News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Swat Lizards?

Bleeding Cool pointed out that Rob Liefeld and Scott Lobdell talked about the upcoming Deadpool movie at the Amazing Arizona Comic Con last weekend and Liefeld had some very interesting things to say:

"They've got a great director on the movie, they've got a great script. I may or may have not seen some sort of test of footage that would blow your mind if you saw it and go holy crap and that's Deadpool in costume. Katana swords, guns, shooting people’s faces off and making me laugh. And I may or may not have seen something that looks just like that. And you've got what would amount to the first R Rated X-Men movie. Because that script is R Rated.

They may or may not have wanted to shoot eight minutes to see how it would play. And all I can tell you, it's close. It’s closer that it's even been to going, or going Naaah, that's too scary a proposition to make a R Rated Deadpool movie.â€
^I dislike the fact they used a track from Tron:Legacy. I don't understand why they keep making these films. The last film was ridiculously bad.
Potential Avengers spoiler...
Spoiler [+]
Although highly unlikely, rumors are Andrew Garfield and his Spiderman will be making a short cameo in the Avengers

Maybe a little something like this..
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Potential Avengers spoiler...
Spoiler [+]
Although highly unlikely, rumors are Andrew Garfield and his Spiderman will be making a short cameo in the Avengers

Maybe a little something like this..
That would be cool...But Spider-man is filmed by Sony. Either way, I really hope it happens since Spider-Man is in the New Avengers and from the previews, looks like there are scenes that are taking place in New York.
Originally Posted by FeedTheEgo1982

That Resident Evil looks TERRIBLE.. How did they mess up the series this bad...

They went completely away from the game stories with this Alice character
.  Imagine if they just went off the script of the games and how much better it would have been.
^hahaha Then, to have the nerve to put Ada in there with the EXACT same outfit from RE4 is just ridiculous.. They were definitely on one with this series..
Originally Posted by RFX45

Anybody knows where else I can buy Mondo's "Fortress of Solitude" print/poster?
Thing sold out with quickness.

Any luck on this RFX? I'd be interested in this as well.
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