hahahah, not a whole lot of us man.
plus its snowing now, so no heat will be worn, not to mention that no one really has any heat here
my opinion thouhg
How many ppl are the on NT in utah...prolly less than 10 or 15 im guessing??

I have never been to the summit, what is it? sry if i sound or seem like a idiot for not knowing
there's not that many. I'd be down for a summit, something cheap though, I just paid for school
Another SLC member here.

I remember the last summit that we planned and everyone flaked out

Lets try it again though
But what exactly is the summit? again...dont mean to sound like an idiot....just wondering

oh and verdykt...that sig is sick...how can i get that?

and where do all of yall live by?? around 8200 S and 1300 east here by that new century
Originally Posted by sw33nskill

But what exactly is the summit? again...dont mean to sound like an idiot....just wondering

oh and verdykt...that sig is sick...how can i get that?

and where do all of yall live by?? around 8200 S and 1300 east here by that new century
Holladay part of town here.

A summit is where people from the forum get together, discuss kicks and what not. I went to a few summits in Houston and there were shoe displays.
^^^oic... i thought it was a place at first...thanks for clearing that up for me haha

do you guys know of any place to play some ball around here on a regular basis with good games??
You can just copy the sig and paste it in your preferences. Change it to whatever you want. I just put price's name up cause I went to school with him atUVSC,
Originally Posted by Verdykt

You can just copy the sig and paste it in your preferences. Change it to whatever you want. I just put price's name up cause I went to school with him at UVSC,

Thanks man.

Now do you guys know of anywhere to play ball???
i know this is not even worth asking but any stores here getting thecountdown pack this weekend?
haha for real, the only store i could think of that possibly could have it would be osines (im not sure if thats how you spell it, i can never remember).
My friend told me that the finishline in University Mall is getting them. he's there like every day. They got those gay*!#% fusions there
i went to fashion place asking about the pack. for some reason, both employees were convinced the pack is dropping next weekend.
i dont think that any stores in utah got them.
if they did i would like to know. anyone get them?
im thinking ill be paying the premium for them....
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