No Dandle Decemeber (NFD: Are you a master of your domain?)

The list has been updated.

I can't believe all the good men we lost yesterday.


Keep the movement moving men. This is just a bump in the road meant to halter our progress. Stay focused on the task at hand and don't let your guard down. Captain Fap is always lurkin' around the corner ready to take you out at a moment's notice.

Stay safe & have a great weekend!!

They know how your load feels if you bust in them regularly. When it's lighter than normal they can tell. Of course you can always blame a fapathon. Tips like this I get from time to time from my extended sister fam.
I gotcha..personally Im too paranoid to bust in a chick but I will keep this in mind when the time pun
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Still in. Work and the massive amounts of sleep that follows has been making this almost too easy...I really don't even think about fapping now.
Still in. After my November failure I refuse to fail again

I watched some adult films yesterday, and my joint did not move at all. Either this flatlining is starting to take effect, or I'm finally getting over porn
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cant even front, i failed like the 3rd or 4th day. even though i failed the month i'ma re try this again
Dec 7th, japan attacks pearl harbor  the first week of No Dandle December, U.S. declares war  NT'ers declare war on fapping.


we have this bros, stay strong.
I think being in the thick of winter is why so many failures. Nov is right before and feb is at the end. I'll just maintain the around 2 wks window and attack a full month in feb.
I think so many people are failing because it's on everybody's list of revolutions for the new year.. Lol. I bet next months thread is deep.
Still in, but something ive been wondering since these things have popped up.

Whats the shame in not being able to finish out the month though? A month is a fairly arbitrary timeframe and the main goal of this challenge isnt to see how long you can go without jerking off. Its to eliminate or reduce the obsession and addiction of pornography. If you used to fap once a day but now you go a week or 2 before faps.... how is that not a success even though you didnt make the entire 30 days?
I think so many people are failing because it's on everybody's list of revolutions for the new year.. Lol. I bet next months thread is deep.

Actually, this is partially true I'ma try and make it til my birthday at the least.
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