Milwaukee Update Post

HOH opened at 6 were sold out of the VII by 6:15
sucks.. looking for a size 11 in the VII's

Ridiculous, thank God I was out of town
By the way, are we supposed to be starting post count over from 0 or is it a glitch?
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Sup Milwaukee goin to be in the Mil./racine area in about a month, during the release of the gold moments pack. Im wondering if u guys know any spots that would have em or if its even worth it to hit malls/shopping places. Any help appreciated.
Yeah I'm not surprise the Oly VIIs were gone that quick...Their inventory was alot lower then the VIs...thank god I didn't want them...
Whoever in the Milwaukee Thread is looking for USA elite socks better go them...both are available online as we speak! Good luck!
Anyone going to Fish Fry & a Flick this Friday at Discovery World? I'll be down there with my girl. The movie is Grease. Not too excited about the movie, but it's the only Friday I have off this month, and I've never been so I said **** it. :lol:
Did anyone pick up the golden moments pack in person in the Milwaukee area? I struck out on NDC.
i was able to grab em from the champs at mayfair. pure craziness for the release. got there midnight kept getting kicked out by security and ended up falling to spot #7 after the mad rush to the door when they allowed us to line up. only about 12 tickets were given out i believe.
also playmakers said they would have them each time i called them last week. (monday, wednesday and friday morning) but when i got there at around 11pm friday me and the 4 people in front me discovered a sign saying they wont be selling them. Whats the deal? they even said they'd have them on their facebook page. i went to the same location i called and everything as only one of them was having em in.
Those two places seem like they are the only ones that get limited release sneakers around the Milwaukee area.

I've pretty much tried to avoid any shoe purchasing in person since when the Jordan XI's starting retro-ing the first time around. Too much drama: running from mall entrance to mall entrance, then fighting for a spot in line in front of the store, then running from the front of the store to the front register! Only to find that the employees bought every pair!

It's pretty sad that it doesnt appear to have come along way since the early 2000's! The online raffles and twitter reservation systems seem nice, but kind of unfortunate for those that don't have a smartphone or computer at home.
anyone ever visit "the milwaukee mall" is it even still running.

used to visit often around 2003-7 while at marquette

was always interested in that place ever since seeing Coo Coo Cal on a shopping spree there in the "in my projects" video

saw the strangest things, always got offered drugs, saw a guy straight pull out a pistol and shoot a giant rat

place was so raww
^^^MIlwaukee Mall? Sounds like Grand Ave Mall by the description...that place is a dump... I dont work downtown anymore but I only went there for the food court for lunch and footlocker, champs. Everything else is junk...Boston Store is still surviving surprisingly...
^^^^ LOL Yes you're right! Now I remember...To be honest I've lived here all my life and have never been there...Too many horror stories..:smh:
Idk if you guys have been keeping up with that Milwaukee Swap page I posted a while back. I guess they finally have a date, time and place. It'll be at Brown Deer HS, Nov. 11th, 1pm-7pm. Judging from this guys twitter and facebook, it doesn't seem that anyone cares too much about this. :lol:
I've only been in Milwaukee Mall one time and that was to turn on a pager when i was like 12.
I've been trying to gauge interest based on their Facebook page as well. I'd love to go, but I don't want it to be a waste of time. The other day he posted that Packers and Bucks players are supposedly going to be there.
I think he works at Champs Mayfair...

Yeah, a friend of mine said the same. I don't think I've ever seen him there. But I haven't been in a while so I'm not completely sure. I'm interested in going to see what's there, I just hope it's not terrible.
Sho3tym: I don't even know you personally and I'm surprised he didn't contact you.

Anyways, here's what the Milwaukee Swap Facebook page has up
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