NT, how do you heal yourself?

When I get a burned, I just put some toothpaste on it for 15 - 30 mins and than rinise. Takes the pain away from a burn for me.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

disinfect with hydrogen peroxide
bandaid + neosporin

or this



I would use a whole can of raid on that...thing.

Any way to prevent scars? I get scars very easily 
. Marking up my skin like the subway in Harlem </weezy>

Nah but really, I scraped my arm good a few days ago, been doing the Neosporin + bandaid thing to keep it moist. Plus im getting that area tattooed very soon. Any other way to promote healing quicker?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

disinfect with hydrogen peroxide
bandaid + neosporin

or this



I would use a whole can of raid on that...thing.

Any way to prevent scars? I get scars very easily 
. Marking up my skin like the subway in Harlem </weezy>

Nah but really, I scraped my arm good a few days ago, been doing the Neosporin + bandaid thing to keep it moist. Plus im getting that area tattooed very soon. Any other way to promote healing quicker?
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