My Boy ( 510Ballin) almost got both of us Robbed/Killed today... Edit: HA. Look whose on PG 7... -_-

Woah this kinda stuff happens in Fremont? Serious.. glad it was none of my fam in this
My boy and his friend actually were in a similar situation except the dudes in the sketch car actually came through
Some guys in a truck pulled up to themwhile at a light and said they had a sound system they needed to get rid of quick. They pulled into a parking lot and my friend checked it out and it waslegit. They even had the other car follow them to an ATM where they took out like $100. Paid the dudes about $150 and threw in some weed they had on them andthey came up on a $2000+ sound system.

I still think he's a dumb as hell for actually following the car and checking it out but it worked out in his favor this time.
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

WOAH. How you tryna say it wasnt an alleyway. LOL dont try to justify yourself. If you have to drive between two walls to get there and ur under a shade.. hmmm. But anyways. Driver was white, passenger was Hispanic. And yes, my dude DID cry on the cops shoulder. hahah i didnt wanna put him on blast but he did that one himself. Cop gave him a one handed hug and patted his back.

On the real, that was incredibly stupid. 510...
Seriously, if you were my friend, after and incident like that, I'd have to punch you in the face.

This happened in Fremont!?!? Damn, I would have thought Oakland or something, but Fremont?
After somethin like this...
i would reconsider if he really is "my boy"

you better be like 16 to do somethin that stupid(still doesnt justify, but no grown man would do this %!!@ ).
Fremont? That is one of the safest cities I know. Wow...

Edit- Hey Harlem Shake or 510NotBallin, do you guys know the street where this happened?
On another note

Excluding the alley part, this would be a legit transaction in Houston, Tx 9 times outta 10

They'd rob it back from you later but you can sport it for about a week or two
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

am I the only one who thinks its kinda F-ed up how dude airin out his "Boy".

Yes. you are.

dude almost got gun-butted, shanked, and swept the LEAST he coulda did was run this on NT

as 4 the op. u and 510ballin are not ethnic so stop w/ the phony bologna sn's.........such an epidemic on NT

point blank......u were fine after ur boy said "nah man i wish but i aint got the money" he wasnt bein a smart $*% but he also stood his ground.

then he just gave it up by sayin he 'only has $100'

yall need to realize dudes are not playin out there. u both equally failed

him 4 thinkin he found the steal of the century
and you for not bein tough enough to talk him out of followin dudes.

live and learn though. Praise the Lord, Im glad you two are ok.
cop showing up was a miracle

ur friend on the other hand is an idiot.

good thing both u guys are ok. just watch out. those two dudes might come back and look for u two when they get out.

lesson learned... be aware of ur surroundings and dont have idiotic friends.
Man just take it as a lessoned learned. thankfully yall aint learn the hard way.

i aint seen too much or been put in the hood where dudes is tryin to get me but i add stories like this this to my mental so i dont slipp up like yall did. yougood learn from it and move on.
dude my boy called me one morning and was like, yo im getting some good deals on a laptop.

i ignored him, went back to sleep and gets a call back half an hour later

100 bucks he bought a box of yellow page papers in a laptop box

then we went out and bought a playstation cuz he was pissed and wanted to spend some money hahaha
not sure if its in the earlier pages, but how old are you guys?
you guys will laugh about in the future fa'sho

Originally Posted by BgL2687

were you guys in the town? anyways even if they were really trying to sell you a stereo dont fall for the junk. Them dudes in oakland stay putting bricks in boxes, seal em back up n say its a brand new electronic item for $100 bux.
I was about to say this too. And this was about 8 years ago when they started putting bricks in computer and notebook boxes. This is an oldhustle. And those cats that drive by and always ask if you want cheap bodywork done on your car if you have a dent, those dudes are grimy too. They'll givea you a cheap estimate then ask for a deposit to buy the parts and never come back with your money.
Originally Posted by Worlds Enemy

Fremont? That is one of the safest cities I know. Wow...

Edit- Hey Harlem Shake or 510NotBallin, do you guys know the street where this happened?
, let me guess, stevenson blvd? fremont blvd? dood really cried on cop's shoulder though?
. he need's to have a sense of being'street' smart, i mean literally.
Originally Posted by YungMooly

Y'all dudes are not street smart...or smart at all for that matter.
word... i wanna know why your friend say he got 100 dollars, but dude asks for 3k...did ya boy think dude was gonna go that low even if he didhave a system.
I hope yall aint black, if that matters
Sorry to hear that man.
@ 510Ballin. Wut's up wit him? I she slow orsumtin'? Why would you even think to follow a stranger somewhere? Times are only gettin' worse and these kinds of situations are only gonna become moreprominent. It's a good thing you're ok. Had it not been for that cop, y'all wudda been done for. Or well, y'all would've at least gottenrobbed. Take it easy from now on. If you don't mind me askin', where u live OP?
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