MLB: Best batting stances of all-time


I always liked Vlads stance....he can hit the ball that is on the dirt
and he wears no batting gloves
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

word Sheff = fastest Bat EVER.

His bat is crazy, but every time I hear sheff's name i always think about the story i was told. When he played for the marlins, he was under contactwith reebok but they hurt his feet. so he would buy nikes, paint them black and put a reebok symbol them
the only reason he got caught is when he wouldstretch, the nike swoosh would still be on the bottom of the shoe.

and bagwell was the only person that would step back when he swag. all upper bodystrength. him and biggio will always be my favorite players. Biggio also had a high leg kick until his bat speed decreased and he had to adjust.
I had a coach who could do Carney Landsford's perfect.

When we were kids, everyone wanted to do that McGwire knees bent and pointed together stance.

For the lefty's, Will Clark had a lotta kids tryin swing like him.

And Eric Davis did have a bad a*^ swing.

Pujols, I duck everytime I see him about to swing it. Dude is a monster.

Bagwell crouch was a sight.

Did I leave anyone out that has played from 1980 up?
Also, I hated Anyone who had that Walt Rheniak (sp) chicago White Sox swing where the top hand flew off right after contact (Big Hurt

made me wanna throw up!

Ihinkin on it, that maay be one of the many reasons I hate AROD so much
how about jay buhner holding his bat out like a toothpick

off topic, remember when deion drew a $ sign in the sand in the batter's box
DMAN, didnt the catcher order a brush back pitch?
I wanna say it was fisk or some old school catcher that was all about "the game"

I was rite it was Fisk

Old-school sensibilities and modern-day showmanship collided in May 1990 in a batter's box confrontation between White Sox catcher Carlton Fisk and Yankees outfielder Deion Sanders. According to newspaper reports, Sanders drew a dollar sign in the dirt before digging into the box. He then infuriated Fisk by failing to run out a pop fly. When Sanders came to bat a second time, the two men exchanged glares, and Sanders reportedly told Fisk, "The days of slavery are over." In a subsequent interview, Sanders denied etching the dollar sign in the dirt and said he was unfairly singled out for criticism. "You find a black man who isn't afraid to open his mouth, and people are going to be crawling to get poor stuff out of him," Sanders said. "I'm the guy with the black hat on all the time. But I look in the mirror, and I tell the truth." Fisk, for his part, insisted the dispute was unrelated to race and based solely on his desire to see the game played the right way. "There's no racial issue involved," Fisk said at the time. "It's professional etiquette. I'm either old and cynical or old and sentimental. Either way, I know what's right and what's wrong." The incident remains a part of baseball lore nearly two decades later. It did not, however, merit a mention in Fisk's marathon 37-minute Hall of Fame induction speech.
Prime is a Fool!
Edgar Martinez's was sick...him and Junior had my swing full of holes for a good while as a kid

No matter how you feel about him, Barry Bonds' entire existence from the moment he stepped in the batters box was superior to anyone else...approach,pitch recognition, reaction, balance, ultra quick hands and hip explosion.

This is from high stance is/was pretty similar to Jimmy Rollins...compact with a slight toe tap, short stride...I know it looks like I was steppingin the bucket on this one
I actually tripled off the wall on the pitch though.

and nevermind the bummy looking zoom air clippers...I pitched in those (check out the work put in on that left toe
Anybody from the ages of 16-25 on here when they were younger..

- Tried hitting lefty, with that upright stance and the bat waggling and trying to hit one and proceed to walk and watch the ball go. (But was successful at 1 outa 50 times)

JR is the GOAT

So true

I remember my little league coach got mad at me once cuz I attempted to bust a Griffey and struck out horribly

made me run 3 laps after the game
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