Nail....Meet....Head....Vol. Dr. Umar Johnson Discusses Racism, President Obama, Personal Agenda Vs.

For starters, how about a state sponsored apology for slavery? The literal Trillions the nation profited from the practice, and the admittance that prejudice is literally woven into the constitution by slaveholding white men, and a nation that takes the words and the protector of these words(police) as gospel?

How about looking at blacks plight in America as an AMERICAN issue, not a black one. 30-40% of women were incarcerated at one point in their life would it not be considered an American issue? Representation, education, and monetary success are not solutions, they are simply supplements. The change has to come from the same system that supports the oppression. Racism will never die, but this state sanctioned racism has to.
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That's the other part of the equation as well. It doesn't change my point that education is not a priority in the home.
Church is

Different subject for a different time bruh, that one could go on for pages as well.

For starters, how about a state sponsored apology for slavery? The literal Trillions the nation profited from the practice, and the admittance that prejudice is literally woven into the constitution by slaveholding white men, and a nation that takes the words and the protector of these words(police) as gospel?

How about looking at blacks plight in America as an AMERICAN issue, not a black one. 30-40% of women were incarcerated at one point in their life would it not be considered an American issue? Representation, education, and monetary success are not solutions, they are simply supplements. The change has to come from the same system that supports the oppression. Racism will never die, but this state sanctioned racism has to.

Until the majority becomes the minority, it won't die because too many people benefit from it. But even then, this country is only 250yrs old, still a teenie bopper in comparison to other countries, so much to go through to get to where it should be w/ social issues. Racism is as American as apple pie and is the foundation for this nation. Everything from growth to expansion was done through the means of racism and discrimination.

But that's definitely a thing we need to is make this an AMERICAN issue and not a black (or brown) issue. Education is key.
The fact that we don't have a major country/state of origin backing us is a major disadvantage of ours. You steal us from Africa..then are mad you can't send us back.

You have to think though...the wicked heart of a man to look at another man as less than human. What those white men must've thought about those black men in 1619...I can't even imagine..

there had to be a catalyst in changing the black people from royalty to servants. Something had to have caused that event. There was a first. Somebody said first, wait a minute, we are better. And then everyone took to it. The fact that we live in a country of 320 million people and we account for 14% is bonkers.

I don't understand.

Every action the white supremacy seems to do is not to keep us down..but instead to keep us from getting back to where we were.
The fact that we don't have a major country/state of origin backing us is a major disadvantage of ours. You steal us from Africa..then are mad you can't send us back.

You have to think though...the wicked heart of a man to look at another man as less than human. What those white men must've thought about those black men in 1619...I can't even imagine..

there had to be a catalyst in changing the black people from royalty to servants. Something had to have caused that event. There was a first. Somebody said first, wait a minute, we are better. And then everyone took to it. The fact that we live in a country of 320 million people and we account for 14% is bonkers.

I don't understand.

Every action the white supremacy seems to do is not to keep us down..but instead to keep us from getting back to where we were.

From a book I've read, (Think it was Stolen Legacy) It all started back in Greece when a famed explorer came back from Africa spreading lies about how they were ape-like, cannibals, savages, etc. Now this wasn't Egypt because many Greeks traveled to Egypt to gain knowledge (modern day philosophy) but other areas in Africa. All of this allowed the Greeks and Romans(?) to find someone they could hate together instead of hating each other based off of pointless physical features.

Crazy thing is, all the savagery, incest, cannibalism, sodomy, etc was going on throughout Europe. Look at all the torture devices created in Europe, gotta be some sick people to think of ways to kill and torture people like that.

The word spread and the image was already planted before other explorers even sailed to Africa.
there had to be a catalyst in changing the black people from royalty to servants. Something had to have caused that event. There was a first. Somebody said first, wait a minute, we are better. And then everyone took to it. The fact that we live in a country of 320 million people and we account for 14% is bonkers.

I don't understand.

It's the opposite. They don't think (well at least not the educated ones) don't think we're inferior. At the heart of this problem is something much more sinister and evil. And I'm not talking Devils or illuminati bs. This is about genetics. Always has been. Always will be.

In the past few years, studies by groups including Reich’s have revealed that present-day people of non-African ancestry trace an average of about 2 percent of their genomes to Neanderthals — a legacy of interbreeding between humans and Neanderthals that the team previously showed occurred between 40,000 to 80,000 years ago. (Indigenous Africans have little or no Neanderthal DNA because their ancestors did not breed with Neanderthals, who lived in Europe and Asia.)
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They do but they don't.

I look at something as simple as them letting us raise their kids back in the day. Hell, some even NURSED their babies.

You think someone is inferior, I damn sure wouldn't let my kids around you, nor would I let my kids suck your damn *******
I think the fact that the same institution that used to put 12 white jurors on a trial and acquit other white people and the same institution that developed slave catching patrols into police are all of a sudden these just and fair institutions despite the INSTITUTION remaining largely the same is the paradox that we find ourselves in

Also someone raised the point about black people rais I ng and even nursing white children. I think that the animosity and vitriol that infects white people stems from antipathy and jealousy about black people being the cradle of civilization. Western ideologies about beauty in fact derive from qualifying themselves as being in direct opposition to the expression of ebon physicality
They do but they don't.

I look at something as simple as them letting us raise their kids back in the day. Hell, some even NURSED their babies.

You think someone is inferior, I damn sure wouldn't let my kids around you, nor would I let my kids suck your damn *******

We can cook their food and clean their house but can't sit next to em on a bus or use the same drinking fountain. Where the psychological sense in that playa?
^wit gasoline

We cant leave education of our kids soley up to the education system designed
to mislead and mentally enslave our kids. Its poisonous.
My kids are home schooled. I know everyone can accomodate that lifestyle, but
yall got to do some sort of schooling even if its a hour a week. Something to
balance out of counteract the euro- brainwashing going on in the system.
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^wit gasoline

We cant leave education of our kids soley up to the education system designed
to mislead and mentally enslave our kids. Its poisonous.
My kids are home schooled. I know everyone can accomodate that lifestyle, but
yall got to do some sort of schooling even if its a hour a week. Something to
balance out of counteract the euro- brainwashing going on in the system.
Interesting approach. How old are your kids now if you don't mind me asking?

I seen some of those revisionist and racist textbooks being used in US schools 

That's where the indoctrination starts.
The fact that we live in a country of 320 million people and we account for 14% is bonkers.

black populations been stagnated for decades because da disintegration of marriages (effected black ppl da worse) and abortions (which blacks also burden da largest loads statistically) have kept da numbers low.
Thanks for the vid, watched that and currently listening to the "What Every Black Person Should Know", while i do some work, great stuff!
black populations been stagnated for decades because da disintegration of marriages (effected black ppl da worse) and abortions (which blacks also burden da largest loads statistically) have kept da numbers low.

In your opinion, what caused those two things that you cited?

Do yall learn about Slavery in schools? 
I can only comment on my school so I'm not sure if it's the norm but yes. We didn't get much US history but the native american genocide, slavery and the civil war were the main components of the chapter. I took human sciences as my subject (kinda like a major in the US) in highschool which had behavioral- and cultural science as its main classes, the latter going more in depth about the civil rights movement in the US, specifically MLK and Malcolm X. Both had their own small chapters in history class but just some basic information.
Belgium is also guilty of colonization and slavery so we had a large chapter specifically about Congo as well.
I don't know if that's the norm across all schools though. As far as I know most schools use the same textbooks but depending on the "major" the depth and hours/week of history can differ.
^wit gasoline

We cant leave education of our kids soley up to the education system designed
to mislead and mentally enslave our kids. Its poisonous.
My kids are home schooled. I know everyone can accomodate that lifestyle, but
yall got to do some sort of schooling even if its a hour a week. Something to
balance out of counteract the euro- brainwashing going on in the system.

How do you find the efficiency of home schooling goes? Do you believe your children as as equipped or more so than public school children? Private school? How are the tests? Are oyu as strict in combating cheating? Any curriculum you forcus on more than others? When you get to history, what do you teach? How in-depth? How about the social dynamic? What do you think about that in regards to your children and their ability now and for the future with interacting with other children and adults?

Sorry for the 20 questions, I'm genuinely interested. I know some people home school their kids, but I haven't heard of them doing it for the reason you gave, so I'm more interested in your approach to keeping your children socially conscious.
black populations been stagnated for decades because da disintegration of marriages (effected black ppl da worse) and abortions (which blacks also burden da largest loads statistically) have kept da numbers low.

In your opinion, what caused those two things that you cited?

da spread of secularism is a factor... warehousing black males in prison is another factor.

if blacks upped their birthrate to hispanic levels they be way higher than 14%
[emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji][emoji]128079[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji] nothing but raw uncut knowledge and facts throughout the whole interview. One of the few times I've seen CTG not reach as much for the lulz; even he had to sit back and take all that truth in.

Totally agree.
^wit gasoline

We cant leave education of our kids soley up to the education system designed
to mislead and mentally enslave our kids. Its poisonous.
My kids are home schooled. I know everyone can accomodate that lifestyle, but
yall got to do some sort of schooling even if its a hour a week. Something to
balance out of counteract the euro- brainwashing going on in the system.

My wife and I considered the homeschooling but felt it'd hinder her growth of social interaction with others her age. Kids need that. What we do is teach her at home to increase or counteract what she's learning in school. I took her to see Selma, she watched Race, got her books on Harriet Tubman, slavery, etc. Gotta get her some more books though.
Been watching Umar for a minute...glad he getting more known...

100% facts in that video as usual
This guy has some real powerful things to say.

But is he practicing what he's preaching? I heard he's got two kids with two different women but he's out here telling folks marriage and abstinence is imperative to success.
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