NT MLB Redraft Thread: May standings posted!

Jenna Shea and Draya for your b-day?
With a half gallon of Stoli's 

I think I'm over Jenna Champ. Time to upgrade 
I can't even drink wine, it's obscenely disgusting to me :lol: give me a beer, give me scotch, give me bourbon and I'll be fine.
I don't drink coffee either. I can't stand that after taste. CP is tripping about beer though.
Are you Mormon by any chance CP?
only thing in the scotch/whiskey category i mess with is jameson. my 21st birthday ruined pretty much every other popular brand :lol:
Literally just woke up since I needed sleep from that vacay. I got probably the worst player I could have smh... let me at least pick someone different real quick?

Since it seems Jewbecca hasn't picked...
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Are you Mormon by any chance CP?

Not even close. :lol:

And yeah, let him make the pick since the next person hasn't pulled thru. If the next guy had made a pick, that's one thing, but as of now, that hasn't happened. I'd say it's fair to make a change.
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Scotch, Whisky, Bourbon guy here.

Same. Any of you mess with that Kirkland Bourbon? Love it, a liter for $20. :pimp:

I've been trying to cut back on the drinking though, haven't had any alcohol in 2 weeks. Probably not impressive for most but that's the longest I have gone in years. :smh: :lol:
I think I went a decade without alcohol once. Yeah, pretty sure it was over a decade. And I don't mean birth to age 10. :lol:

I think from 18 to 28 I was pretty dry. Maybe 19 to 29. Something like that.
No one else has responded other than dude being salty... I mean, he hasn't picked...Didn't effect the draft really.
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