Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I just got off a week of working 9pm to 7 am I need to switch my clock which means trying to be in bed by 7pm at the latest.

I actually don't sleep much but I have noticed I need more than usual to compensate on these transitions to day shift
I go to bed at 3 and wake up at 10 or 11.

Always been like that, I eat dinner at like 10 or 11. I wish I lived in a 24 hour city.

My schedule royally pisses off everyone but they’re used to it.

:lol: I had to contemplate whether or I was going to eat "dinner" at 9:30 past night.

I just opted for a snack of oranges and boiled eggs instead. Couldn't go to sleep HUNGRY.

Ate "dinner" for breakfast. (Curry chickens)
All i can say with from experience and still going thru it, get those 7 hrs at the very least. I used to go hard when i was younger with the partying and pushing myself at work with longer hrs. My health went to ****, especially having seizures in my sleep. Had black circles under my eyes for yrs. Been getting consistent sleep now and medicine has me alot better but i did even have to get a operation on my brain, mentioned it here before.

The one thing every dr always mentioned to me and asked , are u getting sleep ? Most important thing for your body. Be surprised how fast your body starts breaking down in your 40's. Enjoy it youngsters...
:lol: I had to contemplate whether or I was going to eat "dinner" at 9:30 past night.

I just opted for a snack of oranges and boiled eggs instead. Couldn't go to sleep HUNGRY.

Ate "dinner" for breakfast. (Curry chickens)

That’s not a bad breakfast though. :pimp:
All i can say with from experience and still going thru it, get those 7 hrs at the very least. I used to go hard when i was younger with the partying and pushing myself at work with longer hrs. My health went to ****, especially having seizures in my sleep. Had black circles under my eyes for yrs. Been getting consistent sleep now and medicine has me alot better but i did even have to get a operation on my brain, mentioned it here before.

The one thing every dr always mentioned to me and asked , are u getting sleep ? Most important thing for your body. Be surprised how fast your body starts breaking down in your 40's. Enjoy it youngsters...

I can only get about 4-5 hours a night :smh:

What things worked for you in your shift towards more sleep?
I can only get about 4-5 hours a night :smh:

What things worked for you in your shift towards more sleep?

honestly, i had to quit that job because i couldn't handle it anymore. crashed my car one morning going home from work, had a seizure in the car at a red light. woke up in the hospital a day later, car totalled, everything. hit the gas while i was at the light when i had the seizure, ran thru an intersection and crashed on the sidewalk hitting other cars thankfully no people. after that i stopped working the nightshift, the day felt like an endless loop.

work 8am- 4pm now, in bed by no later than 12:30 up by 6:30. feeling way better these days with the routine sleep, not what felt like constant napping before ...
My job called me to work because they bought another company. I’m like bruh leave me alone I’m laid off for the winter and I’m kicking it with my daughter and also been smoking so I can’t pass a drug test.

My *** is quitting this summer I can see it already. Trying to expand while you don’t even have enough employees as it is. :lol:
My job called me to work because they bought another company. I’m like bruh leave me alone I’m laid off for the winter and I’m kicking it with my daughter and also been smoking so I can’t pass a drug test.

My *** is quitting this summer I can see it already. Trying to expand while you don’t even have enough employees as it is. :lol:

Bruuuuuuh we in the same boat. My job keeps making me pick up slack for all the people being out with covid or just quitting all together. They refuse to hire more peeps. I’m quitting this summer or taking a leave of absence until fall. And yeah I can’t get a new job right his minute because too many edibles recently :lol:
Bruuuuuuh we in the same boat. My job keeps making me pick up slack for all the people being out with covid or just quitting all together. They refuse to hire more peeps. I’m quitting this summer or taking a leave of absence until fall. And yeah I can’t get a new job right his minute because too many edibles recently :lol:

Yeah dude this **** is stupid, I feel you. It was the same for me this summer. At first I was like alright cool I’m gonna just stack up money. Now I’m like nope I can’t do that again this summer.

Then they got the nerve to call me this winter when I’m laid off. I’m like ok I already know how this summer will be especially since you bought a f’ing excavation company.

I straight up told them I’ve been blowing loud because im supposed to be laid off. I’m not driving. :lol:

You gonna quit driving?
mplsdunk mplsdunk yeah I wouldn’t mind working a desk job or something. I’m in sales right now but the pandemmy has turned it into hard retail manual labor. These 55-60 hour weeks grinding on my body physically.

When I don’t even have the strength to take my puppy for a walk after I get home, it’s time to make a change. I GOTTA PUT ME FIRST!
Seriously man, these jobs will work u into the ground and get rid of u with no remorse, zero loyalty or remember any way u killed yourself to make sure they can have coctail Friday's while u use any free time u have to recover and get ready to do it again.

I currently work at a pretty big law firm and i can do 40 hrs overtime easy if i wanted, but now i cut back alot because of what it was doing to my overall health and mental health. My daughter, during the holidays was working 12 hr days , 6 days a week till one night from not sleeping, collapsed right outside my bathroom door and had a seizure. She happens to be super attached to me , never diagnosed with epilepsy until i started having mine. The Dr. said that she was having "sympathetic seizures ", happens sometimes to people who are really close to the person dealing with the seizures. She was also burnt out from work.

Long story short is , u can get away now with little or no sleep but trust, your body will feel it eventually. Sometimes playin that last game of Madden till 2 am ain't worth it. And Redbulls or energy drinks in general are the worst thing u could put in your body. Drink coffee if u need a boost, way safer. Dr has also told me people develop epilepsy from those drinks ... these are the yrs to start taking care of ourselves, those superhero days are in the rear view for most of us ....
^Facts. It’s crazy that we’re more productive than ever before due to technology and companies still expect more and more and more without increasing wages.

I’m not that old yet, but I refuse to do over 50 hrs in a week. I look back at earlier years in my career and every time I worked a rack of hours it was because senior leadership failed to plan. Not my emergency cuz somebody else goofed.
My job acts like because it’s seasonal we should just be happy to work 8 weekends in a row and 80 hours a week.

I gave them fair warning though I’m gone if this year is a repeat of last year. I’ll just go back to my old job and they know it and my boss was telling my co worker he’s scared I’m going to quit. Then my co worker told him if i quit he’s quitting. :lol:
Seriously man, these jobs will work u into the ground and get rid of u with no remorse, zero loyalty or remember any way u killed yourself to make sure they can have coctail Friday's while u use any free time u have to recover and get ready to do it again.

I currently work at a pretty big law firm and i can do 40 hrs overtime easy if i wanted, but now i cut back alot because of what it was doing to my overall health and mental health. My daughter, during the holidays was working 12 hr days , 6 days a week till one night from not sleeping, collapsed right outside my bathroom door and had a seizure. She happens to be super attached to me , never diagnosed with epilepsy until i started having mine. The Dr. said that she was having "sympathetic seizures ", happens sometimes to people who are really close to the person dealing with the seizures. She was also burnt out from work.

Long story short is , u can get away now with little or no sleep but trust, your body will feel it eventually. Sometimes playin that last game of Madden till 2 am ain't worth it. And Redbulls or energy drinks in general are the worst thing u could put in your body. Drink coffee if u need a boost, way safer. Dr has also told me people develop epilepsy from those drinks ... these are the yrs to start taking care of ourselves, those superhero days are in the rear view for most of us ....

man sometimes I have to work like 30 hours straight and I'm legit hallucinating trying to drive oversized construction equipment through tight Minneapolis streets trying not to scrape up parked cars and take down telephone poles. :lol:

I make damn good money but I'm at the point where I just don't care about it at all, I haven't worked since thanksgiving and I'm already dreading going back, like I have ptsd from last season or something. we're only going to get busier too.

It sucks because I'm good at my job and not many people can do it but that means I end up working a ton because of it. I went awol last year for a few days because I had to sleep and get myself together mentally and it was total chaos I guess when I was gone.

my boss keeps reassuring me it won't be like that this year but if it is im gone.
Filed our taxes. Getting a nice lil state return. In previous years that would have been spent on a pair of shoes I'd been eyeing. Now half is going to getting a professional teeth cleaning for the dog and the other into the rainy day fund with the Mrs... I really want another pair of these Air Prestos
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