Mortal Kombat (2021) Out Now.

Currently 54% on RT out of 13 reviews... it’s not a RT-type movie though, and that considered 54% ain’t that awful...
That's weird, I see 62% on RT. Also it looks like mainly Internation critics so far that RT aint even showing love too by considering them "Top Critics" LOL. All that to say this movie will likely be in the 40-50 range and I wouldn't give a damn LOL!
That's weird, I see 62% on RT.

I view 50% as either you like the movie of you don’t if you’re some random with noises what’s happening. 30% means the writing just sucks no matter what. Anything lower and it’s just a complete mess
I refreshed it, still 54. Your 62 and my 54 both say 13 reviews. What in the Shane Falco rigging the Sugar Bowl sam hell is goin on here? They cookin the TOMATO RECIPE BOOKS?
Now it says 54% again for me on the MK page same 13 reviews, this is fascinating at this point.

Here's one of the critic reviews from a newspaper in Argentina:

Aquí, por tomarse todo tan en serio, los únicos que no se van a aburrir son los incondicionales del videogame. El cine es otra cosa.

Which roughly translates into:

Here, for taking everything so seriously, the only ones who are not going to get bored are the fans of the videogame. Cinema is something else.
I feel like RT ratings are trash sometimes anyway. Especially when pertaining to a movie like this
Overall, I liked it. It wasn't great. Somethings I hated, while somethings I liked. Will go into depth once everyone sees it Friday. I'll have to see it again to get more of a feel for it. I'm happy to see my childhood favorites Scorpion, Sub zero, and Kabal well represented. :pimp:
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