Nike Zoom Rookie - another Penny Hardaway hybrid (August 2011)


Heres the interview I was talking about....

Notice how theres a guy in there whos job it is to keep the margins high and cut cost. They joke about how they were going to take the carbon fiber out.....

They claim the shoe is Foam tho... smh

And I completely understand about cutting costs and keeping the margins at a certain level because I recently purchased an older brand license from the 90s that I am working on relaunching in 2012, and right now I am in the process of making the samples to place a factory order and I know first hand its not as easy as the regular consumer thinks, but this is just ridiculous....They raised the price 10 bucks from the 1/2 cent(which had Foam, Zoom and Max) and got rid of the Foam and made the Zoom almost non existant
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

rriiiiiiiight. your parrallel/comparision is completely off and you know it.
i mean come on... u said taking buying a car and noticing it was just a car kit when u get home? %#% is that?????? o, they sold me some stuff for 1/5 of the cost? really? what?
how does that compare or parallel?
it doesnt.

the cost of the "plastic" vs the foam is probably negligible and we not dealing with FOAMPOSITES. we are dealing with zoom rookies. if you dont like the shoe, then why even post in here? i have never, ever even seen you in a foamposite forum yet you want to chime in your 2 cents about lack of materials. son, please
The parallel has to do with company integrity in relation to consumer cost, but like I said, it's obviously over your head, because the terms you think in are too simple. You proved that even more with your comment about "Oh, I never even see you in the Foamposites forum."
You really think that everyone who's a Foamposite fan posts in the Foamposite forum? Like it's not possible for someone to be a fan unless they've posted in there?
Such an elementary thought process.
Want another example of your simple ways of thinking? How about the fact that you apparently think that only fans of the Zoom Rookie should be posting in here. That's not a rule, not a requirement, and it's very elementary to think so. "If you don't like to Zoom Rookie, then you can't post in the Zoom Rookie thread. So why are you?"

And the reason I'm posting here, and why I've been posting in here, is because when I first saw the shoe, I was definitely a fan. I've been a fan up until the previous page, when I found out it was 'Foamposite-like material'. That's unacceptable to me, and since I'm not a blind sheep who id loyal to Nike you no matter what, my opinion changed. "Wait, so your opinion about a shoe changed for the worse, even though the shoe is made by a company that you like?" Yeah, but I wouldn't expect you to get THAT concept, either.
my elementary thought process

nike is going around telling everyone these are foamposites correct? or is it that consumers are ASSUMING that these are foamposite material?
i could completely agree with you if you were complaining about how nike shanked the griffey 2 and the jumpman pro retros by taking out the carbon fiber and replacing it with fake, painted materials. but you are complaining about a BRAND NEW shoe that does not include FOAMPOSITE in the name at all.

your lame comparison was a reach from the beginning and it still is.
and if you are complaining about nike's integrity for THIS ONE SHOE, then you are truly delusional because almost every nike/jordan retro is trash these days.

the price point is terrible and i dont agree with it but its in line with what they have been doing in recent years. the 1/2 cents were 190 so one would assume that these should be 190 too but with the recent price hikes, these are now 200.
The interview link above I posted shows the designers of the shoe talking about that it is Foamposite, the domain is blocked but you can guess what it is...

Also here is Nikes product description from NDC

he Nike Zoom Rookie: Inspired by one of the greats

Taking a few tips from classic Penny Hardaway shoes of the past, the Nike Zoom Rookie Men's Shoe honors the point-guard's legacy with sleek good looks and a supportive fit.

Foamposite construction at the upper for lightweight support and a comfortable fit
Nike Zoom unit for low-profile, super-responsive cushioning
Herringbone pattern at the outsole for traction

Additional Details
Mesh tongue for enhanced breathability
Translucent rubber outsole for durability and style

Does them using the word "construction" mean that it IS Foam or that it uses the same type of construction as foam (which it does, it just uses plastic instead of the foam, but same application)?
Very ambiguous wording by Nike on this.... Im guessing the bean counters made them convert it to plastic after the samples were developed....

Also at 190, the 1/2 Cent had way more tech packed into it then the 200 Foam, Yes with the price increases 200 is the new 190, but plastic and a drop of heel Zoom is not the new Foam, forefoot Zoom and heel Max Air (although I guess to Nike it is)
I'm a foam head myself, been one since 2000.

I have several foams myself, from 2002's to 06 and 07 joints.

I never liked this shoe from the gate, but aint no way in HELL you'll catch me dropping anywhere near the price they're asking for these generic things. They don't even appeal to me to begin with, let alone settle for some foamposite-like material. This is ridiuclous. I haven't had a chance to hold them in my hands because I haven't went to a sneaker store in months - but based on what some of you are saying - this raises the bar of greediness on Nike's end.

Nike....c'mon son. FOHWTBS.

Damn shame.
Welp it is what it is. I've seen much worse from Nike. I love my rookies and have no problem with them at all
Not hating at all to anyone who owns the shoe - just the fact Nike thinks they can pull quick ones on us is beyond me.

Nike's greed never ceases to amaze me.
Animal Thug1539 - unless u stopped buying nikes altogether, nike pulls a quick one on us every time we buy shoes from them.
its a cold, hard reality.

i mean, its the same company that dropped the white/black varsity red 6s followed by a dmp 6 pack.
the same company the did the whole collezione crap just to bring out some of the shoes individually.
the same company that replaces carbon fiber with checked paint on retros.
Animal Thug1539 - unless u stopped buying nikes altogether, nike pulls a quick one on us every time we buy shoes from them.
Absolutely, but at some point, some people draw the line somewhere.

For me, I have a number of those lines drawn. One of those lines is when the price point doesn't match the technology. Yes, the 1/2 Cents were at a high price point, but they had max air, zoom air, and Foam.

Another line I have drawn is when something is terribly misleading. When I see a Penny symbol on something that is described as having Foamposite-like material and Foamposite construction, I want no part of it if it doesn't have Foamposite on it and top of the line technology.

(I'm going to try this concept on you one more time)

It's like a car ad showing a picture of Italy, and Italian flag, and advertising that the car utilized Ferrari construction and has Ferrari-like materials. There would definitely be some dummies that would figure "Hell yeah, this car was made with that luxurious Italian design! I want one!" And you, you're like someone who bought one of those cars, and now you're trying to tell everyone else "Well, eff all you guys. This is one of the best purchases I've ever made. I'll enjoy it and y'a'll just keep hatin'."

And like I said, what I'm talking about has nothing to do with cars and shoes. So if that's all you can see, I've already said why you're not getting what I'm saying, so there's no point in you even commenting on it. If your mind can't get past "Yeah, I'm not getting it, because it's a reach, and you know it," then there's no point in continuing the discussion.

You own it, so you're going to defend it. Cool. There are plenty of people like that, and that's where all the top companies make their money.
I dont know the minute I felt it in FL me and the sales guy was like these joints feel like hard plastic, so unless you bought online their was no tricking anyone. The price for these should be $100 with a disclaimer about aweful comfort. End rant just my opinion carry on.
23ska909red02 - i love the condescending matter in which you speak.
you new analogy is better defined that the crap u threw out there before.

i remember when we used to be proud of the nike line when we would see the crap JB was pulling. that crap has spread to nike now also.

with that said, unless you own a pair and actually wear them, i really, really dont think one can give this shoe a fair judgement. nobody has to pay the pricepoint nike is throwing out there and i dont agree with it 1 bit. i actually paid 100 each for 2 binaries and the white/black rookies so you can chill with that "im making top companies rich" garbage.

my original point, and it still is, people are nitpicking because they dont really want to buy the shoe. the whole, well its not foamposite, bs is terrible imo. it doesnt make the shoe any different than what it was when someone THOUGHT it was foamposite and the fact that current foamposites dont touch what older foamposites WERE makes me wonder if the same people complaining about the foam really know what they are complaining about.
When I saw it referred to as a Foamposite shoe in the Nike designers interview and then saw it advertised as Foamposite construction on Nikes own website, I figured it would be Foamposite......

The shoe design looks great but the tech is horrendous..... The fact that Foam itself has decreased in quality has nothing to do of blatantly using hard plastic instead of even the newer lesser quality Foam but if that makes you feel better about it then so be it...... Also I dont like how they didnt use more Zoom Air in the cushioning, the shoe is very stiff...

I think we can all agree that the price point is ridiculous to pay retail for.....I didnt pay anywhere close to retail for it either , but everyone needs to physically see/try the shoe on for themself to decide how they feel about the materials....
unless you own a pair and actually wear them, i really, really dont think one can give this shoe a fair judgement.
Dog, I'm telling you, once again, that is such a simple way of thinking. Open your mind, bro. Thinking that someone cannot have a valid opinion on something unless they've experienced it is a very simple way of thinking. I'm not making that up. "Don't knock it to you try it" is an elementary thought process.

But we'll roll with that; you think my opinion is invalid because I don't have the shoe. Cool, cool. So go through the thread and look at the countless number of people who have the shoe and say it's mad uncomfortable.
i actually paid 100 each for 2 binaries and the white/black rookies so you can chill with that "im making top companies rich" garbage.
That definitely changes my opinion on your purchase, but not the shoe, or the misleading marketing strategy behind it. But your purchase? I take back anything I said about your individual purchase, because we are on the same page. I would pay $100 for the shoe, so the only difference between you and me is that you have the shoe and I don't.
my original point, and it still is, people are nitpicking because they dont really want to buy the shoe.
Me personally, it's the exact opposite of that. I want to like the shoe; hell, I did Like the shoe up until a couple pages ago. No joke. Go back and look at all of my replies in this thread except for the past couple days. I was all over these.
the whole, well its not foamposite, bs is terrible imo. it doesnt make the shoe any different
No, it doesn't make the shoe any different; it makes the consumer's knowledge and awareness of the shoe completely different.
i love the condescending matter in which you speak.
You ever heard the phrase "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing"?
dude u comparing a car with some shoes. you are definitely reaching.

the foamposites we know today are NOTHING like what we used to get. material is much softer and thinner.

but hey, u can have your foamposites that have the material falling off the shoe like the new retros tend to do and ill enjoy my rookies

fools making analogies with ferraris and carbon fiber compared to foamposite and plastic


I was talking to someone else, you replied about people complaining about materials, I replied that materials definitely matter, and then you dropped that reply on me right there. No big deal at all, but you want to stoneface my opinion, and talk like my opinion is effing ******ed? Cool, I'll assume you can handle it if I return the favor.
i made a statement about EVERYONE that complained about the foam including you.
you decided to reply to me 1st dude. dont even play like u didnt.

regardless, it is what it is. i love my elementary thought processes. i love my shoes and i love NOT thinking outside of the box.

if you needed someone to confirm the material months after release, you obviously didnt like the shoe that much. someone that truly wants the shoe will at least go see it in person.
Ummmmm, I loved the shoe. Period.
Don't take my word for it; go through the thread and look at all my replies up until a couple pages ago, and see for yourself. The only thing stopping you from doing so is fear of being wrong.
(and the line "I don't have the time for that" won't work, because look how much time you've spent in this discussion with me.)

And the shoe is not available in my area, anywhere, guy. Stores in my area didn't even get them. Period.

And I love when some people say things like "Some people", and then hide behind that vagueness, talking about "Oh, I wasn't talking to you specifically; I was talking to everyone in general. But you were talking only to me; don't act like you weren't."
That's so passive aggressive and cowardly… of some people. (not talking to you; just throwing it out there to everyone)
guys, i think we can all agree on two things:

1. the shoe looks great
2. nike got over bigtime with this release

end of story.
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Originally Posted by j o 19


Have you felt the Rookie material in your hand? Its not the Eastbay description that swayed me to believe its not Foam, because I know they have wrong info sometimes
Its the fact that compared to holding the Rookie in one hand and a just released Foam Max, 1/2 Cent or Foam Pro (not a vintage pair) in the other hand their is a giant difference.

It is hard plastic point blank. There is no "give" or softness to it at all. Even down by the sole where the midsole should be, it is hard as a rock and makes a completely difference noise when you tap it then regular recent Foam does...

Forget what Eastbay says, if you dont own the shoe, go to a store and compare it to a regular Foam shoe and draw your own conclusion....

Does anyone have the link to that original Rookie interview with the designer where they talk about the design and inspiration and all that, I cant find it..... I am curious to see what they say about the material

I would guess it was supposed to be Foam and that the samples were probably Foam and they were given the orders from above to cheap it out if possible.......
I stand corrected.....They ARE INDEED FOAMPOSITE......Asked Nike and I'll believe them before any of you dudes or eastbay
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