misconceptions about your city


:pimp: Ain't nothin' to **** wit'.

What up Shaolin!
Again, I wish you northerners and immigrants go back to where you come from. You all have reeked nothing but havoc to my city. Yall can't drive, talk too damb loud and cause nothing but confusion. Take your women too, I prefer country women. FYI you can't be a Ga peach if you AND your parents weren't born here. Go to Cali or NY with that false claiming. You'd fit in perfect there.

I take offense to this, and only this. The **** do you ******** know about driving? You guys have no snow while we spend half the ****** year driving through blizzards and dodging ****** potholes every few feet. Say the roads are better or something, but you bumpkins can't hold a candle to us behind the wheel.

Anyway, carry on.
I grew up in Boston but moved out a few years ago after getting married and having kids.
I'm white with Italian and Irish family.

I know there were a TON of racists in Boston. It's the generation before mine though, it's dying out quickly with age. I run a youth basketball league in one of the neighborhoods there and the black and spanish kids definitely act like they've encountered racism before when the first meet me, but after a while they get used to it. I hear nothing racist come from the young white kids in the league now who are all 13-16 years old, but growing up in my generation (I'm in my early 30s now) there was a lot of racism between everybody who were adults when i was a kid.
for reference the league is like 50% spanish and like 25% black 25% white.

Aside from that everyone is sports obsessed now, but i remember being one of the very few in the upper deck at Celtics games when the starting line up consisted of guys like Todd Day and Sherman Douglas, I remember sitting in the cold on the metal benches at Foxboro stadium before Gillette was built, and i know up until like 3 years ago i was one of the only guys going to Bruins games. The Success of the teams has made a lot of "lifelong" boston sports fans who couldn't tell you Michael Bishop from Marco Sturm.

Our accents are ******g obnoxious. I'm sorry. I try to control it when I travel.

If you are looking for girls here don't even bother in the summer. Great looking college girls all year, but they all go home in the summer and you're stuck with the screaming booze hags with the obnoxious accents.

The bars close at 2 am, that's true, and it's ridiculous. It's part of the fact that Massachusetts is the worst Nanny State outside of California and the gov here feels the need to tax and control every aspect of life.

Now I live in NH. We all have guns, hate taxes, and want to be left alone. It's nice.
just moved to Boston like a year ago and this description is shockingly accurate. If I were to stick in the area I'd do the NH move but I'm provably gonna move out ta NE
Thats just because thats Lawrence lol. Lawrence = armpit

No those looks are when im in Boston. I still stamd by the fact that Boston and the areas around it are not diverse. A whole town being 1 race isnt diverse gotta drive to another town to see another race. The guy that broke down the races in boston proves my point. To me diverse is different races living TOGETHER in cities not segragated. The people from here love it, but i cant get with it.

Im trying to follow thread but its impossible with all these pyramids on my iphone.
I love SF weather. I use to walk to the park everyday during the summer wearing a hoodie. I can probably count the number o times on one hand where it was actually hot. And I grew up here.
Growing up and living in Miami, I would love this! Down here in the summer it's either hot as **** or raining. I took a trip to SF a few yrs back and in August it was like in the 60s.
i need in on these afro mexicans 

and gucci jermaine ......you lost your damn mind son 
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Hmmm, guess that explains why so many people come here for jobs and cheaper living.

And only the people over the city are pushing for it to be a major metropolitan city. Most people of the city wish things could go back to how they were before the city began to garner so much attention.
real ****.
Every time we have a post like this its the same thing, ATL is gay, NY is the greatest, San Fran is full of Asians, blah blah blah. It's basically a hate thread. We are all cool in our own right. But seriously after having driven all over the nation, Northerners are by far the worst drivers ever.
Every time we have a post like this its the same thing, ATL is gay, NY is the greatest, San Fran is full of Asians, blah blah blah. It's basically a hate thread. We are all cool in our own right. But seriously after having driven all over the nation, Northerners are by far the worst drivers ever.
The last guy explained it the best, changing lanes for no reason, cutting people off frequently, no use of indicators, riding everyone tails and down here they are always involved in hit and runs. I even know a person who went to NYC last week and got involed in a hit and run.
It doesn't rain as much in Seattle as everyone thinks. It's actually mostly cloudy days.
Seattle is quite segregated. For tourists, yeah it's "diverse" because we DO have a bunch of different races here, but you really have to live here to know. The biggest thing is Downtown Seattle. Start at the lower part of Downtown Seattle around 1st Ave to 3rd Ave and it's like the wild West. Then just go up a block on 4th and it's a complete 180.
The last guy explained it the best, changing lanes for no reason, cutting people off frequently, no use of indicators, riding everyone tails and down here they are always involved in hit and runs. I even know a person who went to NYC last week and got involed in a hit and run.
It doesn't rain as much in Seattle as everyone thinks. It's actually mostly cloudy days.
Seattle is quite segregated. For tourists, yeah it's "diverse" because we DO have a bunch of different races here, but you really have to live here to know. The biggest thing is Downtown Seattle. Start at the lower part of Downtown Seattle around 1st Ave to 3rd Ave and it's like the wild West. Then just go up a block on 4th and it's a complete 180.
i always thought it was, is there a large bi-racial population?
If you don't live in the north shore of chicago, you're missing out in terms of the sickest suburbs in the usa :smokin
Not really. On the occasion that you do see it, it's mostly White/Asian (with the father being White) :lol:
hate to have dig but...

What's up with white men and Asian women?? Like...

White dudes be out here kicking over doors for Asians
hate to have dig but...

What's up with white men and Asian women?? Like...

White dudes be out here kicking over doors for Asians

I live in SF and this is just the staple thing for white men here. I mean it could be a lot of things from success, the way their kids look, height, size (pun intended.....no romo). It's hard to say. I mean I got white people in my own family and they are both men but I doubt they'd say the same things as what I am saying. It could even just be a good pairing of races. Like how say blacks and puerto ricans go hand in hand or even black men and white women. But just to talk about my own city and seeing how we have a lot of asians here as well as whites, the coupling is so common out here.
Not from Pittsburgh but lived here since 2004 so....

Don't believe what the job articles tell u, there aren't jobs here just like any other city in the U.S.

Most people are stick in this mindset of what the city USED to be instead of what it could be.

For it being a northern city, it's pretty country

People are obsessed w/ the Steelers

Nightlife is average and it doesn't help that the states laws in regards to the selling of alcohol limit clubs from staying open past 2am

Cost of living isn't bad but most houses are small unless you move outside of the city then u have to deal w/ my next point

Traffic is a joke. As soon as people approach one of the tunnels or bridge they claim up, slow down, and ride their brakes. For as much as it rains and snows here, you would think people would be used to it right now and would not drive like it's foreign. The Pittsburgh left is real, and people drift into the middle of the intersection until the light turns green so they can jump at a turn.
from Pittsburgh
all of this is spot on
driving in the city is so god damn confusing as it is, doesn't help there's always construction to make it worse
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