NTers that work full time - do you love what you do?

My job is pretty boring but it's an entry level position. I would like to find out what exactly I am passionate about that will also pay well.
i use to hate till i lost it now i wish i had one and i had a very cool job just joke like crazy n work alittle...n didnt get fired cuz of that either FYI
For my full-time job I'm the lead graphic/web designer for a computer solutions company. Of course I love it, especially because I get to work from home.
I don't love my job, I definitely don't hate it, and I know I'm very fortunate to have it. I'm the boss, I have banker's hours, I'mdressed to the nines when I go to work, and financially it allows me to do/get what I want. I'm closing on my condo on March 6th, and my job is whatallowed me to do that without a wife, girlfriend, roommate, cosigner, second income, etc. Anyway, I'm thankful.

I'd rather be a cage fighter or a DJ tho.
Sometimes I love my job.
Sometimes I don't.
Being a paramedic sometimes suck.
24 hour shifts can take a toll on the body.
Pay isn't all that great either.
i work the overnight at a gym..and i hate it..people always ask me questions like im a trainer...wich i am not..and its all around boring..plus there no eyecandy..what respectable dime is at the gym at 4 in the morninG.. on the other hand.. i get too werkout for free 7 days a week.. wich isnt bad.. plus i have allthe benefits of having a personal gym..being that its allways soo dead and im by myself..i play whatever music i want..as loud as i want..and set up any workout i want.. all jobs have there pros and cons
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

pay is good...but i dont see myself doing this for more than another couple years. going back to school most likely to get a grad degree
Really need to get a "real" job...I'm really interested in getting back into direct care. I worked with kids 6-18 and ended up getting fired fromthat job, but still loved doing it. That was a yr ago and I feel like I've grown enough to do it right this time. Pay is decent, but impact is great so illcontinue to be hopeful.
i love where i work. people are cool, clients for the most part are cool too.

atmosphere is great, benefits are pimp too!
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