NTers in Mass

Anyone know anyone trying to get rid of some Gamma XI size 12-13. Missed out on release date. Just trying to get a pair as close to retail as possible or just wait for a restock.
Damn what happend to this thread? C'mon Mass NTers keep this thread alive.
Anyone copping those X's ?
I've never been a fan of the 10s but I like these so I'm trying. There are only 6 people in line at downtown boston expressions so hopefully I get my pair. Seems like on NDC this morning they sold quick, all I see is a size 7 and 15 available now. Maybe the shoe is actually limited
Not a big fan of the 10, and def. not a big fan of this cw. I'm actually trying to cut back a little on J's and go for a change, with an exception for the 6's which are my grails. Been picking up a few air max's and flyknits and wand to start focusing on for durable kicks like the Lebrons, kobes and KD's. Has anyone been able to pick up any of the kobe prelude kicks. Been thinking about cheating....cough, use a bot, cough....on the kobe 7 next weekend. It'' be my first time.
passed on the 10s. I'm only coping kicks I really really like and know I will wear. These don't pass the test. I'm surprise their selling. Thought they looked pretty ugly.
I'm buying them. I traded away my DTRT 3s over the summer and now I regret it. This will be a reasonable replacement
These look way better then the DTRT, IMO. I just thought the green and yellow threw off the look on them. I'm gonna have to take a look at these this week at my local spot
What's everyone's thought on the blue 3? Quality wise they look good, but I might stay away
You talking bout those powder joints?


most likely won't buy...maybe for my lil sister or something

P.S. I'm surprised at how those bobcats are selling on ebay..been seeing pairs going for 230 easily
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