NFL Week 8 In Review...

The Romo/Garrett honeymoon may be beginning to unravel. Jerry Jones said things like "we can't keep giving games away" and he has never even hinted at Romo being the problem before this. Although he directly criticized Dez, he was a tad more brutal than he usually is about the offense. This is positive news for Cowboys fans everywhere.
Doubt many people saw Pack/Jag game but it was one of the worst games I've ever seen by Aaron Rodgers. He had 105 yards on 50% passing w/ 1TD going into the 4th
Take away a punt block for a TD and we woulda been losing 7-13 to the Jags in the 4th
I'm hoping Jordys hammy is just precautionary cause it was just the Jagaurs because we can't afford to be without his top 10 talent along with Jennings for an extended period of time. Terrible game just terrible.
Eqgles still suck NFC East is terrible besides the Giants.
You still ain't scaring anyone Atlanta
Stupid Bears
i wouldn't be worried any team can win even if that team has lost a lot already. Rodgers said even though they made winning look easy last year it's not. 
Honestly no matter who we lost to I'd be upset.

The AFC is weak so the top teams are going to skim thru their divisions.

I said it before, we need home field throughout the playoffs, I don't want to go up to NE and I don't wanna go to Denver, Baltimore I'm indifferent towards.

We've already beat Denver and Baltimore, We beat NE and we control our path.
As for Mike, no, not this year I don't mean it's on Rex, but he got a ton of hype before this mess, and I said he was overrated then too. What he did in Batl means nothing, he was a coordinator, I'm sure he's good at that, but as a head coach, he's balls. And he hired Sparano to help him out, which should say alot
i know he was a DC with the ravens my point was he has HOF players and people in the ravens front office that will tell u the man knows his stuff about football.

this is going to be his 1st year with a losing record as a HC tho. the jets where never suppose to make the playoffs the years he got them there. i understand dude has a big mouth and runs it to much at times. but dude back it up his 1st 2 years in the NFL.

if he got fired from the jets he sure as hell would be getting another HC job and would get a good one at that.

you cant tell me you dont wish your team didnt give the job to rex and not sparano in 2007
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Doubt many people saw Pack/Jag game but it was one of the worst games I've ever seen by Aaron Rodgers. He had 105 yards on 50% passing w/ 1TD going into the 4th :x Take away a punt block for a TD and we woulda been losing 7-13 to the Jags in the 4th :x I'm hoping Jordys hammy is just precautionary cause it was just the Jagaurs because we can't afford to be without his top 10 talent along with Jennings for an extended period of time. Terrible game just terrible.

I watched from start to finish for fantasy purposes, I was shaking my head.
Can't believe you thought you could.

4-3 and you guys puffing your chest? :lol:

After the past decade of irrelvance and previously squandering the career of a top 3 QB talent I guess I understand, just be careful with the optimism...
Also, people like to **** on them just because, but the Browns are not this awful football team everyone makes them out to be. Weeden has progressed well, Trent is running hard and their defense is legitimate. Ask San Diego LOL.
Can't believe you thought you could.

4-3 and you guys puffing your chest? :lol:

After the past decade of irrelvance and previously squandering the career of a top 3 QB talent I guess I understand, just be careful with the optimism...

Who the **** is puffing out their chest? What have I even said within ANY week in review threads that has to do with my team bright guy?

You're the one that was runnin off at the mouth during last season, after the season, before the draft, after the draft, during this season, now look at you. Got nothin on your mind but to chase my tail and try to call me out.

Call us irrelevant all you want, the Jets have never been relevant either outside SB 3, so what the **** are you talkin about? You stay losing to Chad Henne and Matt Moore all these years, so get the hell on with your pounding our chest ********. Thas the trouble with you Jet folks, you ran wild for years like you was somebody, now it's back in your face and you all bent about it. **** that. Shoulda kept your ******g mouth closed like we all told ya. But nooooooo, Sanchize to the rescue. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Who the **** is puffing out their chest? What have I even said within ANY week in review threads that has to do with my team bright guy?
You're the one that was runnin off at the mouth during last season, after the season, before the draft, after the draft, during this season, now look at you. Got nothin on your mind but to chase my tail and try to call me out.
Call us irrelevant all you want, the Jets have never been relevant either outside SB 3, so what the **** are you talkin about? You stay losing to Chad Henne and Matt Moore all these years, so get the hell on with your pounding our chest ********. Thas the trouble with you Jet folks, you ran wild for years like you was somebody, now it's back in your face and you all bent about it. **** that. Shoulda kept your ******g mouth closed like we all told ya. But nooooooo, Sanchize to the rescue. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But I said we were going to be awful this year...go back to the prediction thread, I had us finishing in 3rd behind the Bills (god was I wrong about the Bills :x)

I have called Sanchez trash since the second we drafted him, I was routinely the only guy even during the AFC championship years saying he was what was holding us back from being a true SB team. So once again you lose me with that. I barely post in the NYJ thread cause I can't stand dealing with the delusion of some people in there.

I haven't said much about the Dolphins all year, but now that your team won some games for the first time in a decade, your squealing like a little piggy. So excited that your better than my trash team for the first time since Marino retired, congrats:lol: . You get more excited about my team losing than your own team's success, think that says it all.
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i'm just going to assume it's because he's always a great regular season qb, but doesn't get acknowledged since he is incapable of showing up at all once the playoffs begin.
also, there's at least two games the falcons shouldn't have won, but managed to do so because of stupid play at the end of games by their opponents. if they're 5-2 right now, would you even begin to post your sentence on nt?

Naw we're 7-0 because we should have won...the Canthers put us right on the 1 yard line...they got chopped...and the Raiders..hell they tied it up and in the end got chopped.. :smokin Like Matt Ryan is not known for 4th qtr comebacks..ok
Allen is the only Jet fan I seen that says Sanchez sucks, but if I missed you, so be it.

Point being, I don't jump up and down that Miami is anything, we on house money this year. All I wanted to see was if Tanne was anything. Develop and deepen the roster, that's all I wanted. We have a boatload of picks next year, that's it. Keep it moving, get the roster in good shape, build, build build build.

What you talkin about me hypin my team is flat out dead wrong. You thinkin your fanbase, coaches, and players can talk and talk and talk for years without someone sayin anything back is funny tho.
Jason Garrett is the worst coach in the NFL

I disagree. I don't think he's anything special but Jerry Jones wants too much say and power. You can't be the head coach when you have a head coach constantly saying dumb **** to the media or on the sideline following you around. I don't think the Cowboys will win another ring until Jerry Jones retires.
Jason Garrett is the worst coach in the NFL

I disagree. I don't think he's anything special but Jerry Jones wants too much say and power. You can't be the head coach when you have a head coach constantly saying dumb **** to the media or on the sideline following you around. I don't think the Cowboys will win another ring until Jerry Jones retires.

It goes hand in hand I think.

You can pretty much sum up Garret at on that 2nd to last drive by the Cowboys, 3-1 and you call a pass, 4-1 and you call a pass.

Romo isn't any better. He should've audibled to a draw or a run.

That isn't the first time we've seen Garrett's exceptional play calling.
^ I think he coaches scared. He's made bad calls and dumb decisions but he doesn't control that locker room and the team knows it. Jerry Jones won't let him be his own man.

And one reason I disagree is because Norv Turner is the worst coach I've ever seen. That team gets worse every year, he has issues with Norv and they "resolve" them.
^ it was 2 and 1 as well. Three chances to get a first down yet they're throwing it out of bounds and to the end zone from the 20.

There was a 1:30 left in the game at the time as well while they had 3 timeouts. Why you throwing it to the end zone on 3rd and 1 giving Eli all that time to get in FG range. It's just common sense. Pure stupidity on Garret's part and Romo as well like you said. Change the play or at least get something short in the middle of the field. Don't throw it out of bounds or to the end zone.
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