Milwaukee Update Post

^ was curious about the same. No idea where everyone is coming from. Not sure what side of town works best for everyone?
I think we look for spots that are available.

List a few options.

Guys can say what works...
Well like I said, if you guys don't have a problem driving to Grafton, there's a few. I think the best one is called Beteran's Park it's right off the river. But I'm down to go wherever that works for everyone.
As always, I'm down for a meet up. Just let me know when, where, and what to bring...

Has anyone seen any of the Team USA jersey around? I heard HOHs around the country have them but Mayfair didn't when I was up there on Friday.
Whoever bought all the Large USA ELITE socks at the DSG in Grafton, PLEASE HELP ME OUT, I'd really appreciate it
Now I know some you guys were at HoH release... 2x Air Pippens and oly vi for me... This release was almost chaotic but. Like how they had more security and cops in hand. I did lose 20 spots when cats started line jumping when the mad rush to the back door was announced but all is good since I knew they had enough to go around.
Originally Posted by aznlurker

Now I know some you guys were at HoH release... 2x Air Pippens and oly vi for me... This release was almost chaotic but. Like how they had more security and cops in hand. I did lose 20 spots when cats started line jumping when the mad rush to the back door was announced but all is good since I knew they had enough to go around.

I was wearing the White/Black/Red KOs. My girl wanted to come with so luckily I was able to grab 2 pairs of More Uptempos since I missed out in 2010. I was happy with how the release was handled other than the switching sides of the building. How's the 6 quality? Decided to pass last minute, but now I'm rethinking that decision
@Bradnon - I think I saw you walking to the line with the only KOs I saw in the morning...Yeah I drove up by the front entrance @5:00 @+$ and it was pretty deep so I already had a mind set of F'n it just hope for the best in the back door, I was in good hands when I saw the guys that work for HoH back there, I knew I was in the right place...It was crazy when I saw dudes running, sweatin' to the back door..

Yeah I inspected my shoes, especially the VIs and wanted to make sure there were'nt too many obvious QC. I took my time at the register and inspected and made sure it was a good pair so mine is good...

Props to Will, Chris and all the mall security for taking their time and did the right thing to control the crowd.
Originally Posted by aznlurker

@Bradnon - I think I saw you walking to the line with the only KOs I saw in the morning...Yeah I drove up by the front entrance @5:00 @+$ and it was pretty deep so I already had a mind set of F'n it just hope for the best in the back door, I was in good hands when I saw the guys that work for HoH back there, I knew I was in the right place...It was crazy when I saw dudes running, sweatin' to the back door..

Yeah I inspected my shoes, especially the VIs and wanted to make sure there were'nt too many obvious QC. I took my time at the register and inspected and made sure it was a good pair so mine is good...

Props to Will, Chris and all the mall security for taking their time and did the right thing to control the crowd.
@aznlurker: I had no idea about the back door since I haven't lived here long and the only releases I've been to at Mayfair they lined up  
                   HOH at the entrance nearest the store, so I was pretty far back in line when everyone moved to the back of the building.     
                   But yea, I think they did a great job with it. 
@sho3tym: I'm pretty sure it was on the direct opposite side of the building of the door closest to HOH
Fellas I know sho3tym is a hardcore KD collector.. HoH has them and the boys let me peek.... Details are sick but I'm just not fond of the color way, tho a retro brewers jersey can flow with them... If you want them better get up and early just like the Kobes...
I'll be up there.

I want/need 2 pairs.

If I have to drop alot on be it but I need those.
 i have been looking for something like this i recently moved to a small city about 35 to 40 minutes away from millwaukee and i been wanting to make my way up there to try and make some pick ups they have  1 mall here but it's chaos every time no organization what so ever  they just open the doors at 9.00 and let every body bum rush inside and on top of that they barely get enough pairs to go around last time  i picked up  from there i grabbed the chicago 10's  and each store only had 18 pair so i been picking up strictly online but i'm hearing from the people in the mall that mayfair is a good  spot and they also have a hoh in there and i been to southridge a few times but never on a "big release" to pick any thing up so what i'm trying to find out is what's the best spot to go to and who has the best organization i'm not really with the camping out for days but for certain things im willing to go the night before to try and get what ever im trying to get so if anybody could give me a little info on what all spots let u line up or have some kind of organization i would appreciate it or is it just like here where everybody just stands by the mall doors waiting for 9 to hit and as soon as they open the doors every body acts a fool and does what ever they have to to try to get to the store they trying to copp from?. and if your wondering what kind of sneakers im trying to cop mostly nike,and jb products and hoh exclusives.. and if anybody doesn't wanna take the time out to reply it's cool i guess ill just have to go there and find out myself not mad at all just figured i would throw this out there
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where the best place to copp the Olympic VII? like i just wana wake up at 7 and go buy em, no camping long line or whatever... Mayfair?
Hey guys, new member here. I'm a huge fan of Sky High and Moda3. Hope to get to know more heads from around the area. Anyone in the area end up picking up Air Max Pillars and is there a word on Pushead 2s yet?
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