NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Wait.. This years?

Doesn't it release/get bottled every February? No limits on KBS around my way when it released. It's really good but I'd rather have a cheaper FBS all day.

Might be last years. Bottled date was 2/16/16. This WF just opened a few months ago so maybe they received what was leftover.

Yeah seems like this years. Given its a huge IS, there is no issues buying old stock. I do question how it still seems to have been sitting somewhere for some time frame, given that this sold out about 2-3 weeks after release. Sadly that gives good indication that some of these places do sit on beers for way too long, including hoppy beers. I know places still selling SA Summer Ale, and wont tap Oktoberfest until it kicks. Now they are onto Winter Ale, and soon their spring. This place may miss two whole seasonal phases lol
Wow DRAFT pours are expensive at these chain places. I thank that they have them available. But I have to be the gullible ****** that buys them. Chilis $6 "craft" draft pours.. They cut me off after 3 lol. Buffalo Wild Wings has the larger pours but they are something like $7. Learned that the hard way. Even a local casino had $6 pints. SO so gullible.

Someone had made mention of us keeping track of our beer spending for the new year. If I can avoid any and all draft pours at any and ALL restaurants, I will be fine. I can pre or post game at my house, or just stay home and eat.

Please do not underestimate the cost of eating and drinking out compared to the big $%# hauls that I post.. I think I am winning out far and way beyond the norm. @ home packaged beer is the future.
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Another Sand City can release today:

First victim: this is Oops! I Hopped My Pants with 450+ pounds of mangoes and subsequently dry-hopped with a bunch of New Zealand hops.  I was skeptical going into this, but this is really a great IPA.  The mango is there, but in no way does it overpower the hops.  Perfectly balanced.  Color me impressed. 

An old standby finally got canned.  An oat IPA with Simcoe, Centennial, and Amarillo.  This is just as good as I remembered it being on tap.  Super fruity/citrusy with a nice mouthfeel to boot.  Hard to pick a favorite out of these two, but they both deliver the goods.

Having a Thursday release sure did bring out the whiners, though.  A bunch of people complaining that "people with jobs" didn't have a chance to get any cans, and that limits were too high. Speaking as someone that doesn't work a traditional 9-5, Monday-Friday job...I have little to no sympathy for these people.  The majority of beer releases in NY are based around their schedule, and now that they can't make it out to one they're crying the blues.  There are craft beer fans that work in healthcare, law enforcement, fire safety, etc.  that miss out on a lot of these can releases because they work weekends/other nontraditional schedules.  This was their redemption.  

Did they lower the price on this? I paid 15 and i couldve sworn they were 20-25 last time i saw it.
Set a goal try to lose 12 pounds come February. Gonna be hard to do when I'm only 152 pounds and ~15% BF.

Limiting myself to
Set a goal try to lose 12 pounds come February. Gonna be hard to do when I'm only 152 pounds and ~15% BF.

Limiting myself to <16oz a week, but I'm sure that it's not gonna happen

I just bought two 4-packs of FBS too
You more frail than a 15yo Chinese girl, fam.

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I was 135 about 5 years ago. Put on some muscle + beer gut to hit 165. Now I want to see dem gainz without the gut.

I was 135 about 5 years ago. Put on some muscle + beer gut to hit 165. Now I want to see dem gainz without the gut.

I feel you man. Was 145 a year ago but now hovering between 153-155.

Sipping on this tonight. This is a collab between Alvarado Street and Phantom Carriage named Opaque Minds. Their take on a NE style IPA. Kinda reminds me of Focal Banger. Pretty tasty!

glad this is back, gonna need another to mix with a 120 minute, and Olde school is coming back too, fort and higher math were pretty meh imo
Dieting isn't for me

Alpine Not Nelson

Alpine Exponential Hoppiness
"Dieting" as we know it shouldn't really be for anyone.  Consistent healthy habits with indulgences in moderation is the key.  I obviously love beer, but I keep my consumption in check and balance it out with a healthy diet and routine exercise.  Hell..I'm probably down about 20 pounds from the time I really started getting into craft beer for that reason.  Intermittent dieting never worked out well for me.  

Speaking of indulgences...major come-up today:
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I have a bottle of Zhukov I'm picking up Monday, looking forward to it. Moo-hoochiato imperial milk stout tonight.

^Never had that version of Zhukov's, but really dig the regular. Have a regular on "ice" currently. 

Drinking the Cascade Kriek right now. Very good. 
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Got these tonight.

Talking with an employee at the shop, it sounds like South Florida never got a shipment of Born Yesterday.
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My expensive, ($130) small haul today. First buy in almost 3 weeks and what's funny is I'm 2 weeks dry :lol:
This one stung but I had to get the Wizard Burial Ground.

That Wizard Burial Ground may be one of the best beers I've ever had, hands down. $25 a four pack makes it tough though. Can't wait to try the Charred Xoco. The $20 price point on that hurt a little but I've never had it. Gotta be happy tho that my lock spot still has a bit of Xoco left so I passed on it today for the Charred.


Now, anyone see or try this? $50, but there is no doubt next pay day I may grab one to try. Apparently it's a who new collaboration series. I believe that said 1 of 14 on the back.
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My expensive, ($130) small haul today. First buy in almost 3 weeks and what's funny is I'm 2 weeks dry

This one stung but I had to get the Wizard Burial Ground.

That Wizard Burial Ground may be one of the best beers I've ever had, hands down. $25 a four pack makes it tough though. Can't wait to try the Charred Xoco. The $20 price point on that hurt a little but I've never had it. Gotta be happy tho that my lock spot still has a bit of Xoco left so I passed on it today for the Charred.

Now, anyone see or try this? $50, but there is no doubt next pay day I may grab one to try. Apparently it's a who new collaboration series. I believe that said 1 of 14 on the back.
$50 for that?!

I spent $65 for my bottle of Rare, which is actually a pretty fair price, and I still shuddered when I swiped my card.  

I can't see how a beer like that would be that much better than a beer like Xocoveza, but I'd love it if Stone proved me wrong.  I don't think I'm gonna be the guinea pig for that one though. 
I guess I'll step up and take one for the team :lol:
(That is a 750ML of beer too, if that makes any difference, it's huge)
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That's a very brave haul meyer23. I have heard mixed views on the xoco varieties. I cant see how a pricey bomber is worth the entire cost of a six pack. But thats just me.

Stores are already a crap fest. I have no desires to head out anywhere starting tomorrow

This is what $130 looks like around my way.

I hope my guests and relatives like my choices. I had some coupons to use up.
This should hold us over until 2017.
1 type of Gose, 4 lagers/pilsners, 3 apas/ipas, and 2 stouts. I think I covered a solid spectrum lol.
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