NT got soft af vol. made in uhmerica

Nov 2, 2006
MOds be dumb quick to lock threads and dont even say why (when its unclear)
Cats cant discuss they opinions no more?
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Whatever it was, was it that serious? will it matter in 2 minutes? offline? Please don't tell me it was the Caitlyn thread, not something i'd waste my passion on, spewing venom on someone's dreams.
If theres one thing I've learned, its that Dirty will never get off that high horse.

JK pls dont ban me
word... locking threads w/o saying anything is wack 

we got agents going rouge or what? 
Same here, my thread just got locked 5 mins ago by Method. We're (supposedly) all mature people here, just want to have a decent discussion. It's not like we talk like this in real life (I hope not).
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The rules haven't changed.  No profanity.  No hate speech.  No derogatory comments about race/ethnicity/gender/sexuality.  

If there's a thread that's being ruined by a small number of users, those users will be removed.  If there's a thread that the majority of participants cannot handle without violating our forum rules, that thread will be locked.  
The rules haven't changed.  No profanity.  No hate speech.  No derogatory comments about race/ethnicity/gender/sexuality.  

If there's a thread that's being ruined by a small number of users, those users will be removed.  If there's a thread that the majority of participants cannot handle without violating our forum rules, that thread will be locked.  
edit:  didn't see the entire room violating in the Jenner thread

how can people follow rules when the rules seem to vary from thread to thread and then there's no explanation of what rules were broken?

we cant be out here getting NBA officiating from game to game.....
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I really wish mods would AT LEAST say why they're locking a thread...
Most of the time, it's pretty obvious.  

Out of the dozens of topics created today, one thread was locked today in the General forum.  Two were deleted.

The one thread that was locked - which prompted this "protest" thread - was fraught with rule violations and disrespectful comments.  The rules are very clear about derogatory comments concerning sexuality.  

For all this talk about 'oh, we're all mature here," the truth of the matter is that a mature audience wouldn't use that type of language in a semi-public setting.  A mature audience wouldn't start begging for pornographic images in front of children.  A mature audience wouldn't use slurs.  

A mature audience could handle a discussion of the icloud hacking.  Sadly, if we were to leave such a thread open here we would have to basically assign a moderator to monitor it 24 hours a day.  We can't do that.  

Consequently, we have to close such discussions rather than divert staff resources that are needed elsewhere.  

Of the two deleted threads, one had profanity in the topic post and the other was an obvious nuisance thread created by a troll.

The last locked post in General was this one:  http://niketalk.com/t/627562/i-want-to-learn-how-to-hack-crack

The reasoning there is obvious.  Our community isn't going to be a training ground for illegal/unethical activity.  

Anyone with a legitimate question about something can ask privately.  When it happens publicly, people just want to grandstand and be "rebellious."  We're not going to have a public hearing over every administrative action just because a few of you are bored.  If we did, the site wouldn't function.  
how can people follow rules when the rules seem to vary from thread to thread and then there's no explanation of what rules were broken?
The rules are the same throughout the site.  It's user reporting that varies.  

We have more problems with people posting childish insults in the major S&T threads because those involve opposing fan bases and the situation can be adversarial.  That doesn't mean we ALLOW insults in those threads.  It just means that it happens more often.  You're not notified every time a user receives a warning on the site.  We're constantly responding to rule violations throughout the community, but it's no more possible for us to do so PERFECTLY than it is for your Internet provider to catch EVERY software pirate.  If you're illegally downloading something, you can say "but everyone does it," but that's not an excuse.  You're choosing to take a risk and violate what you know to be the law.  If you're caught, you have nobody to blame but yourself.  
Funny you can slander Black folks to no end in here & even present your bigoted discourse to the man that runs this site but talk about a ****** & it's a wrap
Over the years, we've banned more people on this site for racism than for heterosexism - and by an incredibly wide margin.   

In this particular case, you couldn't even get that one sentence out without using a slur - and that in itself is indicative of just how widespread the problem was.  

If we only allowed people to post things that the staff or I personally agree with, NikeTalk wouldn't be as interesting or dynamic a community.  That said, there's a very fine line between allowing people to express differing viewpoints and allowing people to post hate speech.

A thread with one person whose views I personally consider repugnant is different than a thread in which dozens of participants are literally using slurs.

If someone started a thread about an interracial couple and the MAJORITY of participants were calling their marriage "unnatural" and "wrong," that would NOT be allowed to continue.  

An "appreciation" thread where most people are abiding by our image policies and refraining from posting anything NSFW will stay open even if one or two users are causing problems.  The "fools wilding" thread was kept open even after half a dozen users were requesting pornographic images via PM.  The majority of users were not cost the opportunity to participate due to the actions of a few.

That's NOT what happened in the Jenner thread.  If we only allowed respectful comments in there, there would be no discussion.  I'm not devoting a ton of staff resources to allow one "good for her" reply for every fifty deleted posts bashing transgender people.  
no one is starting a revolution...

we're asking publicly for TRANSPARENCY

your answers are really vague when it comes to the Jenner thread..... you say it was "obvious" yet no one knows

just seems like you're again picking and choosing what's a violation....

again, why have these discussions in multiple private messages when you can just address the crowd all at once -- with everyone getting the exact same information
Did read that Jenner thread but come on... Keep it 300, this is NT.

Y'all know y'all boys probably got a little too wild
One "good for her" reply is big though.

Theres a couple threads where religous people are bashed more than 50 times.

If someone wants to be immature let them be immature.
They will get ignored and eventually a discussion will come up about a topic that is in the media.
Did read that Jenner thread but come on... Keep it 300, this is NT.

Y'all know y'all boys probably got a little too wild
thread was basically:

- who would smash

- arguing that men can never be women, they're always men 

that's all you missed 
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