Nike Goadome Squeaking

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Sep 30, 2006
anyone have this problem? Had these pair of boots for about 2 yrs, looks flawless but it squeaks like a ************ how can i stop this? Really dont wanna buy another pair
im not familliar with this exact pair, where does it squeak at? tried some light sandpaper?
what do i do with said sandpaper? Sounds like the sole, my pair is all leather so can it be that?
bottom of the sole and not the uppers then? hrm, id suggest finding a rough concrete surface, driveway or something, and rake em back and forth over it to roughen the sole up. see if that fixes it. if its leather on leather squeaking, use the sandpaper to roughen up where it rubs together. thats my best suggestion.
Not quite sure there is a solution...I experience this quite often as I usually get a new pair every 1-2 months for work. I've noticed that the pairs that I do get that USUALLY squeak were produced in 2011. Because these are made in such large quantities the market is flooded with pairs from 2011 and 2012. My suggestion is take out the insoles and use a blow dryer if possible for 5 mins per boot, then pour a tablespoon of baby powder and try to shake evenly inside of boot. Then carefully put insoles back in. HOPEFULLY your problems are solved, if not just go and buy another pair lol
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