Nt cat owners thread

Originally Posted by mondayC

I don't mean to gross anyone out, but our litterbox has recently become disgusting. My cat's pee used to clump up neatly, but recently it has become a clay-like goo that needs a shovel to get out from the pan (seriously, I just used a garden shovel to clean a litter box
). I've switched litter brands and get the same results. Can anyone help me?

If not, post a picture of your cat.
Damn, looks just like my brother's cat.

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast


My cat is straight gully, we got him off the streets of harlem, and he's sonned a few dogs in his day.

Love him to death

EDIT: I'll put money up that my cat will BODY any cat here
Separated at Birth! But My cat can be the sweestest thing one second and the next second thebiggest %*$$$. Ya cats are appreciated.
I'll post some pictures later

But I have 2 cats.One if 15 and one is 4. Both we kind of just found and took in.

The 15 year old we found in a dumpster when we moved into our new house.

The 5 year old we took home from a farm that my moms friend owned. Has anyone else got a cat from the wild and there like scavengers?

She always was protecting her food for about a year.

My family has four cats. My mom got one for Christmas about 10 years ago and then they got me one about five years ago. Then last summer, these two kittensshowed up in our garden and started following me around all the time. We went around the neighborhood looking for the owners but no one claimed him so my momtook them in too.

Here is my little guy. His name is Amos. I really miss having him around, but my landlord here at school won't allow pets. Hopefully I'll get tobring him out here with me soon. Anyway, here is the pic:


Do you guys keep your cats inside or outside or both? My mom's cat and my cat are strictly indoor, although as you can see in the pic above, I like tolet Amos out sometimes, but the two "orphan kitties" we let go in and out as they please since they were outdoor cats when we found them
What are the chances of keeping an indoor cat in a 600 sq feet apartment for all it's life. I'm thinkin bout gettin one to chill wit me while I'mkickin it but I would hate for it to be all depressed and all that cause he's confined in a one bedroom apartment all its life.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

What are the chances of keeping an indoor cat in a 600 sq feet apartment for all it's life. I'm thinkin bout gettin one to chill wit me while I'm kickin it but I would hate for it to be all depressed and all that cause he's confined in a one bedroom apartment all its life.

It's fine bro, cats have no problem being in doors even in a small space. I can count on one hand how many times my cat has been outside in his life (afterwe got him), and he's doing great.

My uncles cat died a few days ago at the age of 20 and had never left the house except to the vet twice. Again, it was fine too.

They are fine chillin lookin out the window, and actually get scared/don't like going outside after a while.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

What are the chances of keeping an indoor cat in a 600 sq feet apartment for all it's life. I'm thinkin bout gettin one to chill wit me while I'm kickin it but I would hate for it to be all depressed and all that cause he's confined in a one bedroom apartment all its life.

Thats cool but why not take it outside? I hate it when owners keep the pets inside for years and never take them anywhere?
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by sauuceking

What are the chances of keeping an indoor cat in a 600 sq feet apartment for all it's life. I'm thinkin bout gettin one to chill wit me while I'm kickin it but I would hate for it to be all depressed and all that cause he's confined in a one bedroom apartment all its life.

Thats cool but why not take it outside? I hate it when owners keep the pets inside for years and never take them anywhere?

I've only seen one dude walking his cat in my entire life, and it looked pretty awkward for both the owner and the cat.
It's not really possible to let my cat out in Brooklyn... maybe if I lived in the suburbs.

We did let him out in our yard when we go to upstate NY though. Overall, it's not that serious, cats can live their whole lives indoors without anyproblems.
My cat used to be an indoor/outdoor cat but he used to get into fights and what not but he got into these two fights and ending up getting an infection, thesecond time it cost us like $2,000
. They had to put one of thosefunnels on his head, I did
but I rather him not go through that again and on top of that he's about 13yrs old.

I went to take the trash out yesterday, and I heard his bell on his collar. I see some foot prints in the snow and I see him coming around the bush with histail all poofed out
. He somehow snucked out when my mom was coming back and forth inside and out.
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