NT Whens the last time you've been in a fight? Fisticuffs vol. 1

in highschool got my *** beat

i fought again outisde a bar , i got the first hit so i knocked him cold, but a panic-attack followed, police station was half a mile away and well you know the rest was scared for the remainder of the weak

i started boxing about 3 years ago, and it's an eye-opening experience, youre much more calm, and never get angry, dont get me wrong i recently got my car towed and was pissed off, but i knew it was thursday and i was going to get that work, so i couldnt be pissed for long, you really get humbled

i recommend it to all these internet thugs, when you get a small 135 lber beat you up, you'll be alot more aware of starting or being angry at people, im not going to lie, when i do get disrespected or slighted, i do think, don't they know? but it is never that serious
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Fought someone at the park once.

Dude kept fouling kept fouling, I told him watch it on the next one. 

He didn't.

So I swung and dude got wobbly knees. Proceeded to swing a few more and he fell. It was done after that. 
Oh, ok wrong cat
Pick up ball is the worst...we had an open run at St. John's once at Alumni. Dude who looked like Shyne suckerpunched some goober for no reason. Next week, saw Shyne in the bright oranges picking trash on the service road of the GCP :lol:


I don't know what it is about pick-up games. The trash talking always come out from some clown and then somebody takes it too serious and gets all butt hurt and want to prove their manhood.:rolleyes

I swear all the p/u games i've had about half of them almost ended in bloodshed.

Get off the court and go to the boxing gym with that ish.
My last fight wasn't really that big of a deal. Hardly a real fight.

About 5 years ago I was leaving this club back in the town I went to college in. The drunk white guy pushes me and I fall to the ground. I was drunk too. I got up, turned around, and coldcocked the nearest person to me. Apparently I hit the friend that was trying to get in between me and the guy that pushed me. My friends pulled me off and we left. :lol:
Last year this dude was talking trash from his car. I didn't see him get out and sneak around because I was trying to catch a cab. He gets out and sneaks around behind me and punches me in the back of the head. I was already back conscious right when I hit the ground. He also didn't know the other guy standing there was my friend. I get up my friend already had him handled and he was down. Beat that dude like a drum with my boot. Hollow sounds coming out and all. :lol: ****** idiot won't sucker punch someone next time.

Not really a fight but whatever.

This was the convo and he was driving a yellow van...

Me: are you a cab?

Him: no I'm not a ******* cab idiot.

Me: stand down dumb ***

I guess that inspired him to try and pull some ninja sneak sucker punch crap.

I don't like fighting and all that but I'll def get down if I need to. That's literally all that set him off :lol:
mojodmonky1 mojodmonky1
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Last year this dude was talking trash from his car. I didn't see him get out and sneak around because I was trying to catch a cab. He gets out and sneaks around behind me and punches me in the back of the head. I was already back conscious right when I hit the ground. He also didn't know the other guy standing there was my friend. I get up my friend already had him handled and he was down. Beat that dude like a drum with my boot. Hollow sounds coming out and all. :lol: ****** idiot won't sucker punch someone next time.

Not really a fight but whatever.

just curious, why was some random dude jawin at you from his car?

last fight i been in was atleast 10+ years ago. Buncha drunk white dudes just rolled up to my buddys apt that we were partyin at and things turned quickly. Not sure anyone really won or lost, it was just a lot of wild punches being thrown and all out bedlam. I guess one of their dudes lost cause he somehow ended up getting dragged into the apt from outside where he just started curb stompin the kid. They ended up getting one of our guys later in the night when he was leaving to walk to his car in the parking lot by himself.
Last fight was like 2007.. I'm in Jimmy Jazz getting all of the newest fashions, because you know I had to cop the new Gino Green hoody to match my grapes. So son comes up to me trying to get me to buy him a pair of sneakers, asking me for my money infront of everyone, and I tell him to back off. Some words get exchanged and he presses up on me, trying to get all up in my ear. So I push him back. As I push him back I can feel something big in his waist band and he was reaching for it. So as he reached for it, I held his hand down and whatever he was grabbing for, and proceeded work his mouth real quick till he fell face flat. I was still holding onto him so I fell with him and I gave him some side body shots from behind. I turned him over and lifted up his shirt to see what he was concealing in his pants and it turned out is was just a PSP (play station portable). Needless to say, I got kicked out of Jimmy jazz and I never got my Gino Green :frown:
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When I first touched down in phx in 03-04 I got into it with this big white dude (maybe 6'5 250) When they were constructing the 51 freeway.
While merging onto freeway off I think thomas or Indian school Homie almost hit me with his big *** lifted truck. **** had the whole "choppers" theme when it was big.
I sped up and flipped him off. He then caught up and blew me a kiss laughing. I pulled over to the right and he did as well. Sat in my car grabbed my ruger under the seat and placed on top of door mat. Maybe 30 sec went by and he hopped out. Dude was tall and cut. I'm 6'2 and 310 solid about that time. So I figured fair fight.
Dude had his shirt off too walking towards the ride. Waited til he got closer to see if he was strapped. He wasn't so I hopped out.
I hollered out that he almost hit me. He yelled out "so" then boom. Left hook to the side of his head and a right cross. Missed with the right but I connected with the hook because he flew into some barricades and dropped. Went to kick him in his grill then he covered up. I stopped and he crawled back to his ***** *** truck.

Got into it last yr with a half blk/samoan yg in Seattle who disrespected my girl Cuzzo. Blacked out and next thing I knew I was on top of him chocking the **** outta him. Dude looked like Arnold in total recall with his eyes bout to pop out. Lil Homie was about 5'11 but 300+
Woke up sore as **** and Seperated my shoulder. Heard he got locked back up due to missing work/community service due to his face And body being f'd up.
When I first touched down in phx in 03-04 I got into it with this big white dude (maybe 6'5 250) When they were constructing the 51 freeway.
While merging onto freeway off I think thomas or Indian school Homie almost hit me with his big *** lifted truck. **** had the whole "choppers" theme when it was big.
I sped up and flipped him off. He then caught up and blew me a kiss laughing. I pulled over to the right and he did as well. Sat in my car grabbed my ruger under the seat and placed on top of door mat. Maybe 30 sec went by and he hopped out. Dude was tall and cut. I'm 6'2 and 310 solid about that time. So I figured fair fight.
Dude had his shirt off too walking towards the ride. Waited til he got closer to see if he was strapped. He wasn't so I hopped out.
I hollered out that he almost hit me. He yelled out "so" then boom. Left hook to the side of his head and a right cross. Missed with the right but I connected with the hook because he flew into some barricades and dropped. Went to kick him in his grill then he covered up. I stopped and he crawled back to his ***** *** truck.

Got into it last yr with a half blk/samoan yg in Seattle who disrespected my girl Cuzzo. Blacked out and next thing I knew I was on top of him chocking the **** outta him. Dude looked like Arnold in total recall with his eyes bout to pop out. Lil Homie was about 5'11 but 300+
Woke up sore as **** and Seperated my shoulder. Heard he got locked back up due to missing work/community service due to his face And body being f'd up.

Ain't mad at your second story, but be careful with that road rage **** homie, dude could've had the strap in the back of his pants.
I notice its a lot of NYC cats, grown as hell, still fighting folks....ijs
too much tension and don't give a **** attitudes in this city. Also huge population in such a small area
A guy that rolled with us to the club got some Samoan guy mad cause he was dancing with his girl, so said guy that rolled with us grabbed my homie that was the same size as said Samoan guy and he started telling him off. Then my homie just said. It's got nothing to do with me so get out of my face. Samoan guy got frustrated and sucker punched him and an all out brawl took place. I roll with a group of a mixed crowd. But the Samoan guy rolled with all Polynesians. So it was easy for us to pick them out of the crowd. Homeboy that rolled with us. Got delt with after.
How you gonna start this thread with that weak *** "I woulda" story.

Bout four years ago for me. Molly whopped dude outside a bar. He was popping off to shorty and my homie and I had just had enough. Had dudes shoulders underneath my knees and was rocking him (left, right, left, right, etc.). His nose damn near fell off.

Bout 10 years ago in college I got WORKED at a party by a few cats. Teeth popped through my lips which let's me know I was talking **** when I took that first hit. I remember talking **** and then LIGHTS OUT :lol: A professor of mine had a good laugh with the rest of the class on why you shouldn't talk **** while hammered when I walked into class on Tuesday. It was lulz but I was still hurtin.
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My dude who saw Shyne :lol:

Son thought he had the piece and it was a PSP :lol:
2007, my senior year of high school.

Fought my ex bestie at his New Years party. Son three pieced me! :wow:

Got on top of him and started choking him.
I got sucker punched outside of a bar like a year ago. Luckily for the guy who sucker punched me the cops ripped up right after he hit me, so I couldn't hit him back.
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