My baby bro got jumped *inside for more info*

Originally Posted by hassan16
Originally Posted by hassan16

did you ever consider that ur bro may have enjoyed it?

I'm straight and the the thought of a group of women jumping me sounds appealing.


I'm out this thread.
Originally Posted by ccookielover49

i am sorry that happen to your bro, nobody deserves to get beat up, whether your gay, straight, black, white, etc.
makes me think how messed up the world is and how cruel people are.
Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by hassan16

did you ever consider that ur bro may have enjoyed it?

I'm straight and the the thought of a group of women jumping me sounds appealing.


I'm out this thread.


Dirty boutta come thru and drop the NT population by 10%.
yes theres been studies that show that women who dont produce enough testorone during pregnancy are likely to have gay children.

why cant people go to a club with out someone acting ignorant.

netas is a hispanic gang. was this in la perla

dirty is gonna have a field day in this post.
i think bad n fluz is a conspiracy to control the nt population. thought up by meth and dirty to keep general with in the proper numbers.
Puerto Rico? yeah you in the Caribbean doggie, aint nothing gonna happen. Sorry to hear that though, lucky he's still alive. And i've never heard ofgay siblings, if you're gay, whats his prob being out?
There was this one kid who went to my school who was mad cool, straight but got a lot of hate cause his bro was gay. I can't imagine both brothers beinggay.

Wow if this is all true.
Originally Posted by nelly28

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Originally Posted by nelly28

being gay ftl. kinda brought it on himself if he was acting all flamboyant if not that sucks.
Yo you sound stupid right now, son.

word dont wanna disrespect your lover.
I'm not gay. But I'm also not a $*%$-phobe. After yesterday I don't even see how you still want to post here
You got aired outfor one of the dumbest things ever. I guess in your mind finding other peoples belongings = eFame. Someone needs to make a comic of you finding some earringsand running home to post them on NT. Even if you lied... and failed... Sit down.
A lot of heads are going to roll after the mods are done. OP is a trap waiting to happen.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ


i got a lil brother. he has autism, he cant talk.anytime he is remotely uncomfortable i get
. hes the only bro. i got, i cant go out and chill with him like other people, so i always feel extra mushy when i see brotherly stuff. if anything like that happened to my lil brother, disabled or not, gay or not, normal or not, if something like that happened i wouldnt be able to focus, think, breath, esp if dude is somewhere far away.

whether the story is true or not, just reading it makes me angry/just a lil sad.
I have an 8 year old cousin who suffers with autism. It pisses me off when people come up to us in the store and say things like "If that wasmy child I'd spank their ___" I remember one time my Aunt and I were getting supplies for his birthday party and he was sitting in the shopping cart.He doesn't communicate well through words so he tends to make gestures and when you don't understand he gets frustrated. So, we were tryin tocompromise with him and this "snobby" lady came up and said "Looks like another ****** that needs a slap on the face." My aunt wasso....
and it made me

OP--hope your bro gets well soon.
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