use Kiehls anti aging facial moisturizer as well as the de-puffer eye cream.

Clean but #washedgang
Anyone mess with oil pulling?

Been doing it since this past Friday.
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Used to. Need to start doing it again. It’s just difficult since you gotta swish coconut oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes without swallowing it.
Instead of applying face products on top of dead skin, I use this once a week, scrubs off the dead stuff and leave a fresh surface for application of facial products/treatments!
Used to. Need to start doing it again. It’s just difficult since you gotta swish coconut oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes without swallowing it.

I read that afer spitting out the oil, salt water to wash your mouth afterwards removes any oil left in your mouth.
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