NFL Week In Review - Week 11 - Bandwagon Clown Club Edition


May 31, 2004
Week 11 in Review - post your thoughts and takes. Before I go, RIP to Terry Glenn. Gone too soon.

- The Pats just own Jack Del Rio
- Who’s the idiot whose idiot “friend” asked why the Patriots signed Brandin Cooks?
- That 62 yarder, elevation or not, was a bomb and good from probably 72 yards
- Raiders best moment was ‘Shawn sitting for our anthem and standing for Mexico’s
- Steelers roller coaster style of winning games rolls on
- AB should be a OPOY/MVP candidate
- The Buffalo Bills are a ****ing joke and deserve each and everyone one of those Peterman turnovers
- TyFraud still went out and put 100% effort out there…he’s a better man than me
- @franc in dude stew in that Maytag of his right now with Marimoto, the Broncos, Alexis, Dak, and the Raiders
- Romo getting forced into early retirement because of Dak’s rookie season is sickening
- That said, Romo safe and sound in the booth and staying hydrated with Coronas has been a pleasure to witness
- The Jags probably will lose by 4 scores on Wild Card weekend
- I’ll eat a slice of humble pie for being wrong about Pittsburgh losing on Wild Card weekend, @spacedoodoo
- Phil Super Sperm Rivers gonna win the West? :nerd:
- How have the trash *** Ravens pitched 3 shutouts?!!
- Cutler, Marimoto, and Peterman threw more INTs this week than Brady has thrown in the last three seasons
- Texans and Cardinals…if a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, etc. etc.
- Except for Larry Fitz Gawd passing some B grade TE in yards for 4th all time…we all heard that :pimp:
- Andy Reid off a bye, huh? Apparently not if it’s right before Thanksgiving when his fat *** got a Thanksgiving feast on the mind
- Drew Brees can still put the team on his back and that Saints defense really isn’t anything special
- We can hate on the Bills all we want and they deserve it, but I hope Peterman can recover from that start. Hope he has a short memory
- Adam Thielen gonna look pretty as hell in a Pats jersey next year

Bandwagon Fan Clowns of Week Joining the Bandwagon Clown Club:
buc em buc em

Garbage Time Watson….

that's gold :pimp:

MVP List


1) Eagles
2) Steelers
3) Vikings
4) Rams
5) Saints
-Derek Carr is overrated
-Tyrod had a great view of Peterman getting picked off 5 times
-Vikings are the real deal
-Wentz 4 MVP
-Rayne Dakota getting exposed
-Kizer is a bust
-Alex Smith reverting back to his 2016 form
-Fitzpatrick>>>>>>Jameis Winceton
-Brett Hundley is trash and so is UCLA
-I stopped thinking this was a winnable game around week 3 but it still hurts.

-the stat of Brady vs Del Rio as a head coach was disgusting

-Brady ate us up underneath when we were in zone and killed us deep when we went man

-i don't even know what the Raiders want to do on offense

-everytime Lynch is getting good runs they bring in the smaller backs, sometimes he never gets touches again.

-receivers drop everything

-defense is beyond trash

-10 games with no interceptions, imagine that

-Del Rio needs to go but they just extended him and the owner is poor so I doubt he'll pay 2 coaches

-I still believe in the Rams

-Vikings look good

-Teddy may have the higher ceiling but they would be dumb to disrupt what they got going

-Saints look good on offense, need to see how they do against the Rams

-Eagles continue to roll, 30 unanswered in the 2nd half or something crazy

-NFC playoffs should be good

-AFC looking like always, Patriots or Steelers
@S4L @mpire @InTheHallway



it feels real good the biggest clown on this board won't be back with all his Dak > Wentz LOL stats from 2016 which will go down as meaningless in the end...good riddance coward :pimp:

-Raiders really took a big step back this year, yesterday was telling
-Vikings are good
-Rams might come back to earth with their schedule coming up
-Chiefs really might want to look at bringing in Mahomes, Hunt peaked in Sept.
-Browns about to go 1-31 with all those picks they accumulated
-Ravens have one of the worst offenses that I have ever seen
-Gase really got through to the Dolphins by shipping off Ajayi
-Packers losing AR12 just shows you how good he really is
-Broncos score like Franc multi quotes
-that Chris Thompson injury :sick:
-Saints stay taking bounty gate style hits :smh:
-really starting to think Winston is nothing special
-Bills are a mess after what went down yesterday
Someone talk me off the ledge that the Big Red / Alex Smith era won't end in a crashing, burning heap along with me crying into a double Crown and coke.

Alex Smith doesnt crash and burn. He goes out with a whimper.
- Putting Teddy in the back pocket for now. The longer the play of Case keeps up, the more I lower the percentage of wanting to see Teddy in there. I think we do see it at some point though, but for now...Case is killin' it.
- A Vikings win on Thursday and the division should be pretty much wrapped up.
- Washington blew it big time. :smh:
- NE/Pittsburgh AFCCG damn near a guarantee at this point.
- Eagles may only lose 2 games the rest of the way, max.

Looking forward:

Tonight should be good. I just hope for Seattle's sake it doesn't come down to a Walsh FG (which it just might), otherwise I think with their secondary getting hit hard with injuries, they finally come out on fire and not spend 3.5 quarters trying to establish the run. Russell Wilson has a serious opportunity for MVP if it Bevell doesn't get in his way.

- Thanksgiving football in 3 days. :smokin
- You know who's actually having the time of his life? Adam Thielen. Minny kid, from a D2 Minny college. Un-drafted free agent to the Vikings, having an All-Pro year in his 4th season with the team. Great story. I'm officially impressed with the Vikings. Still don't see them stealing a win in Philly in January, and still believe that the Lions will give them a run for that North title (Thursday's game will be huge), but they're definitely a team you don't really want to see in the playoffs.

- Rams were disappointing, yesterday. Tough road test for them in Minny, but no way should the league's highest scoring offense be held to 7 points. Minny's defense isn't THAT good. Cooper Kuup's fumble at the goal-line was game changing, but them dudes drove down the field on drive 1 and didn't score a single point after.

- Get my guy Kirk Cousins out of DC ASAP :smh:.

- Raiders put up an absolute stinker in Mexico City. Can't say I didn't see it coming, though. Chargers really about to make a run for the AFC West.

- Pack putting up a goose egg in Lambeau :sick:. A-Rod's collarbone can't heal fast enough for that fanbase.

- Tonight's game is HUGE. I'm feeling Seattle despite the depleted secondary. Still don't trust ATL out of that dome.

- Chiefs :stoneface: . Andy's time in KC looking similar to his time in Philadelphia sans the deep playoff runs.

- I don't have anything to say about the birds of Philadelphia that hasn't really been said already. Squad is firing on all cylinders right now. Was really happy to see Ronald Darby lead the team in tackles and record a pick in his first game back since weak 1. Held the Cowboys to 0 TDs at home. That's an accomplishment regardless of who was out for them. Loving the way that the secondary is gelling together, and playing off the pressure that the front 7 is getting. Would be a huge blessing to get Sidney Jones in the fold before the playoffs (Don't know if it'll actually happen, though). It's looking like, Pit or NE is gearing up for another run in the AFC Playoffs, and a strong secondary will be needed to get a dub against either of them.

Still some season left though. We shall see.
Tonight should be good. I just hope for Seattle's sake it doesn't come down to a Walsh FG (which it just might), otherwise I think with their secondary getting hit hard with injuries, they finally come out on fire and not spend 3.5 quarters trying to establish the run. Russell Wilson has a serious opportunity for MVP if it Bevell doesn't get in his way.

i like ATL in a Sherman, ET, or Kam? ouch.

so it'll prob be SEA by 3 :lol:

- Thanksgiving football in 3 days. :smokin

this :pimp:
- I very much appreciate the Texans winning on Andre Johnson Day instead of squandering the festivities. It would have been a total embarrassment had they lost. On the flipside, Tom Savage ain't fooling me like he'll fool many people in this city. Sure, Savage showed some heart, but that game REALLY told me how bad the Cardinals were.

- #VINTAGE Cowboys. It was 7-9 when I went to get something to drink and eat, and 37-9 when I came back. Dak looked as hapless as Osweiler out there, Dez continued to look washed, and that defense was embarrassing.

- Case Keenum may keep Teddy on the sidelines for awhile. You gotta ride the hot hand while it's still hot.

- Broncos doing exactly what I hoped they would. Karma hit them like a ton of bricks.

- Browns had every opportunity to put away the Jags, and they Brown'd their underwear once again.

- Saints look nice. Totally different team than years ago as far as how they win.

- Chiefs will go nowhere. They looked unstoppable not too long ago and look extra regular right now.

- Loved seeing the Titans get pounded and beg for mercy.

- Bills got what they deserved. Nathan Peterman is the name of a 1st time salesman, not a quarterback.
How much more does the Raven's Defense has to do since their offense sucks so damn bad
-LA Chargers are lowkey the second best team in the AFC. What's stopping a Jags/Chargers AFC title game?

-Much like shenanigans on spring break, whatever happens overseas doesn't count. As far as I'm concerned, the Cheatriots didn't even play this week.

-Buffalo gonna Buffalo. Genuinely feel bad for that fan base, seem like a cooky, but loyal bunch.

-Dak getting exposed, Dez is washed, and Zeke won't come back the same. Cowboys are done. Time to blow it up or join the CFL.

-It's honestly a shame that the Rams and Eagles don't play each other this season so we can settle "the debate" once and for all. Hope they meet in the playoffs.

-Kirk Cousins deserves better.

Power rankings:
1. Eagles
2. Rams
3. Jags
4. Chargers
5. Steelers
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