Motivational quotes to keep you going.

Knowing is not enough; you must apply. Willing is not enough; you must do.

So many of our DREAMS at first seem Impossible, then they seem Improbable, and then when we Summon the Will, they soon become Inevitable.
Originally Posted by DJ MAC

Originally Posted by FOG


That is dope!! 
I seriously needed this speech right here.. Old, but hopefully it'll give you some motivation
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved?
From The Richest Man In the World

I write to you this letter in order to share some of my life experiences, hoping it will contribute to your education, your way of thinking and living, your emotional well-being, your sense of responsibility to yourselves and to others, your maturity, and above all, to your happiness, which should be the result of your daily existence.

You are privileged within society due to your talents and efforts, and for the best reason, your own worth.

Success is not about doing things well or even very well, or being acknowledged by others. It is not an external opinion, but rather an internal status. It is the harmony between the soul and your emotions, which requires love, family, friendship, authenticity and integrity.

To be as exceptional as you are is a privilege, but it also entails many risks that can have an impact on values that are much more important than professional, economic, social or political “success
- i listen to this everyday before I hit the gym
smh I didnt do that for my hw and exams,( bt too late cuz school almost out) because Im progressing nicely in the gym..
Don't know if this one is posted...

"Unless a man undertakes more than he possibly can do, he will never do all that he can!"

- Henry Drummond
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