Yeah, living no where in reasonable driving range for a NT, I'm stuck with dealing with a mall shop, a HoH 80 miles away, mom and pop shops, or newer boutique shops. I'd like to see this work, but it's not going to help me any.
Originally Posted by mints

Yeah, living no where in reasonable driving range for a NT, I'm stuck with dealing with a mall shop, a HoH 80 miles away, mom and pop shops, or newer boutique shops. I'd like to see this work, but it's not going to help me any.

It will help you because this model will start to be adopted by retailers everywhere. All the headaches that come with large releases can be minimized with online RSVP systems. By using twitter, it is free and easy for retailers to do as well, while not straining their own IT systems. This is a big step with Nike getting out in front of it (or behind depending on how overdue you feel it is). People can write this off, but they're missing the bigger picture.
I should talk to the owners of a few of the places I shop at regularly, they don't even maintain an online presence, much less have someone running a twitter account.

Edit: If Nike's pushing for shops to adopt this method, I could probably get in on the groundfloor at a few places.
Originally Posted by ColdCity

we will see if this actually works very soon like this sat.......

Oh it works just fine.....before they started doing it like this they would just announce on twitter to come on down and register for the shoe some random time of the day during the should have seen the fiasco it caused for the LBJ 9 All Stars......
As soon as they do this they shut dwn the Miami location 
Nikestore's twitter to me: 
Doesn't even effect me, but I hope this reduces some of the traffic on NDC at midnight on release day.

I'm not sure Nike even understands how a DM works on Twitter, you both have to be following each other. Are these accounts really going to follow back every single person before these shoes release? Twitter can crash too..
Originally Posted by xDesmond

Nikestore's twitter to me: 
Doesn't even effect me, but I hope this reduces some of the traffic on NDC at midnight on release day.

I'm not sure Nike even understands how a DM works on Twitter, you both have to be following each other. Are these accounts really going to follow back every single person before these shoes release? Twitter can crash too..

I was told that all of the NikeTowns are verified so you dont have to be following them to send a DM......I didnt even mess with twitter before they started doing this several months ago here in Seattle but its real easy and convenient......
interesting. i dont hv a twitter acct but i would consider getting one, if this proves to be effective.
Originally Posted by West Coast Avenger

Originally Posted by xDesmond

Nikestore's twitter to me: 
Doesn't even effect me, but I hope this reduces some of the traffic on NDC at midnight on release day.

I'm not sure Nike even understands how a DM works on Twitter, you both have to be following each other. Are these accounts really going to follow back every single person before these shoes release? Twitter can crash too..

I was told that all of the NikeTowns are verified so you dont have to be following them to send a DM......I didnt even mess with twitter before they started doing this several months ago here in Seattle but its real easy and convenient......

Oh wow you're right about that sir, you can send DMs to verified accounts even if they're not following you.. My bad 
Atlanta only has a stupid Nike running store so this will not help me.
Sounds good, but there's no Nike Store near me, closest is Boston and that's 2+ hours away.

I'll stick with my local FNL, unfortunately..
Originally Posted by xDesmond

Nikestore's twitter to me: 
Doesn't even effect me, but I hope this reduces some of the traffic on NDC at midnight on release day.

I'm not sure Nike even understands how a DM works on Twitter, you both have to be following each other. Are these accounts really going to follow back every single person before these shoes release? Twitter can crash too..

This method will not reduce the traffic on their site or any other site. Nike has been doing this but just in a different method (wristbanding or ID registration) for the prior releases yet their sites or other big company sites still crashes. I think they are doing this because they don't want a group of people to run down to the store all at the same time or just waiting/loitering outside waiting for a tweet on "it's now time to give out wristbands" or "it's time to come down and register your ID" I kind of liked the old methods with wristbands or ID. It gave me somewhat of advantage since I work and live close to my NTown. Now, everyone will be able to tweet! "resellers dreams" stop catering to resellers NIKE! They say one pair per twitter account...won't stop them from making unlimited accounts and just putting a different name and DL# on each account they make. Believe me when I say you will see all kinds of people (mom,dads,grandparents etc.) being used just so someone can get multiple pairs.I've always depended on NTown to get my pairs...and if I miss it because people will start doing this then I guess online it is for me. If anything...I think online will have more traffic as ever! Then again this is just my 2 and let see what happens this thursday!
smart system I like. last 4 digs of the state/passport id??? od crazie

whatever nyc nt ftw
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