Minimum feedback

Jan 3, 2014
Sup fellas

New here and was wondering what minimum feedback you guys look for on ebay and sole collector before you pull the trigger. CL has been getting kinda shady

On ebay, I personally look at what the seller sells. If he sold sneakers before I check to see what feedback he got from them, etc. Then, I even ask the seller for additional pics just to make sure what Im buying is legit. If you have any trouble, you should do a LC here before buying. I never bought from sole collector so I cant comment on that.
what do you mean by feedback. i look for negative feedback first and i als look to c how long they been in buisness and faq
^ I do the same as well but I look at both positive and negative because Ive seen sellers get positive feedback and some buyers write something in regard to: Got my refund, etc....good seller.  So I would read all feedback cause why would the seller be getting multiple positive feedbacks and the buyers saying they got a refund, doesnt make sense unless its a fake and they got their money back as well.. Sounds fishy to me
Thanks fellas, appreciate the advice.

@freshoutdabox i meant like how many positive feedback should a seller have. But, of course all advice appreciated
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