MTV Presents The Challenge, R.I.P Diem Brown

what happened to kenny???

and Yea i'm not against wes at all, i've been a fan of that cockiness since his RW season dude is greatimo

I've never been a bananas fan.

I still just genuinely like Sarah.

I still remember that time she was partners with Trishelle, and trishelle quit after fighting with A--(can't remember her name)
and Sarah was heart broken... like that hurt me....they didn't give her another partner. I felt for her yo.
People who hate Wes/think he's a snake seem to have forgotten the ****-ery that Bananas, Kenny, and Evan used to pull every season. They would throw challenges and carry each other to finals ganging up on Wes and CT and relying on Darrell and Derrick to do the eliminating for them. That's why that season where Wes was 6-0 or something in eliminations literally carrying Mandie or whoever his partner was through them (when he was brollic) was so impressive.

Johnny won a few recently but he used to be the epitome of *****-***-ness culminating in the CT backpack episode. People seem to forget why that episode was so satisfying. It was bc Johnny finally got his comeuppance.

Nah I'll always rock with Wes over him. At least Wes brings the lulz. (After the whole fight with Jordan all he said was "jordan... I've never done steroids." :lol: )

And Jordan doesn't make any sense. Dudes friendships/enemies/allegiances are all over the place. A year ago he wanted to literally kill Bananas and Bananas was making fun of his hand disability. A day before this challenge Wes was trying to align with Jordan and Jordan was the one popping off about him and Theresa and its clear wveryone was confused like aren't you and Theresa friends?

Now Jordan's claiming he and Nia were never cool and Wes is his arch nemesis? He's all over the place.

And Leroys over there d riding Bananas like they're best friends and turned his back on Wes meanwhile Bananas is throwing him in as a thank you.

And Jay has the nerve to be mad when he hears people are carrying them as a safety procedure talking bout "that makes me mad." Like he'd do anything about it. Dude is 4'11" and his partner is poss the worst challenge competitor ever.

Nah son I can't rock with any of these fufu dudes.

#TeamWes b.

pretty much why I root for Wes :lol: ever since that season I've always rooted been a fan and hated bananas.

Gonna go watch those old challenges with my girl and show her why I root for Wes and hate bananas. She hates Wes and Teresa and wants nany and Bananas to win it all :smh:
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Yeah him and Evans was sticking a toothbrush up her thing while she was blacked out drunk or some ****.
Did you guys forget how bad bannanas screwed Paula over that one season where they were on an island?
Did you guys forget how bad bannanas screwed Paula over that one season where they were on an island?
Paula didn't really get screwed over imo, she was always going to be on the loser second boat, and she knew that. Dunbar was the only one that really got screwed. Eve said I'm taking your key or Dunbars, of course Johnny said take Dunbars. No one on this show would take the bullet for someone else.
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Looking at Leroy and Nia's situation, it's 100% clear why you cant just rely on your ability to complete the challenges and not try to play politics. Leroy thinks by him and Bananas working out together during the off season, that they are best of buds. Once Wes/Thersea were eliminated, you have to go after Jordan/Sarah at that point. Even though Jay/Jenna said they wouldn't throw you in, they are a team that is easily swayed. The next team you have to eliminate is Bananas/Nany because Bananas basically said he was a dead man walking because he made an alliance with Wes. He even went to the extreme of eliminating himself so "the blood wouldn't be on his hands". So when it's all said and done I can see why Nia was wilding out. You have Bananas/Nia who have already been eliminated, get a free pass from the dome. Then you have Johnny saying he only wants the best in the finals, and Jay/Jenna are smiling away like they are an actual factor in this game.
The only reason Nia shouldn't have been that upset, is how poorly she did. I'm not sure why she took it personal, they didn't have an alliance with Jordan, and it's the smart move. And how did it go from Jordan to Bananas and Nany :lol:

I like Wes because he treats it as a game, as does Bananas. I'm not sure why RoyLee thought that they wouldn't try to take out a strong team. People always pull that deserve card as a guilt trip, as if they're new to the challenge.

It's about money, it's always been about money. You keep one weak team, that's a higher place you can get.

I don't think Leroy and Nia would do that good in the finals anyway, because I'm not sure if Nia has the heart.
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Cringed so hard at Leeroy and Nia.

It's like they're given the choice of which chess piece to be and they gravitate towards the pawn.
That is the best editing MTV could do? :lol:

Did TJ say the exile between Bananas/Nany and Zach/Jonna was the last exile?

If so, that is weak because Wes/Theresa will not get a second chance like all the previously eliminated teams. Unless the injury they showed in the preview is so bad that MTV would not let them continue.

Wes played his best game of the challenge too :smh:
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Yeah I was saying the same thing.

It's dumb for the last eliminated team because they don't get a second chance like everyone else and they made it the furthest :smh:
Yeah I was saying the same thing.

It's dumb for the last eliminated team because they don't get a second chance like everyone else and they made it the furthest :smh:

I guess they didn't want to exiled team to have a free run to finals. Cause if they waited until after next weeks elimination then whoever won exiled match would be automatically in finals. Then again, your right they made it to last challenge, so they could have done it either way.

Bringing them in earlier makes for more drama, especially since it was Bananas coming back, and the entire house alliance/dynamic instantly switched. Sucks for Wes since he played this game out perfectly. Between getting Bananas eliminated at perfect time(if there had been no exiles), and having the rest of the sheep follow him with ease.
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Finally got caught up on the season. I was dying when Wes b**** *** was tryna sweet talk Bananas.

"You don't have to be like this"


If you gonna be the bad guy, be the bad guy.

Wouldn't it be some **** if the rookies end up winning. They've lasted cuz everybody else is fighting over how to deal with weakest the team.
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