NT recommend me a good book to read

Apr 25, 2007
Can any NTers out there recommend a good book to read? i got a lot of spare time and am due for a good read.

what is everyone else reading?
Read this book. It will change your entire perspective on life.

old book but if you havent read it yet i highly recommend Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
from novice to master :an ongoing lesson in the extent of my own stupidity
by soko morinaga
Roots, is my favorite book so i'd recommend that. There is also this other book by Mitch Albom, that i think is called "The People you Meet inHeaven" or something to that effect.
In all honesty, I couldnt put down the book after chapter 1, it just puts you right in to the think of things. One of my all time favs

you cant go wrong with "Papillon" , The book accounts for a fourteen year period in Charrière's life (October 26, 1931 to October 18, 1945) fromwhen he was wrongly convicted of murder in France and sentenced to a life of hard labor at the Devil's Island penal colony.
It a big ol romp of a boook charting his many adventures and escape attempts.
I don't know what type of books you're into so I'll just post my favorite:

Ernest Hemingway- The Sun Also Rises


The cover looks like it was made in MS word, but it's an amazing book.
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