NT, What's The GRIMIEST Place You've Ever Been To?

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by moe200069

djslaparip wrote:

moe200069 wrote:

keepzdasneakz wrote:

Tenderloin in SF, 70's in Oakland, HP.

Th3RealF0lkBlu3s wrote:

East Oakland

LoveOfTheGame916 wrote:

Hunters Point(San Francisco), Brooklyn, East Oakland, projects in Santa Monica

are yall serious? East Oakland is huge and the value of houses varies greatly...granted, there are certain parts of deep East that you wouldn't want to
be at past 10pm, as a person who lives in the 70s, I'd have to say that Oakland is far from the "grimiest" place...

When's the last time you been to Oakland?

born and raised in Oakland, sir...from 35th and Allendale and now living right by Eastmont Mall. the thing is, a handful of people have posted "East
Oakland," but I want those folks to name specific parts. To others, people just hear "East Oakland" and they think of it as some monolithic,
ramshackle place, but East Oakland is huge, and if you consider that it starts near 1st Avenue (right next to the Oakland Unified School District building) and
goes well past 100th ave, then it arguably covers a large portion of the city; and in between those different streets, there more many beautiful neighborhoods
that no one outside of Oakland hears about or sees. Same goes for West and North Oakland...i'll be honest, there are a lot of turf affiliations and gangs,
but the thing is, you can avoid that petty "my block" +*+$, unless you really lookin for some trouble....so I ask you sir, when was the last time you
been through Oakland?

I'm sorry if bay area NTers want to present Oakland as the grimiest spot ever, go ahead, but at as a person who grew up here my entire life, I try to
advocate for this city and dispel the negative depictions the media portrays of the city I call home. I'm tired of them....

so much truth to this, but the same thing goes for anybody saying entire cities, $%@% even entire portions of city like east oakland etc...As a whole Oakland is one of the most beautiful mid major cities in the country...Areas like Montclair, Lakeshore(even though ive seen $%@% happen there at ), Rockridge, the entire Oakland hills, the upper 30's(anything above the freeway), upper Seminary, and countless other neighborhoods are very nice and a great place to live...at the same time just like any other big city there are spots that are rough as hell, the bottoms, ghostown, dogtown, the ports etc not pretty definitely some of the roughest spots in California and thats just West Oakland...over in the east you got pretty much the whole 80's, the 90's down by A street and $%@%, the 60'sis trouble, too many spots to mention but $%@% probably weights out about 50-50 in terms of nice neighborhoods to bad ones, in general anything above the 580 freeway is gonna be cool, the closer to the hills you get the nicer $%@% will be

im 100% moe200069, as someone whose lived my entire life in Oakland, been through the west, the north, the east, the hills, upper rockridge etc, anybody trying to paint Oakland as some wild west seen with absolutely no positives is out of it...love this city, nowhere else i would have rather been raised thanks to the good and the bad

edit: i will say this though, %#%#@% in oakland are crazy
everybody strapped...had to learn at a young age you couldnt fight no one cause *@%* will jump straight to gun play, can go to a party unless that *@%* is on some white high school tip cause that *@%* WILL get shot up...my only complain growin up here the night life is BOO BOO...thank god for San Jose and San Francisco
my man speaks the truth...especially about Oakland nightlife and dude's having heat on call
Jersey is just an awful place
Sounds like home to me. Hell, it's been named somuch here, I guess I could feel safe anywhere now. Because those places aren't that bad to me. Maybe its because I live here.
Originally Posted by Young Retroz

Tivoli Gardens Jamaica‎
My friend say it's madnessss out there

SouthEast (DC)
The "East End" (Downtown Newport News)
Behind my dorm

A few areas I don't like to frequently visit...
Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by supasaint01

upstate NY, soft..they think they hard until you pull the blicker...
Are you crazy? I dont see any one from syracuse or manulis or buffalo in here talking about gun play or bird play or how rough their city is. You are just naming spots to name spots, and you're not pulling the "blicker" on anyone.
Who you confronting in upstate NY? Jerry McNamara?

There are parts of Syracuse I wouldn't be caught in. No offense to anyone from there but w/o the school or if you don't live in thesuburbs that city is a piece of ##$!.

Grimey places I have been to:
-The Oranges
-Parts of Philly (not from there so I don't know the neighborhoods)
- Parts of Baltimore (same as Philly)
-Brownsville and some of ENY (don't go there if I don't have any business to handle)
-So. Bronx
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by cOuntrybOygOtHEaT

Originally Posted by Vancity74

The epitome of the word 'grimey' - Hastings Street in Vancouver (like two blocks away from my crib).
vancouver? you serious??
Wiki 'skid row' and tell me what comes up.
I'm pretty sure the skid row in Los Angeles is more grimey
Originally Posted by DMasta718

South Central

funny thing is that I didn't know I lived in the murdercapital of NYC

nah but ENY aint that bad I don't think
I think I have you all beat.

In 1998 I went to Patpong, Thailand...


%%+*%# of all sorts, oh and "lady boys" if that's your thing.

In Patpong I...

- went to the "F" Show, which is literally when two people have sex right in front of a crowd.

- saw a grown woman open a Coke bottle with her nether region.

- saw another woman draw a picture of a Thai beach with pens and markers using her nether region instead of her hands, which she then gave to a newlywed couplein the "audience".

...To be honest, all of this was really disturbing and made me thankful for my life back home.
Bahia, Brazil! It's beautiful, and horrendous at the same time. I had to crap in a hole in the ground in an establishment. Places abroad definitely trump anything in the states.
probably Tijuana.

I was doing missionary work back in HS and it was sad seeing families living in boxes & huts in the country-side.

Also, I was at our affiliate pastor's house eating tacos in the frontyard and locals were walking around with their AK-47's, as if they were walking their dogs. Had me like 
Manhattan Beach California

strap up or get clapped up around that way, the local goonies don't play and got the yoppas ready.
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