"NO ONE MAN HAS IT HARDER THAN THE NEXT" This is a blanket statement that covers LIFE as a whole

moe fab moe fab you need to read my comment #46 where it addresses the first part if your post where you ask "what about kids sold into slavery etc". I admitted maybe encompassing the entire World as a whole probably a little overstated on my part, and maybe I should do a better job going forward on the context of which I use the statment.

I more than acknowledged the point that was made and I referenced to that and admitted I was wrong there.

I can admit when I'm wrong about something and I just did for the whole thread So **** you too man, except I mean it with complete and absolute disrespect, because you don't seem to deserve it.

You just want to be heard even after I've admitted I was wrong there, so rap on, feel better.
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I think the point that a-friend was trying to make is that while there's no denying that people are born into and raised under different circumstances, at the end of the day, that person has a choice as to whether they're going to let whatever injustices or inequalities in life dictate what they make of themselves.

From a socioeconomic standpoint, people are more likely to end up in the same socioeconomic situation their parents were in.  That means if you grew up poor, you'll likely remain poor, as will your children.  Likewise, if you grew up in a privileged family, you and your children will likely remain privileged.  That's not to say you can't break that cycle though.

There are plenty of people who come from poor, destitute upbringings, who do absolutely nothing to improve their situation and instead blame all the injustices or inequalities of the world as to why nothing's changed.  However, you also have people who have the ambition and drive to overcome whatever adversities they're faced with in the hope that they can provide a better life for themselves and their children.

While I recognize that racism is alive and well in this country, I don't think it's the end all be all to one's situation.  I grew up dirt poor and mom worked two jobs trying to raise me and my two younger brothers.  While we didn't have much, my mom always emphasized education and told us to strive to be better.  When I was 14, I went out and found a job of my own to help my mom support the family.  I continued working all throughout high school, and then took loans to go to college.  After graduating, I worked fulltime while going to lawschool in the evenings.  While my current situation being a lawyer is better than what I had growing up, I am by no means well-off as I am still paying off my school loans.  Thing is, what drives me now is to provide for my children so that I can give them the opportunities I didn't have growing up.

Bottom line is, you can ***** and moan about how unfair your life is, or you can do something about it.  
A blindly ignorant statement and bless your heart if you truly believe this. Whatever attention you're seeking on here apply that to the real world and go get yourself some professional help. You worldview is all ****** up.
My dads an alcoholic in Mississippi...his dads a multimillionaire lawyer...how do I not have it harder?

If that's not what 'having it harder' means ie you have to work harder, you don't have as much, your safety net is non existent...then please define 'having it harder'

And I don't care what 'step up' you think I have, point blank period, even if I had better grades, he ALREADY has a 80K a year job, because of his father, because of his experiences, so tell me more about my 'step up' over him.

Why try to spin it? I'm glad I went through what I went through, it gives me personal character, but trust that ish don't matter in the real world. There is no way I'd say his life was 'hard' as mine, I'm not bitter but this attitude semi annoys me. This false equality bs, this 'your struggle gave you an advantage' nonsense...he was born with the world, I have to fight for it.

Like honestly, I have the potential to have experienced every tax bracket in 26 years of life. I've made opportunities others couldn't dream of. I've also been given things in life I can never fully appreciate. So long as I keep a solid perspective, realize my blessing and know I DO have to work twice as hard, I'll make it eventually. I just gotta see the world for what it is and push forward until I can change it.

So let's put aside having it harder for a minute.
What does "having things easy" mean to you.
Does that mean never having to work for anything and to have everything handed to you?
I mean it sounds like you're mad that you have to work, and someone else can have nice things without having to work.

Such an injustice I guess. So unfair
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But again this topic is getting back to the idea that "having it harder" is only speaking In regard to a successful job, nice clothes nice bank account or whatnot.

It's sad when me saying "no man has it harder" is so highly understood as who has the easiest path to get the most materialistic things.

You mad because you have to work 3 jobs to buy J's and go to school, while white dude only has to ask dad, he has it soooo much easier right? SMH
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Because you agreed it didn't apply to of my scenarios, does it mean you see it doesn't apply to the others? It also doesn't apply to America. Hypothetically, would a child born unto white parents in a loving, nurturing environment in the best of neighborhoods, schools, n all things parents wish their children to privileged to have not have it easier than a black child, born a bastard unto a single, drug addicted, prostitute of a mother, living in an alley where everyday a gruesome death is a possibility?

As I've said, I don't care what he had to do until it's compared to others. I hate hearing these kids complain about having to study, complain about work...moutha***** were in law school, we ain't in the salt mines. And, it's hard as hell, but you'll never hear me complain, I'm happy to be outta the hood. Everyday I wake up is a blessing.

Idk what 'having it easy' would mean, he could 'have it medium' 'have it lite' have it whatever you want to call it, it's all comparative.

Yes, we have our own crosses to bare, but wasting your advantages, trying to make it seem as if your life is 'hard,' the old 'woe is me' act is tired a played. You have a damn good life, be grateful, don't act as if you have it so hard, and push forward to your goals. This fake *** liberal humanitarian 'everyone is the same' white guilt bs is nonsense. We aren't the same,don't be ashamed your parents had cake, not our fault what were born into, drive your Benz, **** your trophy and be happy.
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As I've said, I don't care what he had to do until it's compared to others. I hate hearing these kids complain about having to study, complain about work...moutha***** were in law school, we ain't in the salt mines. And, it's hard as hell, but you'll never hear me complain, I'm happy to be outta the hood. Everyday I wake up is a blessing.

Idk what 'having it easy' would mean, he could 'have it medium' 'have it lite' have it whatever you want to call it, it's all comparative.

Yes, we have our own crosses to bare, but wasting your advantages, trying to make it seem as if your life is 'hard,' the old 'woe is me' act is tired a played. You have a damn good life, be grateful, don't act as if you have it so hard, and push forward to your goals. This fake *** liberal humanitarian 'everyone is the same' white guilt bs is nonsense. We aren't the same,don't be ashamed your parents had cake, not our fault what were born into, drive your Benz, **** your trophy and be happy.
While it's great that you worked yourself to a better situation in life, that whole "woe is me" act goes both ways.  Sure there are privileged kids out there who don't appreciate all the benefits and opportunities they've been given when compared to those less fortunate, but there are also plenty of people who use their situation in life as an excuse not to do better.
But again this topic is getting back to the idea that "having it harder" is only speaking In regard to a successful job, nice clothes nice bank account or whatnot.

It's sad when me saying "no man has it harder" is so highly understood as who has the easiest path to get the most materialistic things.

You mad because you have to work 3 jobs to buy J's and go to school, while white it only has to ask dad, he has it soooo much easier right? SMH

It's all money at the root

Bruh, if you think his post was just about materialistic things like j's, you totally missed or ignored his point. I also find it ironic that you mention materialism now but also used athletes and entertainers as examples in your original post.
I dislike the 'welfare queen' as much as I dislike the overly liberal privileged kid. I hate anyone who is given everything, yet loves nothing but themselves, no matter where it comes from.
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I'm definitely glad I opened this thread.
It's not a shameful thing to have to someone put you onto something or have you look at things in a different light.

Although I do stand by my initial intention of the post, I'm very thankful to the guys that pointed out some things that helped me realize that this is a statement that I have to either rephrase or clarify exactly to whom or which group I'm referring to when or if I use it.

To those who just wanted to come in or will still come in only to bad mouth me and those who weren't ever intent on brining anything to positive to the thread but flames and jokes and judgement, well I typically don't pay you guys any mind anyway so the flames continue on General Principle from y'all toward me, the hate is real.
But again this topic is getting back to the idea that "having it harder" is only speaking In regard to a successful job, nice clothes nice bank account or whatnot.

It's sad when me saying "no man has it harder" is so highly understood as who has the easiest path to get the most materialistic things.

You mad because you have to work 3 jobs to buy J's and go to school, while white it only has to ask dad, he has it soooo much easier right? SMH

It's all money at the root

Bruh, if you think his post was just about materialistic things like j's, you totally missed or ignored his point. I also find it ironic that you mention materialism now but also used athletes and entertainers as examples in your original post.

And what relevance towards materialism does me mentioning Athletes Musicians and Artists? Do you only view those types of people as materialistic or something.

Lol, I used them as an example because most of them come from nothing and arrive at everything in spite of the odds against them.
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I dislike the 'welfare queen' as much as I dislike the overly liberal privileged kid. I hate anyone who is given everything, yet loves nothing but themselves, no matter where it comes from.

I know you do. I've read you in many threads and agree with most things you say. This one disagreement isn't a discredit to you in my eyes. It's merely me perceiving what you said a certain way, and asking you about it, or giving you the opportunity to explain yourself if you'd like(not that you have to explain anything to me). I however appreciate the feedback and dialogue, I'm not right about everything, I accepted that as part of life long ago.

It's why I can sit here now and say, hey, maybe I was out of line a little bit in how I said what I said.
You mean to tell me the dude born in Sarasota to a wealthy family goes through the same amount of relative struggle as the dude who was born in to an Untouchable caste in India with birth defects?

Just because we're measuring on a grand scale, thus nullifying any kind of possible measure?

Come on b.


Somebody get in here and lock this up
This is the best example or argument I've heard so far as to why my statement is UNTRUE.
Though slavery doesn't exist In America anymore therefore making this comparison a little wild, I can't help but acknowledge how right you are in so many ways here.
I'm sure slavery or such as similar still exists somewhere in the World even though it may not affect us here in the US or many countries, my initial post was speaking directly to a black kid wanting to be white in America, it still doesn't negate the fact that my post was initially encompassing the World as a whole.

Good post man, you've definitely given me something to wrap my head around, not to disprove but more so to accept and take in and think about what kind of context I apply this "no one man had it harder" the next time I decide to use it. It is likely this can't be a true statement if I'm to use it as an all encompassing statement, I can accept that for sure.

Your open mind lands you a rep sir
Google the following, "Employers Prefer White Felons Over Blacks With No Criminal Record".

I read over the article, then read the study conducted

2003 : "The study found that whites with felonies were more likely to be called for interviews than black applicants without criminal records." This study takes 2 black (1 "with criminal record, one clean) men and 2 white men (one criminal record, one clean) and has them apply to several jobs in Milwaukee(Long history of racism, CURRENT segregation). The black man with a clean record received 14% call-back, while the white felon received 17% call-back. If I were to be critical of this article, I would want a much BIGGER sample size, with more than ONE state involved.

Employment discrimination is well-documented, and a sad reality in this backwards world we live in today. To make the statement that African-Americans have to work twice as hard to achieve same level of success is an exaggeration. 

2003? I'm linking you to source materials that make use of recent data from various policy institutes and the BLS and you're hinging your retort on something from 2003? Sure buddy...:lol:

It is a little Dramatic that you did say "And Bruh you mentioned the ADVANTAGES of being Black, Mexican, Asian?"

You type that like if your in one of those racial groups that you have NO ADVANTAGES at all, and are only at a disadvantage!
Surely that is not what you are saying is it heatpinoyboy heatpinoyboy ?

I realized that we probably weren't gonna meet eye to eye and that's cool. Look I'm a critical race theory guy so my apologies right now if i came at you to blunt or to pompous I just feel strongly about these kinds of things.

And about my comment, I replied as such because I felt the way you typed it it felt that you were equating the advantage of the white community to marginalized groups which simply isn't the case. Of course marginalized groups carry some sort of advantage, but not nearly equal to that of the white community.

Now what I'm wondering, good sir, is what you're telling people is that they should "Pull themselves by their bootstraps?" Because this is what many people including myself got from your OP.
heatpinoyboy heatpinoyboy Yes that's pretty much the or one of the points I was making initially. It's all good man. I always appreciate other opinions and point of views. It's what helps grow, change or strengthen mine. And I didn't take it personal at all. Discussions have disagreements and agreements at times and I appreciated your input. I definitely learned something here today, but I try to keep an open ear in pretty much all things. I'm passionate about my beliefs but that doesn't mean they are the End all be all, this I know.
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2003? I'm linking you to source materials that make use of recent data from various policy institutes and the BLS and you're hinging your retort on something from 2003? Sure buddy...

You misunderstand. 2003 that was the source materials that you provided. I put in what you suggested in google, went to first link. Then I looked up the article that was referenced in that link. Then I summarized it. I used YOUR article/reference/link.
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