NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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yeah that's why i don't blame him for not forking over the phone.

i didn't even know who that chick was until i googled her. that tabloid/ celeb life is strong in you
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yeah that's why i don't blame him for not forking over the phone.

i didn't even know who that chick was until i googled her. that tabloid/ celeb life is strong in you
you honestly didn't know brady was married to giselle? i have 2000 posts on niketalk, im on the internet a lot. 
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they didn't try to cover it up?

why brady refuse to let investigators obtain his phone? why did he deny all of it?

have you seen the graph of how the pats have the least lost fumble in the past 10 years? tell me that deflated footballs have nothing to do it
Do you realize how absurd you sound? Why on earth would anyone in their right mind hand over their phone? Privacy must not hold any value to you. Try to step out of your fandom and try looking at this with rationality.

I don't believe they covered anything up. Like I said we have known how Tom prefers the football. If they were covering anything up Kraft wouldn't have sounded off the way he did at media day.

knew that was going to be an excuse. the thing is it shouldn't have even been a full on investigation. brady should have just owned up to it. and it would have been not as bad as it is now
So Brady has to own up in order for your appetite to be satisfied? Why would he own up to anything when there isn't anything to own up to? Just admit that your fandom clouds your perspective on this. Truth be told I would be making this same arguement for every single QB in the league. It's a non-story that's only being fueled by media blowhards and people who hate the Pats.
Like I told VA, I'm looking at like a 8 or .900 batting avg. on this topic. And when I say ****** still ain't being real about this deflating thing...I'm right about that too.
Maybe Im misremembering word to Roger Clemens.. And if I am I'll apologize for being wrong, no shame in that..

But didn't you go extra hard proclaiming the patriots innocence, dudes falling for a media agenda, etc?

Yeah, let's go ahead and check the scoreboard.

This **** was from the time between Brady/Belichick's PC and before the SB game...
If you ask me...Brady lied in his PC. I *think* Belichick was telling the truth. At the end of the day though...does it even matter? Take a step back and look at the current climate of this situation. No matter what happened, they were going into a no-win situation having to address the lynch mob of moral high horses & others with transparent agendas. NOTHING they could've said at the PC was gonna quiet down this ridiculous ****. They just went with the option that put it back in the NFL's court. I have a working #spicyhottakes theory on how it all started after the Ravens game, but I'll save that for another time.

Just a week ago Brady was mocking the Ravens for not "knowing the rules". He knows to the extent how he likes his footballs but cant tell if its how he likes it?
Ahh...finally something worth chewing on.

Like I said in my previous post, I think Brady lied in his PC. He knows how he wants those footballs for his own comfort, as does every other QB that "doctors" them.

Did you even watch the video?

Look at this.

This is what people are gonna run with now?!

A fluff piece from Good Morning America in which Bill Nye (an admitted Seahawks fan) playfully ***** around on the subject. LOL.

You already knew once science & physics got involved we were gonna get wacky **** from all over the place. And just FTR, there's already been videos and articles from unbiased people in the professional & academic fields in which they conclude the Patriots official version of events is scientifically possible. (Even though I personally believe it went a different way...)

The thinking is (Bill mentioned yesterday as their official stance), it more than likely had to do w/ different variables that aren't being accounted for the two sets of footballs. What also matters is how the Patriots prep them for game-ready condition & Brady's comfort vs. the Colts or any other team in the league.

Their position is they did not intentionally circumvent the rules to deflate the footballs after the refs inspected it. They claim they followed all the rules on this matter and can prove that. According to Bill, they re-created the environment for that game & how they normally prepare them for Tom and found that the footballs deflate on their own. It's up to you if you want to give them the benefit of doubt on that. Personally, I think they just did it the ol' fashioned way and deflated it by hand...but my view is it's not a big deal nor worth any of this **** because QB's do it for their own comfort and it's NEVER been viewed as cheating to gain an advantage until now. New England simply got one upped in gamesmanship by the Colts and/or Ravens.

I suspect as part of its investigation the NFL will ask other teams around the league to re-create their prep for game-ready balls in a similar environment and compare/contrast vs. the Patriots. If the Pats are the only ones that deflate by the reported (not confirmed) margin, then it's a really bad look.

It goes without saying we need all the facts on the story before we definitively say this or that should happen. ESPN helped break the news, but they've contradicted themselves more than once already. Schefter has said different things than Mort's original report. Their sports science segment says one thing, the football analysts say another. **** is a stupid mess.

Here's what I said from the start: my personal opinion is that Tom Brady lied in his presser and Bill *could* have told the truth. But regardless of intent, it's more than likely nothing out of the ordinary and not just exclusive to them. Why? Because the footballs are being doctored and tailored to Brady's preference for comfort.

It's inconclusive at BEST in regards to whether it even provides any real/significant advantage, and I listed examples of (unbiased) scientific segments backing up that claim.

It's an open secret around the league and in different levels of the sport that some QB's have their footballs doctored a certain way to their liking. I gave you different (unbiased) legitimate examples, including a painfully obvious one that you, I, and the entire country watching the same game A. mostly ignored B. didn't deem it important at the time. That same blatant example just so happens to have that QB liking his footballs doctored out of spec and hoping officials don't notice and "fix it".

It's gamesmanship.

Difference between any previous similar situations vs. this #deflategate nonsense is the boogeyman Patriots are involved and that always raises certain people's ***** right out of their pants.

Can we also agree that he's done his owner pal Kraft some favors in the past
and will most likely do him another?

This dumb **** has spawned into a different stratosphere of "crisis". It's the kind that not only needs a thorough satisfactory answer, but also could be a golden ticket to salvage some credibility for a league office that badly needs it right now. The timing & perspective thing is so crucial and there's no doubt in my mind it's gonna play a part in the punishment. We all know he's an incompetent buffoon, but Roger is ALL about saving his own *** and this is the PERFECT chance to do it. They're under the brightest spotlight ever and people want blood. I'm of the belief that the balls were doctored, and if that holds true, it's gonna end up ugly after the ruling. I think a lot of people are underestimating how ****** they are right now.

All over some silly gamesmanship.
_'s need to keep it real...y'all never really gave a flying **** about footballs out of spec that had no affect on the game and y'all don't care about "THE INTEGRITY OF THE GAME" phrase that keeps being thrown around. It's wanting to see them punished for an 8 year old crime. That's what it is and that's what's gonna hurt them in the end regardless of how it goes.

The only thing that could possibly save them is if the NFL holds its conclusion until after the Superbowl and the Patriots win. Maybe that way the league doesn't want to come down hard on the champ after a PR nightmare season.
Not official yet, but looking like a


right now. (That last part I wrote played out to a tee and there's STILL gonna be a punishment...Welp.

Son asked ME to apologize though.

And meanwhile I'm just finally going through this **** w/ the groupthink in here and no middle ground.
Non story

Mental gymnastics to say the top Sports story and one that led World News is a non story by definition its not a story it's THE STORY.
Do you realize how absurd you sound? Why on earth would anyone in their right mind hand over their phone? Privacy must not hold any value to you. Try to step out of your fandom and try looking at this with rationality.

I don't believe they covered anything up. Like I said we have known how Tom prefers the football. If they were covering anything up Kraft wouldn't have sounded off the way he did at media day.
So Brady has to own up in order for your appetite to be satisfied? Why would he own up to anything when there isn't anything to own up to? Just admit that your fandom clouds your perspective on this. Truth be told I would be making this same arguement for every single QB in the league. It's a non-story that's only being fueled by media blowhards and people who hate the Pats.

because they are holding back something. that's why. there is no privacy when you're a celeb in the limelight especially when you want to be seen in public.

then why, when asked did brady said he doesn't alter footballs nor does he tell anyone to do it? lol you're saying he is innocent but he sure didn't act like it when asked those questions.
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then why, when asked did brady said he doesn't alter footballs nor does he tell anyone to do it? lol you're saying he is innocent but he sure didn't act like it when asked those questions.
yo the funny thing is i actually hate brady and that bs receiver line up crap the pats pulled. but you are acting like he aaron hernandez'd someone 
they didn't try to cover it up?

why brady refuse to let investigators obtain his phone? why did he deny all of it?

have you seen the graph of how the pats have the least lost fumble in the past 10 years? tell me that deflated footballs have nothing to do it
would u let third party investigators go through your phone? hep robably has a million naked photos of giselle on it
You haven't read the report.

Material pertinent to communications with McNally and Yaz were only things requested to be viewed, in the presence of Tom and his handlers no less.
they didn't try to cover it up?

why brady refuse to let investigators obtain his phone? why did he deny all of it?

have you seen the graph of how the pats have the least lost fumble in the past 10 years? tell me that deflated footballs have nothing to do it
would u let third party investigators go through your phone? hep robably has a million naked photos of giselle on it
You haven't read the report.

Material pertinent to communications with McNally and Yaz were only things requested to be viewed, in the presence of Tom and his handlers no less.
Very important. Tom had the right to refuse and did so but not because he was protecting Giselle's poon shot.
DSK's back :lol: :nerd:
they didn't try to cover it up?

why brady refuse to let investigators obtain his phone? why did he deny all of it?

have you seen the graph of how the pats have the least lost fumble in the past 10 years? tell me that deflated footballs have nothing to do it
would u let third party investigators go through your phone? hep robably has a million naked photos of giselle on it

You haven't read the report.

Material pertinent to communications with McNally and Yaz were only things requested to be viewed, in the presence of Tom and his handlers no less.

Very important. Tom had the right to refuse and did so but not because he was protecting Giselle's poon shot.

Which just proves how easily the naive are manipulated.

so you believe this some inside job to destroy brady? some kind conspiracy theory? and you are the way seeing through the smoke and mirrors? we are just so easily manipulated by the invisible hand ? please tell us more
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Non story

Mental gymnastics to say the top Sports story and one that led World News is a non story by definition its not a story it's THE STORY.
Which just proves how easily the naive are manipulated.
you have to keep in mind how old (young) some of the people on here are. then you realize why the logic is broken
Blind faith and heads in the sand because it happens to be your fav team is soooooooo mature.
Non story :rofl:

Mental gymnastics to say the top Sports story and one that led World News is a non story by definition its not a story it's THE STORY.
Which just proves how easily the naive are manipulated.

you have to keep in mind how old (young) some of the people on here are. then you realize why the logic is broken :lol:

Blind faith and heads in the sand because it happens to be your fav team is soooooooo mature.

you haven't read my thoughts on this, clearly....
When the ball boy is receiving money, sneakers and autographed footballs from brady you gotta really consider how long this been going on and what else we need to know....
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