New HBO series "Ballers" starring The Rock

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man I knew Jason looked familiar. he played the white barber in barbershop. :lol:

So pissed I forgot to set series recording and missed first half of this episode. I'm going to have to wait til midnight to watch it.

I did like the finesse used to get the number 18 though.

why don't you watch instantly on hbogo?
man I knew Jason looked familiar. he played the white barber in barbershop. :lol:
why don't you watch instantly on hbogo?

Well damn. I guess because I was ignorant to what you could do exactly with it. I have the xfinity to go app and never tried HBO's version. I've been used to either watch it, record it or catch it at midnight.
Ricky is going to get caught cheating on his girl and her uncle is going to do something crazy to him.
Anyone else think they'll end up going with the "we're tired of our current situation and the way things are run, so let's do our own thing" storyline with The Rock, Joe, and Jason?
Show is fun for what it is.

When wifey put the pic up on the TV 
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