NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

I think you know not being in every ep is different from not being in any eps at all.

There is a difference but after the altercation with the script, he played a lesser role than Troy (who was bangin Britta and living with Abed & Anne at the time)
While Troy became more important or more involved with ongoing story lines or a status quo and Pierce began to be less involved it doesn't change that he was part of the main cast, he played a critical role. He's one of the reasons the show worked for the ppl that are fans of it. For me his complete absence from this season (albeit his decision to have a ***** fit and leave) already put a damper on the show from here on out. I'm not really arguing who is easier to write out of the show, I'm saying any of that cast written out makes it no longer the same thing it was before.

I had one idea based on illusion of change (not saying it was the best one) that could've at least kept the concept of Pierce alive but since they've killed him it's like that's that, time to move on. So when I hear something like Troy is only in 5 eps this season it's like oh well, I'll enjoy this while it lasts.
Jay-Z built the brand Jay-Z not Shawn Carter and he's used the name in one field to branch out to other mediums and fields. He wasn't a rapper, actor, writer, director, etc. all at the same time and got famous in each avenue. Terrible example.

Donald Glover is building Childish Gambino as a brand too but when he does interviews (under that rap name) he always talks about Community and all his other endeavors, just like when he does interviews as Donald Glover he still mentions albums. Consider "Clapping for the Wrong Reasons", if you google it some sites say Donald Glover made it some say Childish Gambino made it. 

Answering questions and talking about the other things you're doing not directly related to the interviewer's questions about the specific medium the interview started off as isn't similar to what Jay-Z did or does and it's not pushing the name Childish Gambino and putting those other endeavors under that name as one brand. When Donald Glover gets a writing job it's not cuz the show runner asked for Childish Gambino and when Wiz Khalifa wants Childish Gambino on a track he didn't ask for Donald Glover.
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While Troy became more important or more involved with ongoing story lines or a status quo and Pierce began to be less involved it doesn't change that he was part of the main cast, he played a critical role. He's one of the reasons the show worked for the ppl that are fans of it. For me is complete absence from this season (albeit is his decision to have a ***** fit and leave) already put a damper on the show from here on out.

Pierce was my *****
Yeah that's basically it. Community is falling apart. It wasn't even a lock to have this current season with Harmon back. The show has been floundering in ratings since after S1 and it's not like it ever had super high ratings compared to other half hr comedies.

Plus NBC really doesn't know what the **** it's doing right now. It's been cancelling a lot of shows for the past few years and other networks have just been dominating them as of late.

Glover got an opportunity and he didn't pass it up.

Also, again, as far as I know this is the last season of Community. Some of yall are talking like there's more seasons to come.

who told you this was the last season? parks n rec is renewed for a 7th season and community gets better ratings than parks...

even though they are both low per standards...
Yeah that's basically it. Community is falling apart. It wasn't even a lock to have this current season with Harmon back. The show has been floundering in ratings since after S1 and it's not like it ever had super high ratings compared to other half hr comedies.

Plus NBC really doesn't know what the **** it's doing right now. It's been cancelling a lot of shows for the past few years and other networks have just been dominating them as of late.

Glover got an opportunity and he didn't pass it up.

Also, again, as far as I know this is the last season of Community. Some of yall are talking like there's more seasons to come.

who told you this was the last season? parks n rec is renewed for a 7th season and community gets better ratings than parks...

even though they are both low per standards...
Around the time it was announced Harmon was officially back from the things I read (more than one article/report) it was basically bring back Harmon one last time so he can euthanize his baby and not last season like they'll announce this is the final season but as in they're going to cancel the show after this season.
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While Troy became more important or more involved with ongoing story lines or a status quo and Pierce began to be less involved it doesn't change that he was part of the main cast, he played a critical role. I'm not really arguing who is easier to write out of the show, I'm saying any of that cast written out makes it no longer the same thing it was before.
Wat critical role did he play? I liked him on the show and when him Jeff got into it was funny and would have love for him to stay on the show but writing him out didn't affect the plot much at all. We're also gonna wonder how did the ride go for Troy and what he's gonna do with the money but I guess thats one of the many wonders we'll be left with when it's all over.
Answering questions and talking about the other things you're doing not directly related to the interviewer's questions about the specific medium the interview started off as isn't similar to what Jay-Z did or does and it's not pushing the name Childish Gambino and putting those other endeavors under that name as one brand. When Donald Glover gets a writing job it's not cuz the show runner asked for Childish Gambino and when Wiz Khalifa wants Childish Gambino on a track he didn't ask for Donald Glover.
What I was tryna show you was that they are viewed in a synonymous way in many ppl's eyes,so yes Wiz would want Donald Glover on a track and Childish Gambino did and can have a writing job. People don't look at what he does and label if Glover or Gambino did it, becuase they both did it they're the same person.
So when I hear something like Troy is only in 5 eps this season it's like oh well, I'll enjoy this while it lasts.
Wat critical role did he play?
He's a fan ******g favorite character. This is a comedy. He was funny. That's as critical a role as it gets on this show.

Peep this entire thread for like minded opinions. As long as this show has been on the most disposable character has mostly been Shirley.
I liked him on the show and when him Jeff got into it was funny and would have love for him to stay on the show but writing him out didn't affect the plot much at all.
What plot? There aint no plot for this show. There's a status quo and various adventures within it. If that's how you feel I can tell you now that they could write out Shirley or Britta and the show could just keep going on just fine.

The effect on the show though is that core cast no longer being the same. The dynamic changes. That's undeniable.
We're also gonna wonder how did the ride go for Troy and what he's gonna do with the money but I guess thats one of the many wonders we'll be left with when it's all over.
There always gonna be things to wonder about after the end of a series no matter how final and how many things are wrapped up for the last season or ep.

Answering questions and talking about the other things you're doing not directly related to the interviewer's questions about the specific medium the interview started off as isn't similar to what Jay-Z did or does and it's not pushing the name Childish Gambino and putting those other endeavors under that name as one brand. When Donald Glover gets a writing job it's not cuz the show runner asked for Childish Gambino and when Wiz Khalifa wants Childish Gambino on a track he didn't ask for Donald Glover.

What I was tryna show you was that they are viewed in a synonymous way in many ppl's eyes,so yes Wiz would want Donald Glover on a track and Childish Gambino did and can have a writing job. People don't look at what he does and label if Glover or Gambino did it, becuase they both did it they're the same person.
No **** that they're the same person.

What I'm saying is that when you create a specific name for yourself in a specific field, you are known by that name not by the other name you go by in another field. The whole thing about being pigeon-holed or put in a box as one thing is that he's more than one thing at the same time. He didn't start off as one thing and branch out in to others. He's doing all these different things at the same time.

So yes, when ppl see Donald Glover the actor they know him as Donald Glover the actor and when other ppl see him rapping they know him as Childish Gambino. It's pretty simple to understand. Not everybody that knows him as an actor knows he's a rapper and vice versa. Donald Glover the actor isn't a Chris "Ludacris" Bridges or LL Cool J or Ice Cube, he's Donald Glover. When fans of Childish Gambino ask for autographs they're not saying "Yo Donald!"
:rofl: Boy did they get in to this quickly. Way faster than the paintball war with the other school.



:lol: @ Childish Tycoon

They're all clones :lol:

That was another nice attempt at Pierce trying to screw over Troy :lol: Reading rainbow Geordi
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seeing troy leave was one of the saddest things i've seen on tv in years. the feels are real bros
its genius writing how the reason troy is leaving is literally to go around the world chasing money

shots fired? 
But that's not why Troy is leaving. Troy is leaving to become his own man and to take hold of his own opportunities. He's been comfortable and wants to see what he can accomplish on his own, which is the exact reason why Donald is leaving the show. Now that is actually genius writing.
Great episode.

Abed falling into the lava like Ripley in Aliens 3 :lol:

Troy & Abed in a bubble!

Childish Tycoon
I wonder if they're going to stick with this Clone Abed deal? His mannerisms were appreciated or maybe they're trying to revamp him as a character.

Just rewatched it because I missed the very beginning. Why don't they call it Planet Trek? :lol:
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