No Dandle Decemeber (NFD: Are you a master of your domain?)

I didn't get caught per say and women know when somethings up. I just wanna do good u know like what's the point of still smashing new yambs
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I didn't get caught per say and women know when somethings up. I just wanna do good u know like what's the point of still smashing new yambs

This seems like a ridiculous change of heart over the last couple days when you said you hit a high school yamb raw. /:

Im just confused what couldve happebedbjn those couple days. Do your thing.
When did I say I hit a high school yamb raw? I'm 24 years old bro i ain't touching no high school *****.
Still in, but my morning wood is turning into morning stainless steel. I don't know how much longer my bed can take it. 
Been no fap since oct 20th and im so tempted today cause i aint doing squat!
Got yambs on wednesday and i only got 1 nut off...

If i dont fail tonight i told my girl im gonna wear her out when i see her....smh she dunno what she got headed her way :smh:

Still in, self control >
Gonna be at work so ill be good tomorrow and til i see my bish
Wrong person but I did read that post, wasn't me tho. I aint hit no other yambs in a while
dropping like flies 

thankfully it's cold and the turtle won't come out.
annnnnnd i'm out. going to try for the rest of the month tho. I need to stop drinking alone lol
Feeling great today! Feeling stressed with college and finals with grades in the balance but was fortunate to spend time with my lady today at the mall. Too cold to do anything and nothing at mall so we just sat in the car, cuddled and talked about stuff. A woman's dream. :rofl:

I used to view her as an object and never had nothing else on my mind but those sexual intensions. That trash really perverses the mind. :smh:

Not gonna lie, the cuddling was nice. :lol: besides, some mall security patrol cop came and started flashing his flashlight into the fogged back window, shouting at us to open the door. I opened the door and he saw that I was wearing a full set of clothes. Dude was like:

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Gotta stay away from that porn, even them late nite softcore HBO joints is dangerous...
Feeling great today! Feeling stressed with college and finals with grades in the balance but was fortunate to spend time with my lady today at the mall. Too cold to do anything and nothing at mall so we just sat in the car, cuddled and talked about stuff. A woman's dream. :rofl:

I used to view her as an object and never had nothing else on my mind but those sexual intensions. That trash really perverses the mind. :smh:

Not gonna lie, the cuddling was nice. :lol: besides, some mall security patrol cop came and started flashing his flashlight into the fogged back window, shouting at us to open the door. I opened the door and he saw that I was wearing a full set of clothes. Dude was like:


:lol: :lol:
geraldg2309 geraldg2309 me and my girl did the same thing, except we reminisced about all the places we've messed around. :lol: good times. During NF, it seems conversations get more interesting.
Sep 28 - Dec 7. I'm ashamed and thought about keeping quiet but I'll man up. A combination of boredom and health reasons got me.. Been having a lot of leakage and blockage so I was like let me just get it out.I'll reset though and the discipline I've gained has been incredible.

Quietly I mourned dog/ Can't believe I let NT down
For you cheating *** dudes in relationships here's a tip, they can tell when your load is different.
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