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sometimes it makes me go
at the amount of difference in prices and homes from area to area
Originally Posted by air max 87

sometimes it makes me go
at the amount of difference in prices and homes from area to area
NJ is home of the taxes and what people are showing here for $80k might be 250+ around my way 
Originally Posted by air max 87

sometimes it makes me go
at the amount of difference in prices and homes from area to area
3 things to know about real estate: Location, Location, Location
.......to the Cali dudes. what do yall know about Ethanol Fireplaces?
- my builder installed one of those expensive rinky dink heaters with a fake fireplaces with a mantle in my house and im looking to upgrade.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

.......to the Cali dudes. what do yall know about Ethanol Fireplaces?
- my builder installed one of those expensive rinky dink heaters with a fake fireplaces with a mantle in my house and im looking to upgrade.

Is it just a cali thing?  I live in CA and I've never seen this but it is intriguing.  My place has a very typical fake fireplace that I hardly ever use cause I got my TV mounted over it with all the wiring in the walls (not sure if its gonna cause any damage to the wiring).  That fireplace looks
.  I might have to look into that.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

.......to the Cali dudes. what do yall know about Ethanol Fireplaces?
- my builder installed one of those expensive rinky dink heaters with a fake fireplaces with a mantle in my house and im looking to upgrade.

Is it just a cali thing?  I live in CA and I've never seen this but it is intriguing.  My place has a very typical fake fireplace that I hardly ever use cause I got my TV mounted over it with all the wiring in the walls (not sure if its gonna cause any damage to the wiring).  That fireplace looks
.  I might have to look into that.

.....maaaaan, ive been doing extensive research on these things for the past 4 months. everything ive found has these things starting out in Europe and Australia, then making their way over to Canada and Cali. they are expensive as all hell too. i havent had the time to, but i plan on going to a metals shop to see how much it will cost to get one made.
- what pissed me off was how lazy builders can be. like, those cheap fake fireplace heaters? man, them things run close to $1,000. but why install that when you could install one of these? granted i know they're expensive, but for a builder.....and especially if that builder buys in bulk, im sure they wont cost as much.
- they advertise that you can put these things anywhere and you dont need a flute of chimney. the units like the one pictured about run around $3,000 all the way up to $10K. there's no way in hell that thing should cost that much. the insert that holds the fluid even runs for at least $1,000.
- i visited a few local fireplace install shop around my way and they didnt want to touch these things with a 10 foot pole
stupid question

so would you have to setup your own ethanol tank/source? Its not like any part of the country already has infrastructure in place to deliver ethanol to your home? I'm thinking no chance in hell will the HOA approve me to have an ethanol tank setup in my condo. They probably think I will blow the entire place up.
Mojodmonky1 wrote:
stupid question

so would you have to setup your own ethanol tank/source? Its not like any part of the country already has infrastructure in place to deliver ethanol to your home? I'm thinking no chance in hell will the HOA approve me to have an ethanol tank setup in my condo. They probably think I will blow the entire place up.


- this holds the liquid. the rest is just a stainless steel surround. you buy the ethanol from an online retailer (like http://www.e-nrg.com/ ) or (im assuming) from your local installer if you have one. 
.....your problem is my problem. thats why im asking for help from anyone whos seen/installed/used one. thing is, even if you talk to the manufacturer installing these things should be NO PROBLEM with your HOA. i even called the fire department in my area and they said they dont care. but something with me just doesnt sit well.
- im on the verge of calling an installer in Cali to get some sort of documentation just in case i run into problems. that is after i come up with enough bread to get one. just that single unit above retails for $1,600........

Cool thread. Been watching HouseHunters and My First Place for a minute now. Always nice to see what houses are like in other places. Out in Cali, the prices are crazy - but you can't beat the weather or lifestyle. It's a tradeoff.

F the shoe game. Can't wait to get my place.
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