NT, Is this what's cool?

its religious, i cant stand people who wear rosaries (sp?) and these bracelets and other things because of a fashion trend.
Originally Posted by ShoEPimP702

its religious, i cant stand people who wear rosaries (sp?) and these bracelets and other things because of a fashion trend.

Tell me about it man .. I can't believe people these days
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I only see Filipinos rocking them around my way.

yeah.. im filipino... i admit i used to rock one everyday during highschool. I had several from back home. They were blessed by the priest. it was either thator the necklace that was made out of wood or something
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I only see Filipinos rocking them around my way.

Word. My GF and all her friends wear them. Not really surprised that it's becoming a trend now.
I've been wearing these since '06.
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